Helen and Clivat -Friends

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Helen and Duke expressed their gratitude to His Majesty for the approval.

"Now, all of you may proceed," the Emperor ordered.

Outside the main palace, the Duke warned the Crown Prince, "Crown Prince, my daughter will no longer have any unofficial meetings with you, and I kindly request that you refrain from speaking impolite words to my heir."

"I see," the Crown Prince gritted his teeth and walked away.

As Helen and the Duke walked out of the palace, Clivat rushed towards Helen and spoke, "Miss Helen, may...may I have some time with you?"

Helen coldly smiled back and accepted. The Duke looked worriedly at Helen, but she smiled back at him and softly assured him that everything would be alright. "Believe in me, Dad," she silently mouthed.

The Duke walked towards where the carriage was parked to wait for his daughter.

"Yes, Miss Clivat, what did you want to tell me?" Helen asked, her voice cold but charming.

"I...I...I just wanted to apologize. I know how I came between Miss Helen and the Prince, but I truly love the Prince. Since I was small, I dreamed about marrying Crown Prince William... Will you forgive me?" Clivat spoke, tearing up. Helen understood that Clivat was being sincere.

"Ah, I see, Miss Clivat. Once, I truly hated you, but you were not the one who betrayed me. So, there is no reason for me to hate you. I was immature before. Let us forget about the past and the issues regarding men and coexist," Helen's voice was not cold this time. Her smile was beautiful.

Upon seeing the villainess Helen, who always hated Clivat, smiling beautifully, Clivat blushed and was moved to tears. She burst into tears, apologizing for letting her feelings grow despite knowing that the Prince was engaged. She confessed that she was unable to stop the feelings that had already bloomed.

Helen assured Clivat that she understood her and would not hold a grudge. That day, a new friendship was formed. After their talk, Helen mentioned that her dad would be waiting, so she had to leave soon.

Clivat asked for Helen's permission to invite her to her tea party. Helen gladly accepted the invitation. Then, Helen bid farewell to Clivat.

Clivat's POV: Helen, the only daughter of House Mackil, the person who was engaged to my lover, Prince William. I never hated her. Instead, I was jealous of such a great woman. She looked beautiful with her white-blue hair and red eyes. Unlike timid me, she was strong and had her own opinions. I had always wanted to befriend her, but our love interests made that impossible. Though I tried many times to give up on the Prince, my heart couldn't. I always felt something pulling me towards him. I am truly ashamed of coming between Miss Helen and the Prince. I don't understand why people call Helen cruel. She only did the same thing as me – she tried to bring the Prince to her side. I was just lucky as the Prince loved me too. But one day, Helen changed. She no longer hates me. Is Helen going to annul our engagement? I can proudly stand by the Prince's side. But my heart feels heavy, so I ran towards Helen to apologize. I thought I would be slapped for being a person who stole Miss Helen's fiancé, but... she was like an angel. She forgave me and let me be her friend. I am truly grateful to my new friend, Helen. I will treasure this friendship.

Helen's perspective: Hmm, I feel quite satisfied after giving that mother-son duo a piece of my mind and finally ending this wretched engagement. However, I never expected Miss Clivat to come and apologize to me. Upon reflection, she did nothing wrong compared to the Prince, who cheated on his fiancée.

Clivat's words were sincere, and I must admit, I misjudged her. I had initially thought she was just a manipulative woman, using her innocent image to her advantage. But this time, I was mistaken. Clivat is not as bad or scheming as I thought. In fact, I believe she has the potential to be a good friend.

Besides, I am not the true Helen, so holding grudges is not something I would normally do. However, trusting others easily is not a quality I possess. Therefore, I will cautiously observe where Clivat leads things to before fully opening up to her.

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