Chapter 10

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After filling up two baskets, I head to check out. My bill almost made me shit myself but I brave through it and swiped my card. The grocery boy helped me carry my stuff to the car, and I give him a nice tip.

I head back to the shopping plaza, picking up a few gift cards, since I have no idea what these guys like and I don't really want to leave and come back once I do find out. I stop at a jewelry story, seeing a necklace that caught my eye.

The necklace is on a gold, thin, chain link  chain, with a ball in the middle. If you look closely you can see the colors that most people would describe as the galaxy, with green being the main color. I swiped the necklace, heading to the check out. They box it up and I thank them, slipping the box into my hoodie pocket.

I wander around aimlessly, stopping for a cinnamon role and a strawberry lemonade. I buy some for the other boys and then I head back to the car, seeing the others already there. I place the box of cinnamon rolls in Mercury's hands and the cups of lemonade in Ethan's and they begin to pass it out, after they have thanked me.

I make sure the jewelry I bought is still hidden, then get into the SUV, sipping on my lemonade. The drive is filled with silence, besides the occasional sip of a drink. My eyes flicker over to Mitel and he seems to be enjoying his cinnamon roll.

I subconsciously wipe off the crumbs along his mouth, when we pull up to a stop light, ignoring his eyes on me. I pull into the garage and everyone disperses, grabbing their bags and I do the same as well. "Did anybody actually buy wrapping paper?" Mercury asks, and the boys all look dumbfounded.

"It's okay, I'll go get some." I spoke up and pulled the hoodie back over my head. I bolt to the door, wanting to be out the house for a bit.

"Do you want someone to go with you?" Mercury asks and I shake my head.

"Nah, I'll be fine. I'll call you when I reach the store." I say over my shoulder and then I'm gone, a relieved sigh leaving me, as the door shuts behind me.

I hop into the car, putting on some soft r and b music, humming along with it. My phone rings and I sigh, answering the call. "Yes Cory?" I fight to keep the annoyance out my voice.

"How are you?" She asks, her voice sounding unnecessarily giddy.

"I'm fine, how are you? Why do you sound so happy?" I fight to keep the suspicion out of my voice.

"Oh, that. I met someone today and he is so charming." She sighs and I roll my eyes. Why exactly is she telling me this? "He is absolutely beautiful."

"Oh okay." I murmur and my confusion is even more apparent. "Why are you telling me this exactly?"

"Well, w-we're friends. Friends share this type of stuff with each other." Her voice says and I can hear the underlying nervousness. I can either be nice and agree or crush her hope.

"Yeah, that's right." I murmur. Cory has been good to me and if she wants my friendship who am I to deny it?

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