Chapter 40

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I force my anger down as I take in the scene before me. "Daddy, if you want I can handle this." Mercury offers but I shake my head no, not trusting my voice.

"I want you to head home and bring the bigger car." I hand him the keys, as I continue to watch the boys from the shadows.

"I'll be right back." I kiss him and then he's off. Thirty minutes later, he's back, and I tell him to wait in the car, as I go to make my presence known.

"Boys." I look around the table and I revel in the pale faces in front of me. "Head to the car, Mercury is outside waiting for you." They seem to pale even further. I keep my tone neutral, refusing to give away any anger.

"S-sir-" I cut off Jackson's words with a glare and point towards the door. They all scramble to get out, as I turn to get the bill in order.

I call Mitel, and he answers immediately. "Hi Sir." He says excitedly in the phone and my anger is momentarily replaced with joy.

"Hi, sweetheart, what are you doing?" I ask him and I can hear Fjord, James, and Cistel in the background pleading with Mitel to let them have the phone.

"We're about to check out and then meet the other's at Chunky's." He says and I hate to be the one to kill their joy, but it must be done.

"Chunky's has been cancelled, after you're finished, head home." I demand.

"Yes Sir, we will." He says obediently and I say goodbye before hanging up and marching to the car.

"-think this is okay?" I walk in on Mercury scolding the boys.

"What were the rules for tonight?" I ask in a calm tone, keeping my back to them.

"T-to behave." Noah mutters and I motion for them to continue.

"To be home by seven." I nod as Jackson finishes, my eyes connect with Ethan's through the rearview mirror and he gulps.

"No Alcohol." He finishes and my hand grips the wheel tightly.

"Which two rules did you break, Ethan?" I ask, pulling into the house, but I see that Mitel beat us to the house.

"We didn't behave and we had alcohol." He whispers, looking down in shame.

"Get out the car." I unlock the door and they all step down, heading into the house.

I follow right behind them, pointing to the sofa so they can sit. "What happened?" Fjord asks.

"Someone get them some water." I demand and James scurries off to get some. "Noah explain to them what you and the others did."

"We misbehaved and had alcohol." Noah says and I see Mitel physically gasp, not in surprise but more so in annoyance.

"How many drinks did you have?" Cistel asks, wringing his hands together.

"Two each." I take a deep breath, forcing myself to relax.

"You three, head to your rooms. You aren't to leave it until I say, this is the first part of your punishment." I tell them and they head off. "You guys can do whatever it is you were doing." I tell the other boys and they disperse.

"We have to go get the other car." Mercury points out and I nod. I drive us back to Chunky's and he gets down, heading to the other car. We drive back and I enter the nearly silent house.

I climb the stairs and I hear sniffling coming from Ethan's room. As mad as I am at them, I don't want him crying himself sick. I knock lightly, then enter his room, seeing him curled up under his blankets, his black hair, peeking out slightly. "Puppy." I call to him and he seems to sob harder. I crawl into his bed, and pull the covers off his face.

"I-I'm sorry, Master." He sobs out, pushing into my embrace.

"Shh, shh, calm down puppy, it's okay." I soothe him. I wait until he's just sniffles and labored breathing before I say anything. "Now, I want you to know that I still lo-really care about you, baby. There is nothing for you to worry about. You're going to take your punishment like a champ and then we'll move on from this." I tell him, wiping away his tears.

"Yes Sir." He mumbles and I kiss him tenderly.

"Now, you get some rest, when dinner comes I'll bring it up to you." I pull away from him and he nods, looking at me through puffy eyes.

"Thank you." I give him a smile, then leave his room to check on Noah and Jackson. They were both sleep when I checked on them, so I just head to my room to lie down, since I know tonight will be a long night.

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