Chapter 7

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I couldn't help myself last night. Ethan was practically begging for me to take control, so I did. I watch as he sleeps, the sun beginning it's ascent into the sky, casting a faint glow over the man.

I yawn, stretching deeply, then quietly exiting his bed and head to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. Some habits doesn't leave, and I quite like the habit of waking up with the sun. My shower is steaming hot, to wash away any impurities and to cleanse my mind as well.

I wrap the towel tightly around my waist, exiting the bathroom and seeing a kneeling Ethan, wide awake. "Go shower and brush your teeth, then come back when you're done." He nods, bowing his head in thanks and then he's off.

I sit on his bed, a loose pair of shorts covering my legs, but I leave my torso bare. Sure, it's riddled with scars but I'm confident in my body and in myself. I worked hard to be alive and have the body that I have now, so why should I be ashamed of it?

Ethan comes back in a towel and I take in his slightly pink skin. "Drop the towel, pup." I keep my demand light, letting him know he can back out at anytime. I give him all the time he needs, as he decides on whether or not, he'll actually do it. He takes a deep breath and then the towel is gone. My mouth water at such a delicious sight and I refrain from pouncing on him. "Kneel," he does, "spread your legs wider, hands behind your back." I hum in approval as he does everything I say perfectly.

I move over to him, circling him and just giving teasing touches here and there. I tell him to sit on the bed and my hand grasps his cock, giving him teasing strokes as he fights to hold off his moans and groans. My pace speeds up, and I take in the blissful expression on his face.

I force him to look at me, his eyes meeting mine, before they slide shut in pleasure again. "Cum puppy." I demand and he does. He's beautiful as he falls apart. His moans finally escaping him as he loses himself. "You did so good for me." I murmur, placing a chaste kiss on his forehead as he pants heavily.

"Thank you, Sir." He whispers, his voice is slightly raspy from not using it.

"My pleasure." I grin. We clean ourselves up and then head downstairs for breakfast with everyone else. The dining room is quiet, when we enter. The boys seem to be in shock, but I pay it no mind.

Breakfast is a fruit salad, buttered toast, bacon, eggs, orange juice, water, and a small bowl of oatmeal as well, seeing as lunch will not be served on time today.

Lunch and dinner will be mixed, since Mitel and Cistel has something new and delicious planned. I finish eating, after almost everyone has finished, since I kept getting lost in thought.

I clear my mess, and head to the kitchen. Mitel already in there, stirring something on the stove. He looks back and he scoffs before facing forward again. I pay it no mind, since my phone is ringing. "Hello?" I answer the unknown number.

"It's Cory, how are you settling in?" She asks and I sigh.

"Eh, it's alright. Nothing I couldn't handle. Any updates?" I get straight to the point.

"No, but we do believe they're heading towards Old Chapel." Cory says and I nod. "The reason I called is because of your behavior, Mercury told me that you almost choked a boy out." Her voice is riddled with disappointment and I roll my eyes.

"He threw soup on me." I defend myself and I hear her gasp.

"So, you choke him out?" She hisses and I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Whatever, I don't have to explain myself to you. Next time, if Mercury has something to say he can address it with me." I sneer, anger slowly infesting me.

"You need to control yourself, these men are dangerous." She warns and I scoff.

"So am I." I snap and hang up the phone, fuming silently to myself. I storm to the doors, slamming them behind me as I head to the woods, surrounding the house.

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