Chapter 18

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F J O R D  Ö S L A K E N

A light knock sounds at the game room door and I lock eyes with Cistel, raising my brow. Mercury sighs, then make his way to the door. "Yeah, sushi is on the counter, whenever y'all are ready for lunch." Lucifer's unmistakable voice, rings out clearly, through the quiet game room.

"Oh, thank you." Mercury awkwardly replies and I want to bang my head against the glass table right in front of me.

"Don't mention it, if you need me I'll be in my room." He says, and I hear the unmistakable giggle of a girl.

"Who was the other person?" I ask, unable to contain my curiosity.

"Ah, that's Cory. They work closely together." Mercury shrugs and I fight to keep the air of nonchalance around me.

"I see." I mutter, this man would rather some girl over us? I think to myself. We have been kind. We have given him the space he needs, all just to run into another person's arms?

My blood boils, as I think of all the stuff they'll be doing in his room. The room I haven't even really stepped foot into yet. My stare is blank as they continue to play their stupid game. I grab my phone and sign into the camera's I've installed into his room.

There they lay, she's wrapped up in his arms, watching some dumb movie as they eat. The other boys know nothing about the camera's and I plan to keep it that way. I tune into the audio after putting on my headphones. "She's definitely going to die." Lucifer mutters and I suppress the shock of pleasure that runs up my spine.

"Of course she is, who goes into a haunted building?" Cory says and I roll my eyes at her voice, that should be me in his arms not her.

"Love, you okay?" Ethan asks me and I force a smile on my face.

"Yeah, of course." I place a chaste kiss on his lips, then he moves back to watching Avery and Noah compete against each other. I turn back to my screen, growing even more furious as they laugh.

"We should get ice cream." Cory says and she has the audacity to bat her eyelashes at him.

"Alright, go get dressed." My eyes widen, when I see her in a bra and HIS basketball shorts. She slips on HIS hoodie and then he is smiling at her.

"I'm ready." She mutters and then he ushers her out of the room. His eyes look directly into the camera and I look back, knowing that he'll never be able to find it.

I put my phone down, taking out my headphones, while I wait for them to come back to the room. A soft knock is placed on the door, and then they enter. "We're going out, we'll be back in an hour or two." Lucifer addresses the room, but his eyes stays on mine.

"Oh okay, where are you going?" Mercury asks and I see if he'll tell the truth.

"We're going to get ice cream. If you want some just text me the flavors and I'll bring it back." His eyes run over Mercury's and I know that Mercury is fighting so hard not to curl into himself.

No matter what we say, Mercury has always been real self conscious about his body. His parents are assholes, so he never really got to experience compliments and love until he moved out. "Okay, thank you." He nods jerkily and I want to drop my mouth open in shock.

Usually, Mercury is confident, but around Lucifer he isn't and it's concerning a bit. I get it, we all want him, but to me it seems as if he doesn't want anything to do with us. He just wants to be around that girl.

We all rush to the window and watch them leave. He opens the door for her and the anger begins to boil in me. That should be me. Lucifer gets into the driver's seat and then they're off. "Y'all got alot of work with that one." Yortel says around a mouthful of popcorn and I raise a brow at him.

"Shut up." I hiss, sitting angrily on the sofa.

"It's true, he's more closed off than Sage and Dillion put together." Taylor says and I excuse myself from the room. I don't have to listen to their useless conversation.

I enter Lucifer's room, quietly. I check through his closet and grab a t-shirt from the back of the closet. Hopefully he won't miss it, and if he does, oh well. I lay on his bed, rolling around on it, to get her scent out of it. Once I'm satisfied, I lay back, my eyes scanning the bare room. After five minutes has passed, I get up and quietly exit his room, with the t-shirt in hand and go back to my own room.

I strip quickly, after locking my door and lay down on my bed. I bring his shirt to my nose and inhale deeply as I begin to stroke my cock. I know I'm not allowed to, but if I stay quiet then they'll never know. 

Just his scent alone has me ready to cum, but I hold off, wanting this to last longer. Precum glistens on the head of my cock, and I feel the familiar tightening in my belly, the closer my orgasm draws near. My whimpers and moans are drowned out by the shirt pressed over my face. With one last stroke, I cum, whispering his name.

Lucifer's Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن