Chapter 47

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The next morning, I wake up to an empty bed. I sigh, rolling onto my back and stuffing my head into the pillow to keep the sun out of my eyes. I hear loud commotion coming from downstairs and I debate on whether or not to actually go down. The text chime from my phone draws my attention and I feel around for it blindly before grasping onto the sleek object.

I slightly squint my eyes at the messages in the group chat and I see that all the boys are demanding my attention urgently. With a heavy sigh, I slip into some boxers and one of Mercury's shirts and I head down the stairs, the shouting getting louder and causing an unbearable headache to form.

I see Mercury, Ethan, and Mitel in the middle, towering over someone and I observe for a minute more before making my presence known. "What is all the noise about?" I keep my tone neutral, even though I'm absolutely furious.

"We have a new addition to the house." The slightly shaky tone of voice Mercury displays has my brow drawing together in worry, as I look him over.

"And you are?" I look down at the curly red haired boy, glaring up at me from the floor.

"None of your business." He sneers and I take a deep breath to reign in my irritation.

"James, baby, can you get me two Advils and a glass of water please?" I ask the pretty boy to my right and he nods eagerly before shooting off to do so. I silently watch the red head, rubbing my temples gently to soothe some of the ache.

"What's wrong, my Master?" Mitel ask, but his eyes glare down at the boy.

"Just a simple headache. You three, go and sit." James comes back and hands me what I ask for. "Thank you." I gulp down the pills and finish the whole glass, before placing the cup on the coaster already set onto the glass coffee table in the living room. "Where was I?"

"You was asking the boy his name, Sir." Fjord interjects helpfully.

"Thank you lovely." I give him a dazzling smile and turn back to the boy. "Who are you and why do you think it's okay to scream in this house so early in the morning?" My voice comes out a mixture between a demand and irritation.

"H-he's a new guy sent from the states." Mercury explains, and as much as I want to turn and watch him, I keep my eyes clearly peeled on the boy on the floor.

"His name?" I ask, taking in every feature as I whip out my phone to text Chase.

"Finn Balor." Cistel speaks up from Noah's arms and I type out the name and within twenty tense minutes I get anything I can possibly get.

"I see you murdered your father." I speak casually and I see his face pale even further. "Now, there's no need to be embarrassed, we've all done things, but you will not be disrespectful to any of the boys here, am I clear?" My tone is slightly demanding and I narrow my stare, as I wait for my verbal answer.

"Yes, I understand." He squeaks out and I clap my hands together, causing him to jump slightly.

"Great! I'm Lucifer, these are the boys. When time comes they will properly introduce themselves, right now though, it's breakfast and I'm pretty sure there are cinnamon rolls." I ramble, pulling him up to his feet, and almost dragging him to the kitchen.

"Sir, I don't want cinnamon rolls."  Jackson whispers and I smile, because that means I can have his.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they made you a breakfast sandwich or something." I reassure him, taking the treat out of his hands.

"You'll have cavities one day." Mitel snickers and I shoot him a playful glare. I sip on the milk in front of me and sigh. Maybe he's right, but will that really stop me? Absolutely not.

"Everyone pack your bags, it must have clothes long enough for three weeks. You have..." I trail off, looking at the clock, "...two hours." They continue to sit there co fused and I sigh.

"What exactly am I packing?" Mercury tilts his head to the side and I want to jump on him and shower him in kisses from such a cute gesture, and I'm sure he picked up on it, because he adverted his eyes from mine with a deep blush.

"My apologies, beachy clothes, and maybe one or two formal outfits, now go, be free young ones." I say dramatically and once again they stare at me dumbfounded, but they slowly begin to get to work.

"It's okay, Master, we will get you the psychological help that you desperately need." James says with sad eyes and I tickle him until he's begging me to stop. I pat his bum and send him off to his room.

"Since you just got here, you can sort your things out in the living room." I tell Finn and he nods. I dash up the stairs and into my room, pulling the bag from underneath my bed.  "Chase, has everything been set up?" I speak cryptically, just in case the boys are listening in.

"Why does it sound like you're about to sell me massive amounts of drugs?" He chuckles down the line and I roll my eyes.

"It's a simple yes or no answer, Chase." I sigh, scratching my head.

"Since, you're dying to know, yes, everything is ready. Everyone is on place." He huffs, then begins to mutter about how he's underappreciated.

"Thanks." I hang up and head to Mercury's room, to see if he's ready. "What's wrong sweetheart?" I stand in-between his legs and pull his eyes up to meet mine.

"Nothing, just deciding on if I want a duffle bag or a suitcase with wheels." He sighs and I chuckle.

"Well then, let's go with the suitcase." I grab the small black suitcase and open it. I place the clothes sitting neatly on the bed inside as well as everything else he might need. "There, now head downstairs and pack some water and fruit, okay?"

"Aye Aye captain." He mocks salute, before rolling out. I do it for all the boys until we're all ready to go. We pile into the largest SUV with Finn, Noah, and Cistel sitting on some laps.

"Where are we going?" Finn asks, and I see the other boys trying to discreetly listen in.

"You'll see."

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