Chapter 27

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J A C K S O N  P E N L O C K

My heart races as I continue to sit on the edge of Lucifer's bed. I haven't really interacted with him much, but the ones who have seems to really enjoy his company.

"Do you want to stay in my room?" He asks me and I nod.

"Yes, I would like that." I tell him. "I brought you your soup." I tell him handing him the hot bowl. He spoons some out and I watch him eat his food silently. I love watching people I want eat. Everyone eats in such unique ways.

"Thank you." He says licking his pale pink lips once more and I tighten my legs, and force my cock to stay down.

"Uh, no problem." I try to sound casual. I watch as he blows on the hot soup before his lips wrap around the spoon and swallows it down, once again his tongue swipes over his lips and I bite mine to stop the low moan from escaping.

This is one of the many reasons I love meal times. I study the way he bends slightly to get to his soup and I'm sure you can see the lust clearly on my face. I've long since given up on keeping my cock unhard, but the way Lucifer eats is unholy.

He savors every bite, he hums after each spoonful as if it's the most delicious thing he's tasted. It feels like he's teasing me, bringing me close to the edge, then stopping again. He places the bowl down, sighing happily and I take deep breaths to pull me out of the land of lust and back into reality. "You like watching me eat?" His eyes stay trained on me and I know he can see the blush forming on my face.

"I'm sorry if that was weird." I mutter.

"I didn't tell you to apologize, I asked if you liked watching me eat." His tone is sharp.

"Yes I do, Sir." I let the last part slip out, widening my eyes when I realize what I just said.

"I see, go put on some warm clothes, I'm taking you somewhere." My heart races in happiness. It's my turn. My turn for a date.

"I'm ready." I come back ten minutes later, bundled up and I see he is too.

"Let me tell Mercury we're going, you meet me at the front door." He says, then walks off. I follow his directions and wait for him by the door. "Okay we can go." He reaches his hand out for me to take and I do so.

"Where are we going?" I ask. He opens my door, ignoring my question and motioning for me to get into the car.

"You'll see." Is all he says when he gets into the driver's seat. The ride is filled with soft music and we talk about nothing in particular. I want to bounce around in excitement.

The boys have been on their best behavior, trying to score a date, and so far only James and Mercury, but I'm excited that I get to go. We stop in front of a plain looking building, in the middle of nowhere and I give him a curious look. "You're not going to kill me right?" I chuckle nervously.

"Get out the car." He says a smirk on his face and it causes my heart to beat faster. We get to the building and he knocks some sort of pattern on it and it opens with a creak. A small old man, looks up at us and gives Lucifer a bow, before opening the door wider.

"Uh, what is going on?" My questions go unanswered as we walk through the empty building. We get to a field and it has so many flowers and people are scattered around here and there. I awe at the beauty in front of me. My two favorite things flowers and people eating. Did he watch me take care of the plants in the garden? "This is beautiful." I whisper, not taking my eyes off the scene.

"It sure is." I can feel his eyes run over me. "Come, let's go take our spot." He takes my hand and gently tug me towards an empty area. The closer we get I can see it's a blanket, with a couple of pillows on it. There's some cheese, fruit, crackers and sparkling wine as well.

The blanket is surrounded by flowers, so we walk on the stone path to our spot. I sit in between his legs, munching on the cheese and crackers that's been placed out. The 'wine' is sparkling apple and it's very good. "Thank you for taking me out." I say, snuggling further into him. This is the life.

"Thank you for coming with me." He responds and places a gentle kiss on my forehead. The rest of the date is spent with light chatter and after an hour of sitting in the field we must head back, since it's getting close to dinner.

Lucifer heads up to his room and the boys surround me, wanting to know what happened on the date. "Oh guys, it was perfect." I sigh out, throwing myself onto the sofa.

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