Chapter 22

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"I have something to say." I announce to the table. I've given him more than enough time to get that shit out of my room, but it's still there.

"Oh, go on." Dillion says, raising his head from his conversation with Yortel and Abeh, I believe that's his name.

"I found a camera in my room." I keep my tone light and bland, but my eyes stay on Fjord.

"Uh, are you sure?" Ethan asks and I look at him now.

"Quite sure." I place the camera on the table and Fjord stiffens more. "It's crazy." I chuckle, brushing my thumb against my nose.

"Yeah." The table muttered. I go back to eating my food, the table now filled with silence, after the big reveal. I honestly don't care that there was a camera in my room, but that doesn't mean I won't say something about it.

I chuckle in my head, as I already see Mercury's harsh stare on Fjord, who keeps his eyes glued to the table. "What are we doing after dinner?" I break up the tension filled silence.

"Uh, we have a movie planned." Sage speaks up and I nod.

"What movie?" I ask, I don't really care but it's cool or whatever.

"Don't know, we'll figure it out when we get to the theaters." Sage says and I hum. At least we get to leave the house.

I grab another cookie off the tray, I've always been weak when it came to sweets. No matter what happens, I'll always be ready for the next treat. I've had like 10 cookies, three slices of sweet potato pie, and one slice of red velvet cake.


I pull a hoodie over my head as we prepare to leave for the theaters. I get down the stairs at the same time that Sage and Dillion arrives. We talk quietly amongst ourselves as we wait for the others.

Once everyone is ready, Mercury passes me a set of keys. "Would you drive the boys tonight. We'll take the bigger car, so we don't have to split up." He mutters, looking down.

"Sure." I shrug. I like to drive anyways. We head towards a large SUV and Mercury climbs into the passenger seat.

"We'll be in the car behind you." Dillion says climbing into his own SUV.

"I'll be in the one behind Dillion." Sage says and I nod, getting into the car. I reach over Mercury and put on his seat belt, before doing my own.

"Safety first." I mutter. The drive to the theater is tense, but I put on some music and pay it no mind. I park towards the front, and we all climb down.

"Noah and I want to watch that movie." Cistel points to an animated movie and Mercury moves to buy their tickets but I beat him to it. "Thank you." Noah and Cistel mutters before heading into the theaters and towards the snack line.

"Jackson, James, and I will watch the action movie." Mitel says and I nod buying those tickets as well.

"Fjord and I will watch that scary movie." Ethan says and once again I pay.

"What movie would you like to watch, Mercury?" I ask him, since we are the only two left out here. Everyone else has found their movie.

"Uh, anything is fine." He says and I nod, reading off some movies to see how he reacts to each of them. The movie that gets the most reaction out of him is a movie for kids, but I don't care.

It's about pets that can talk, and he seems genuinely interested in it. I hold my hand out for him to take, but he hesitates to long so I just grab it myself and head inside the theater. I hand the tickets to the boy behind the counter, and move over to the snacks. "You want some popcorn?" He nods and I get a large one for us to share and a drink.

"Thank you." I give him a nod and look around for the theater we're supposed to be in. I love this theater because the seats are beds. So we can lay down and watch the movie.

"Here climb into the bed, Mercury." I gently guide him to one at the top. The theater is empty, and that seems to make him nervous, but I pretend not to see it. I place our drinks into the cup holders, and set the popcorn in the middle of the bed inside the holder as well. "You alright? All comfortable?" I check in with him.

"Yes, thank you." He nods and I sit back and relax, watching his face as the movie plays on. He looks so relaxed, so carefree. He normally looks stressed or nervous, but then again I haven't really been around him enough to know.

I run my fingers through his hair, and he allows me to, pushing further into my hand and I smile. I love taking care of people, but I just don't know how to actually talk to people. I want that love, that care, but I'm also scared of opening myself up, but I'll try.

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