Chapter 16

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The two men stare at me in silence and I stare right back. "So, why are you here?" Sage asks and I raise my brow.

"Witness protection." I say truthfully, he nods his head and I wait for the next question.

"Are you okay with the dynamic in the household?" Dillion speaks up and I tilt my head in confusion.

"What dynamic are we talking about here?" I keep my tone neutral, not giving anything away.

"The fact that all the boys are together. Surely, you must've picked up on it." Sage chuckles and I nod. Yeah, I have.

"Yeah, it's not really any of my business." Honestly, as soon as I get the all clear I'm out of here. My eyes scan over the message left by Cory and I thank the Lord up above for saving me from this awkward conversation. "As much as I would love to continue this completely random and awkward conversation, I got to go."

I stand up, and they follow behind me. We make it back to the dining room and I see it's a mess, but like I said earlier not my business. I grab my coat and head towards the front door. "Where are you going?" James soft voice asks me, as soon as my hand reaches the door knob.

"Out." My response is simple and short and I leave it at that. I head to Cory's car, seeing her already in the passenger seat.

"Hey, Luci, we have to go to my office today. My boss just wants to run through your story one more time." She sighs and I nod, knowing that today will be hell on Earth for me.


"Alright, Lucifer, please run us through January 4, 2056." The rapidly balding man in front of me says and I sigh, feeling myself getting sucked into the memory.

Rain pours down heavily from the sky. The lightning casting frightening images along the wall, and there I was curled into a ball, waiting for the rain to stop. My hand pressed against my mouth to muffle my own sobs and heavy breathing so they couldn't find me.

"Please clarify who they is, for the record." The man interrupts.

"Thomas and Melody Santana, my parents." I clarify and he motions for me to continue.

I could hear them arguing in their room. They were so angry about something, but I forgot to be honest. I hear a loud smack and then Melody's shrill cry after the smack. That tells me that Thomas has hit her.

Their room door slams open and shut harshly behind them and I quickly force myself to act like I'm sleeping, knowing that one of the two will be coming directly to me. I was right, it was Melody and she was furious. Her cheeks had the imprint of my father's hands and she was snarling at me.

That night she dragged me kicking and screaming out of my room and down to the living room. Something like this has never happened before, so my heart is racing and I have no idea what to do. She throws me outside and I get soaked instantly.

I beg and plead for her to let me in, but all she does is smirk and turn off the lights. I spend the whole night outside.

I finish my story. I make sure to keep my emotions out of it, because I refuse to go down that road again. "Uh, thank you for sharing." The man clears his throat. My eyes scan his name tag, Fredrick Gostum, he does look like a Fredrick.

"You're welcome." I shrug, feeling the underlying anger that always comes when this stuff happens. I was so weak then, I probably still am, but I refuse to go back and live through these memories. I know exactly how I am. If I can just forget it then everything will go away. Not everything needs to be talked about or analyze. I already know my childhood was bad, I don't need to keep reliving it.

Some people like to talk and get things off their chest, that's not me. When I get my hands on them, Melody and Thomas will cease to exist. "March 2, 2057." Fredrick's slightly squeaky voice snaps me out of my musings.

"There's not much I can actually say, they raped me repeatedly, they beat me until my jaw broke and my brain was left with a minor bleed, that I had to go and get surgery for it." My voice wavers slightly as I remember how pathetic I was, begging for mercy day in and day out.

"Anything else?" I shake my head and he writes down his notes.

"Are you able to continue or do you need a break?" Fredrick asks and I tell him to continue, the sooner this happens the faster I can leave.

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