Chapter 34

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The sound of my ringtone forces me awake. I blindly reach around for it and my hand wraps around the sleek object. "Hello?" I whisper sleepily into the phone. Mostly because I'm half sleep, but also I don't want to disturb the sleeping boy on my chest.

"Hi, Luci." Cory's voice filters into the phone and I sigh again.

"Hey Cory. You okay?" I ask her, my eyes still closed, even though I'm pressing kisses on Mitel's face.

"Oh yeah, I would need to speak to you about your case now that new circumstances have arrived." She says and I chuckle.

"Okay, well how about you come over in an hour." I tell her and I can already see her rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, okay." She sighs.

"Oh can you also bring some sweets. I've been craving a chocolate donut." I tell her and she sighs again.

"One of these days your teeth will fall out because of all the sweets you eat." She reprimands teasingly.

"Yours will definitely fall out first." She gasps in mock hurt and then I hang up before she can say anything else. I turn the lights onto the dimmest setting and I trace my eyes over Mitel's face. "You don't have to pretend you're sleeping."

"I wasn't. I just closed my eyes to think." He says and I quirk an eyebrow up at him. "Who was that on the phone?"

"That was Cory. My case manager. She's going to be here in an hour to go over my case." I tell him and he nods.

"Oh okay." He says and I sigh. I don't understand why people can't just be straightforward with what they want to say.

"Tell me what's going through that mind of yours." I demand and he looks at me, before looking away quickly.

"It's just, I want to be there when she comes, but I understand this is a private conversation, but I don't want to leave your side, but I understand I must." He rambles and I allow him a minute more before I cut him off.

"You can be there if you want. Hell, all the boys can be there." I shrug, then stand from his bed, stretching.

"Really?" He asks and I look over my shoulder to see his eyes are zeroed in on my cock.

"Eyes up here, baby." I tell him and he flushes bright red. "Yes really." His eyes trail back down to my cock and I let him stare.

I know my cock is hard and from the way he's staring at it, I can only imagine the things going through his head. "Oh." That's all he mutters. I take my cock in my hand and watch as he reacts.

His lips spread slightly and he leans closer to me. I stroke myself once, then twice, and he groans. "What's wrong?" I tease, letting go of my cock.

"You're teasing me." He whines and I smile.

"Oh really? How am I teasing you?" I ask him, and once again he turns red.

"You're, well, y-you were touching your c-cock in front of m-me." He stutters and he fidgets with the comforter on the bed.

"What do you want then?" I move onto the side of his bed, and force him to meet my eyes.

"I want to suck your cock and I want you to take me over and over again, until I'm begging for you to stop." He says and his pupils are blown wide.

"As much as I would love to do that to you, the doctors said for you to rest." I point out and he whines again.

"I will rest. I will let you do whatever you want and I'll take it. I'll be good." He pleads and I shush him, by placing my hands in his hair and tugging on his locks gently.

"It's important that you heal. I can't have you walk around with a bruised throat and a bruised body. Once their marks have left you, I'll add my own." He shivers at my words and pushes himself into me.

"Please sir." He continues to beg, but I hush him, by placing a sweet kiss on his lips.

"When you heal, I will take you, sweetheart." He nods, and I lead us to the shower.

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