The last meal

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Opportunities are something that won't be offered to you always. Howard knew that very well. For him working for Helen was something he had obligations to do as Helen is someone who took revenge for his daughter. The beautiful orange sunset being a witness to his lifetime promise, Howard knelt on the ground, took Helen's hand and kissed "My Master I promise to dedicate my whole life to you. I would never betray you and always stay loyal to you. Please let me serve you master." he pledged his loyalty wholeheartedly.

Once again I gained a loyal servant for myself. Howard is really good at understanding my commands and would always be useful to me.

Now it was time for me to return back to the inn and depart to the capital. If I was anymore late, I would be late to attend duke carters return banquet and would be the target of unnecessary attention.
Howard took me back to the inn in his carriage. Reaching the inn, I entered while Howard went to park the carriage himself. As usual the old lady was sitting on the front desk. Seeing me she stood from the chair and walked towards me.

She spoke with a worried face "child, where were you. I was all worried. It is already too late, are you hurt anywhere?" as the old lady knew Helen's true purpose of disguising herself, she was worried when Helen had not returned even after the sunset.
I felt her true felling of worry and her warmth of love and care when she held on to my hands, I spoke to granny in a soft voice so that I could comfort her "grandma, everything is over. I am completely fine. Now there will be no more people troubling the innocent. You will soon see the news on tomorrow's newspaper."
Granny had a smile on her lips even though her eyes were tearing up in relief and joy.
"Granny, I am really hungry. Won't you treat me to a meal? "I asked smiling.
"Yes yes my child. come." She held my hands and led to the dining room. We sat on a table of three and granny ordered many different dishes.
As we were waiting for the dishes, Mr. Howard entered. Seeing he walking towards me, granny was alerted. She asked me secretly "who is that man? Is he here to trouble you, child?"
I smiled and said "no granny, that person is someone who helped me to complete the task. [Looking towards Howard I invited him to have a seat] Howard this is the inn owner, please sit here with us and order the food that you like"
Howard sat and greeted granny "greetings, My Lady. I am Howard. "
"I see, you must be someone important to Helen. "Granny smiled and said
Howard still did not know my name. So he looked at me with confusion. I smiled and told to him "yes, I am Helen Mackil, the only heir to Mackil Dukedom."
Howard was shocked, knowing he is now the servant of the future Duchess. He was quiet, till the food arrived. The food was appetizing and fragrant. The dishes were spicy and flavorful, but Howard was uncomfortable as now he knows that I am a powerful noble lady, and eating on the same table with me was against the custom.
"My lady, I think I should change my seat. I won't dare to be on the same table as you. "He spoke in a worried voice.
I never considered my servant someone who cannot eat with me. My servants are always more important to me than my clients as these servants are the ones who helped me reach my position. This was my, another morale I followed being an assassin in the world of capitalism and frauds. I never intended to change these rules, in my new life.
I spoke sternly "don't dare to change your place. Being my subordinate doesn't mean you are low to me. You can now eat on the same table as me because I am allowing you to. Will you disobey me on the very first day itself?"
Howard was silent, his eyes tearing up. He smiled and said
"My lady, even though your words were harsh. They were words that showed me how much you care about a mere servant. Thank you for that care and respect, my lady."
I felt embarrassed as I was never praised for being a caring person. I could feel my face turning red.
Granny and Howard both laughed seeing me turn into a red tomato.
We all were happy and enjoyed the delicious meal.
It was the last meal I would be eating with granny on this journey. It was time for my departure. As our supper ended I held onto granny's arms and looked into her eyes.
Then I spoke with a smile "granny, it's time for me to leave. I loved my stay here and the time I spent with you. You helped me know about many ancient and hidden stories. Thank you Granny. I will return back and surely meet you."
This was a promise that I made under the shining moonlight and would never break even if I face troubles. I knew that there are many more troubles that I would face going ahead, but as a person with strong will and confidence I would never run away from these troubles.
Granny smiled and said "Goodnight child, I will meet you soon." Her eyes had hope and faith in my promise.
Now it was the last night I would spend in this inn on this journey. Howard was given another room while I returned back to my room.
I washed up myself, packed all my stuff back in the bag and wore the pant and shirt that I had already worn once. Now it was time for rest.
The cool breeze brushed my hair and the moonlight came in through the window. The night was peaceful, calm and cold.

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