Chapter 39

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"Hello?" I answer Chase's call and I hear loud tropical music behind him.

"Boss, thank you for the trip." He yells down the phone and I chuckle.

"No problem." I reassure him, and I hear the music get softer, meaning it stopped or he walked away.

"Anyways, I know I'm supposed to be on vacation, but after you told me that your parents were being paid to beat you I did some research and I would advise you to sit down if you aren't already." I instantly sober up, feeling all traces of laughter turn into seriousness.

"What did you find out?" I sit on the plush sofa.

"You aren't Thomas' real son. You were made in a lab. Your mother and father is unknown, but you were placed in the government's experimental program. After you turned, 10, which was when your 'mother' or shall I say, first guardian was killed they disbanded the program entirely and just left the kids with whatever handler they were already staying with.

They would put kids in extreme situations and see what would happen to them. See if they would survive and unfortunately for them only one kid survived in these harsh conditions and that's you. They ordered Thomas to get rid of you, but that greedy bastard made a deal with the Russian Mafia.

They planned to use you as a weapon, but when you escaped it all backfired. The leader of the Russians have gone into hiding, but they still want you. I was thinking since you know both Dillion and Sage, you can ask them for help. Dillion is literally the head of all Mafia's and they all answer to him, even those of the Russian Mafia, but according to my research, he had no idea this was happening since, he only took over a year ago. His father though, was all over this. " Chase finish speaking and I take deep breaths.

"Where is Dillion's father?" I ask, clenching my jaw tightly.

"He killed him and he killed his mother, so you have nothing to worry about there. All you have to do is tell him about the Russian's and he'll handle everything from there, that way you won't have to kill anymore people." I contemplate Chase's theory and I sigh. I haven't talked to Sage or Dillion since Christmas and that was four months ago.

"Alright, let me give him a call." I sigh, hanging up the phone with Chase. I click Dillion's contact and wait impatiently for him to answer.

"Lucifer, you called?" I can't tell if he's surprised or not, since his voice is so flat.

"Yes, I know I'm terrible at keeping up with y'all, but I have some important information and I need your help." I get right to business.

"Yeah, what can I do for you?" He asks and my eyes snap up, and I catch Mercury's greenish brown eyes on me. I explain to him everything that Chase just told me and I keep eye contact with Mercury, who seems to be caught in a constant state of shock.

"Wow, that is alot to take in." He sighs and I murmur in agreement. "Don't worry I'll have everything sorted tonight and I'll call you when it's over."

"Alright, thanks." I hang up and motion for Mercury to come closer. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"That's crazy." Is all he says and I chuckle, unable to help myself. I push some hair out of his face and plant a kiss on his collar bone.

"Don't worry, this will all be over soon." I tell him and he nods.

"Where is everybody?" He looks around confused.

"They went to Chunky's for the game." I tell him and he just nods. "That's okay, right?" I ask, making sure I didn't overstep my boundaries by letting them go.

"Oh yeah, of course." He reassures me and I nod.

"I just don't want to overstep any boundaries is all." I explain and he gives me a smile.

"Honestly, I'm glad you're able to make decisions like this for us. I like that you can give us certain freedoms and rewards and the boys do too." Mercury explains and I give him a genuine smile.

"I'll make sure to remember that." I tell him. "Now, go put on some pants, I want to go get us something to eat, then we'll swing by Chunky's to make sure they're behaving." I grin mischievously at the last part.

"Aye aye captain." He mocks salute, then before I can say anything he's already gone. I wait less than five minutes. We head to the car, and I hold open his door as I wait for him to get into the car. "Thank you, D-daddy." He says shyly, and I peck his lips.

"You're welcome, sweet boy." I close his door, then move onto the driver's side. We pull into a nice restaurant and I escort him to the hostess stand, where they lead us to a table. "You can order whatever you like." I tell him, but when his eyes catches mine, I see a glassy sheen to them. "What's wrong?" I take his hand in mind.

"I-I don't know. The menu is just so overwhelming and I-I don't know what to choose. I sound so stupid right now." He places his head into his hands and I wish I can scream and beat up anyone who made Mercury feel this way.

"Now, look at me Mercury." I stop and wait for his eyes to meet mine. "It's okay to ask me for help, I am your Dom, your Daddy, so you never have to be afraid to ask me anything." I tell him fiercely and he nods, wiping his eyes.

"C-can you order for me please, Daddy?" He asks and I smile.

"Of course I can." I kiss his fingers then pull away, to look at the menu.

We eat our food, chatting lightly amongst each other. I pay and then we're off to Chunky's.

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