Chapter 9

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"Boys, get ready, we must start shopping for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Remember both Pluto and Solar will be joining us this year!" Mercury says, as we finish up eating breakfast.

"Who is Pluto and Solar?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

"They're my cousins. They also run a home like this, except it's for boys who come from bad homes." Mercury explains and I nod. Great, more people.

I sigh, washing my plate. I don't really see the point in me joining in the activities, but I have nothing better to do, so why not?

According to Cory, I'll be stuck here through the holidays anyways, so I might as well enjoy my time. I head up to my room to change into something more appropriate, which basically means throwing on a shirt.

I put on a plain white hoodie, since it is a bit chilly outside and keep on my black basketball shorts. I trudge down the stairs, my socks slipping slightly on the freshly polished floor. Turns out James is a big stickler on being clean, and I mean obsessively clean, so the house is always sparkling clean.

I heard Mercury and him talking, and Mercury was going to hire a maid cleaning service, but James flipped his shit and well, no maid cleaning service has stepped foot into this house again. I sit on the sofa, my legs stretched out in front of me as I wait for the boys to get ready. Funny how I was the last one to finish cleaning up, but I'm the first one ready to go.

I put on some random show, and scroll through my phone as I wait. A cough brings me out of my own world and I look up and see one of the twins, based on the sneer, I'm assuming it's Mitel. I have no idea what his problem is, around the other boys he's all happy and smiley, but with me he has an unbearable attitude.

I take a deep breath and turn away from him, not wanting to get into an altercation right now. After the dream from last night, it will not be pretty. Thinking about my 'parents' tends to put me in a bad mode and the slightest thing can set me off. I'm not usually a short tempered guy, but having those memories resurfaced tends to make my patience less.

I laugh softly at the video playing on my phone. The girl slipped on some ice, watching people fall never failed to make me laugh. I hear a scoff next to me and I continue to ignore it. Honestly, he's not even worth my attention at this point.

The sound of the other boys coming down the stairs, brought a sigh of relief that I didn't even know I needed. I stand, moving towards the door, when Mitel shoulder checked me. I take a deep breath, knowing getting into it with him isn't worth it. I slip on my slides, pulling my hoodie closer to my body as the wind whipped through me.

"Lucifer, you can drive the first car and I will drive the second one." Mercury hands me the keys and I nod, accepting it. "Jackson, Noah, Cistel, and Ethan will ride with me, while Mitel, Fjord, and James will ride with you."

"Alright." I shrug, heading towards the SUV. I climb into the driver's seat and Mitel, slides in next to me in the passenger seat, pressed into the door. "I'm not going to hurt you." I mutter, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever." He snaps, moving further from me and I chuckle. I start the car and pull out slowly, following behind Mercury to town. The car ride is filled with James and Fjord chatting amicably and asking me questions, that I answer easily.

Mitel sits in silence, eyes glued out the window, but we pay him no mind. "Alright, get out." I tell everyone as I unlock the doors after parking next to Mercury, who's already locked up his vehicle.

"Come on guys, let's get started." Mercury claps his hand together. "Ethan, you take Noah and Cistel, Mitel, you can take Fjord and Jackson, and I'll take James, Lucifer you can tag along with me and him." I nod, shrugging my shoulders. I'll probably slip away.

Everyone disperses and I follow behind the giggling James as he talks animatedly to Mercury about something. "Sir?" James calls and I snap out of my thoughts, as I look to him.

"Yes, James?" I turn my full attention to him, even as we walk into the clothing store.

"What's something's that you like?" He asks shyly.

"I like anything, as long as it's not flipflops though." I nod. I hate flip flops, bad memories with those things.

"Oh okay." James nods, and then scurries off to find his shopping. I'm left in the company of Mercury.

"I've allocated $500 for you to spend on you gifts." He says and I hold in my chuckle.

"It's not necessary, I have my own money." I reassure him and he tilts his head to the side.

"Are you sure?" He raises his brow and I nod once. Like I said, it's so easy to steal money from rich people. I left that house with over $50,000. I've been taking money since I was 15 and before my mom died she set up a trust fund for me, when I turned 18, I received all the money in my private account.

"You can go on and shop, I'll be around." I tell him, he gives me one more look and then he's off.

I exit the store and head to the grocery store, I've always loved to cook and bake and now that I have so much free time, I might as well start doing it again.

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