Chapter 17

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"Are you feeling alright? You look a bit pale." Cory says, from the passenger seat. Of course I'm not alright, I literally had to go through every memory those people  gave me again.

"I'm fine Cory and of course I look pale, I'm white." I lift my arm up to show her my skin, just in case she forgot what color it actually is.

"No way, I totally thought you were black." She says sarcastically and I roll my eyes.

"Let's get sushi, then you can come back with me to the house and chill in my room." I tell her and she nods.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think you're trying to seduce me." She bats her lashes at me and I laugh, pushing her face away.

"Sorry Cory, but you don't have a real penis." I tell her and she pouts.

"That's what you think." She mutters, a mischievous grin on her face as she looks out the window. "Speaking of real penises, how are you and the boys getting along?"

"It's cool, they stay out of my way and I stay out of theirs." I shrug. "They have these two other houses in the house right now, so it's always so loud now." I complain.

"Well, maybe you should start interacting with them more, just get to know them a bit, so the whole time you're there you won't be miserable." She says.

"I'm not miserable. I have you, what more could I need." I look at her, since we're at a red light.

"That's so cute, but I'll be leaving for three weeks tomorrow and-" I cut her off.

"Three weeks? For what?" I raise my brow in confusion. "Also, why are you just now telling me?"

"It's for my grandma's funeral. I didn't know she was dying, so it's not like I could've marked it down on the calendar." She says sarcastically and I narrow my eyes at her tone. "I'm sorry I snapped on you, but yeah, I'll be gone for three weeks, it's time you actually start talking to the other's."

"I'm sorry for your loss." I say softly, seeing her blink her eyes rapidly from the corner of my eye. "I'll try, just for you." I say and she nods her head excitedly.

We reach the sushi place and Cory squeals excitedly. "You should buy some for everybody." She says and I nod. It's only fair. They do feed me all the time, so I might as well bring them something back.

The people at the restaurant was baffled by my large order, but we sit and let them take their time. We order a couple of drinks and just chat about nothing while we wait for the food to finish. "Alright, everything is in these bags." The waiter says to me, his eyes slowly dragging up to meet my face as he looks over me appreciatively.

"Thanks." I grab the bags from his hands with a bit more force than necessary, and motion for Cory to grab the drinks so we can go.

"He was so checking you out." She whispers to me and chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"Shush woman." The drive back to the house is filled with Cory teasing me about the guy and I am so close to banging my head against the steering wheel. "Wait, let me go and open the door, knowing you, you'll spill the drinks trying to open it yourself."

"That is so not true." Cory's muffled voice from inside the car says and I rush to her side, grabbing the drinks and letting her get out, before putting it back in her hands. I grab the food and we enter the house, loud screams coming from the game room area.

"Take off your shoes." I point to her boots and she toes them off quickly and I do the same to my sneakers. The kitchen is empty, so we place everything on the counter, then head back to the door to hang up our coats.

"You weren't kidding, they are loud." Cory jumps as she hear a loud thud with more screaming.

"I'm always right, sometimes." I shrug and she furrows her brows confused.

"That makes absolutely no sense, how can you always be right, then add sometimes." I shush her, by placing my finger on her lips.

"Shh, don't question the Master." She quirks her brow, then licks my finger and I cringe. I shove my finger in her mouth, then stick it in her ear as payback.

"Omg, why would you do that?" She rubs her ear, trying to get the saliva out.

"You did it first." I shrug and head towards the game room with her on my trail, complaining the whole way.

"Carry me?" I stop and put her on my back. "How the turns have tabled." She mutters, but I pretend not to hear, because I know if I ask her what she means, I will pull all my hair out.

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