Chapter 26

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My patience have began to run thin with Mitel. I've done nothing to him and yet he continues to act like I killed his cat or something.

Dinner has ended, and two days ago I took Mercury on a date. He is more carefree around me, he holds a conversation with me and I love it. He's positively glowing. Last night I took James on a date, we did dinner and a play, and he loved it.

It's so much fun discovering all the little things they like. It's also fun discovering the things they don't as well. Christmas is right around the corner and it's causing the excitement in the house to increase ten fold. "Hello?" I answer the phone to Cory, who's grinning from ear to ear.

"Ello Mate." She says in a fake Australian voice and I chuckle. I'm sat outside on the cold pool bed, with my headphones plugged into my phone talking to my friend.

"What have you been up too?" I ask, testing the waters slightly.

"Nothing really, everything is almost settled here, so next week Friday I'll be back." She says and I nod. "How are things with the boys?"

"It's going steady. I've taken James and Mercury on a date so far. I'm thinking about asking one of the boys tonight for a date." I tell her and she squeals excitedly.

"Omg, your life is like a movie right now." She chuckles and I roll my eyes. "I wish I had multiple love interests."

"You'll get whatever you want, whenever you need it." I tell her and she nods.

"What's the plan for tonight?" I shrug, I haven't really thought about it yet.

"I'm not sure honestly. I want to do something fun like a cooking class, but the only boy who really enjoys cooking, seems to hate me." I chuckle, brushing my nose awkwardly.

"Well, damn. I did not see that coming." She unhelpfully states.

"Thank you so much for the advice." I say sarcastically.

"I can't even help you, to be honest. I've never been in a relationship." She shrugs and I nod.

"Whatever, I'll figure something out. I got to go, it's time for lunch." I tell her.

"Alright bye bye." She sings and then I hang up, sighing as I lean back into the chair. I sneeze softly, then I head inside. Definitely can't afford to be sick right now.

"You alright, Lucifer? You look a bit pale." Ethan says and I wave off his concern.

"I'm fine." I sniffle, placing food on my plate and thanking the heavens above that it's soup.

"Maybe if he wasn't going outside to have private conversations with his girlfriend he wouldn't be feeling this way." Mitel mutters loud enough for me to hear and I chuckle.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I flash a fake smile. I don't know what his problem is. I haven't done anything to him.

"I'm pretty sure you heard me." He rolls his eyes and my grip on the spoon gets tighter.

"What is your problem?" I hiss at him. I can feel the spoon bending in my hand, but I pay it no mind.

"I don't have one. I just find it suspicious that you have the private phone conversations." He shrugs, eating his soup stiffly.

"You want to hear about what I talk about on the phone? You want to know about how my parents beat me so bloody I had to get surgery? Or how about where they're still on the run looking for me?" He goes to interrupt, but I stop him. "Oh no, I know what you want to hear, you want to hear me comfort my one and only friend over the loss of her grandma right?"

"I-I'm sorry. That's not what I meant at all." He says softly. I scoff and push the food away from me, my stomach now turning at the thought of my parents.

"Excuse me, I'm not hungry anymore. Thank you for preparing the meal, Mitel, Taylor, and Derik." I push myself away from the table, leaving my bowl of soup untouched.

I climb the stairs to my room, desperately needing a hot shower. Sure, not all my conversations are bad, but it's like he keeps pushing and prodding at me, accusing me of something I would never do.

The shower is steaming hot and I slide my eyes shut, allowing the water to completely drown me. A knock sounds at my door, but I ignore it, continuing on with my shower. Five minutes later, I exit the shower feeling better and my eyes land onto the boy on my bed. "Yes?" I ask him, unsure of what he wants.

"I just want to apologize for Mitel's behavior. He's a very nosy person and gets jealous when he's left out." Jackson says and I shrug.

"It's whatever." I say and move towards my closet.

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