Etlanta Family ;New Foxins

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The knights relayed the situation to the Duke, who, accompanied by his subjugation team, ventured into the depths of the cave in search of clues or evidence regarding the abduction of the babies. Inside the cavern, they discovered eighteen hatched eggshells but found no trace of the missing infants. Curiously, there were no human footprints to be found, leaving the whereabouts of the babies shrouded in mystery.

Realizing that they couldn't draw conclusions based on such limited information, the Duke suggested delving deeper into the forest to continue their investigation and assess the situation further. As the commander-in-chief, the Duke was supported by his assistant, Mr. Paul, who held the position of Commander Assistant. Reflecting on recent events, the Duke asked Paul if he noticed anything suspicious about the giant red scorpion.

"No, my Lord," Paul replied, "the only notable difference was its unusually aggressive behavior." Paul, a robust young man of twenty-two with fiery red hair and eyes, may not have possessed the Duke's striking looks, but his direct demeanor and refined bearing had captivated the hearts of many noble ladies. He was not only a trusted knight but also the second son of House Marquess Etlanta.

Despite being a Marquess House, House Etlanta had always been loyal supporters of the Carter Dukedom. They had sent their second child to serve as a study partner to the Duke since he was twelve, allowing him and Paul Etlanta to practice swordsmanship together since then. Paul's unwavering loyalty led him to pledge his life to the Duke's service.

Concluding their search in the cave, the Duke carefully collected one eggshell and entrusted it to the knights for safekeeping. They then embarked on a further expedition into the forest, determined to confront and eliminate any malevolent creatures they encountered.


Although three months had passed since Helen's poisoning, she still needed to hone her abilities to unleash her full potential. Despite not yet attaining the level required to achieve the blue flame, Lusav, now a skilled swordsman, began instructing the additional slaves he had recruited in the art of swordplay. In return, Helen shared her knowledge of assassination techniques with Lusav, teaching him to move like the wind, taking light and graceful steps, and imparting noble etiquette.

Helen desired for Lusav to teach these assassin skills to the other slaves under her command. Presently, Helen, Lusav, and twenty assassins worked together. Among them, fourteen were assigned to the mall, responsible for attending to customers, gathering information, and reporting every detail back to their superiors.

One day, Helen called upon Lusav and expressed her wish for him to purchase a small building in a less crowded area using the profits generated by the mall. This building would serve as the new residence for all the other slaves under Helen's command. She promised to provide further details and plans once Lusav completed this task. However, Lusav voiced his concerns, asking Helen about the importance of capturing the spies attempting to poison her.

"Undoubtedly, that is important," Helen replied, "but now that I am aware of the main spy in close proximity to me, I have some time to apprehend them. However, I must first amass enough power as I believe this situation is far more complex than merely a duke's daughter can handle." Helen's response resonated with Lusav, who agreed to her strategy and vowed to flay the culprits alive once they were caught. Although Helen initially laughed, dismissing Lusav's comment as a jest, she soon realized he spoke with utmost sincerity.

Lusav had shed his innocence, transforming from a naive blonde boy into a lethal assassin in just a few months of rigorous training. His long-held desire to eliminate nobles burned within him, and he harbored an intense hatred for anyone who dared to harm his sole master, the person he regarded as his savior—Helen, known as the Fox Assassin.

During auctions, Helen adorned herself with a fox mask, embracing her identity as the cunning and merciless Fox. Inspired by this symbol, she resolved to name the assassins she recruited as "Foxins," embodying their shared traits of astuteness and cruelty.

Their journey was marked by intense preparation, training, and the pursuit of power. Helen continued to refine her abilities, pushing herself to reach the pinnacle of her potential, the elusive blue flame that remained just beyond her grasp. Lusav, under Helen's guidance, honed his swordsmanship skills and developed the agility of the wind, as well as adopting noble manners befitting their clandestine operations.

As their numbers grew, Helen entrusted Lusav with a significant task—to acquire a discreet building in a less congested area, utilizing the profits generated by their mall venture. This new location would serve as the sanctuary for the rest of their enslaved comrades, where they could continue their operations away from prying eyes.

Despite this pressing matter, Lusav couldn't help but voice his concerns about the spies who posed a constant threat to Helen's safety. Helen acknowledged the importance of apprehending them but believed that building their power base was paramount before engaging in a direct confrontation. She suspected a larger conspiracy lurking beneath the surface, one that required careful navigation and strategic planning.

As time passed, the bond between Helen and Lusav deepened. He had become her devoted protector, unyielding in his loyalty and unwavering in his commitment to safeguard her from harm. And so, Helen's confidence in her young apprentice grew, as did her conviction to uncover the truth behind the mysterious plot that threatened her existence.

Together, they ventured forth, their hearts filled with determination, their actions shrouded in shadows. Helen, the enigmatic Fox Assassin, and Lusav, her steadfast and deadly ally, marched towards a future riddled with danger and uncertainty, driven by their shared pursuit of justice and vengeance against those who dared to cross their path.

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