A disguise in dress

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"It is a beautiful morning , I hope the baker enjoyed it too" Helen smirked and muttered.

Her next plan was to take revenge on the other two elders .

"First , Let me eat something yummy. Then let's think about how to punish the other perv*rts "
Helen walked into another small café .
The owner was a young man . He welcomed Helen with a smile on his face .
There were not many customers.  It was a small café , serving just bread and tea .
There were five round tables. Two were occupied by a family of three and a single person .
Helen sat on the table which was next to the window .
Helen always  sat next to window while dining. She wished to feel the touch of breeze that freely travels around and the smell of wet mud (soil) .

Helen ordered a cream bun and a serving of sandwiches.
Within few minutes the young man brought the dishes and served Her tea .
The tea was sweet ,and its fragrance was similar to  Honeysuckle.
Seeing the tea Helen was confused.
She had not ordered tea , so seeing something  she never ordered, she asked
" Excuse me sir , why do you serve me something I did not order."
The young man smiled and spoke " Miss , this is just a complimentary drink for our new customers.  I have never seen you in this area . So please enjoy our service and return here whenever you wish to ."
His voice was gentle and had a hint of gratitude in it . Helen recognized his talent in business immediately.
Helen asked is a cheerful voice" Do you plan to shift yourself to the capital?"
The man was confused . " Capital?  Why ? " he asked .
Helen smiled and sipping onto the hot tea she said " Well , I need a good business man. If you are interested you can contact me . Bring me a paper and pen , I will leave you my contact address."
The man rushed to the counter and came back with a booklet and pen .
Helen took it and wrote the address of her mall . She told him "If you wish to join my business ,come here and go directly to the manager officer . There you will meet a blonde boy . You can ask him to meet Foxin . He will lead you to me ."
" Fox? Foxin? What's  that miss? " The young man asked confused. 
"You will know once you come."  Helen smiled and took her bread to eat.
Seeing Helen did not want to reveal,  the man  thanked her for the opportunity , and left .
Helen took the sandwich and took a bite. It was delicious and the stuffing had a special flavor . Helen muttered to herself
"I think, I found a good cook and business man."
She ate the food to her heart's  content, and enjoyed the fresh breeze that slightly blew into the cafe through the window .
Once her breakfast was done ,she stood up . walked towards  the man who stood at the counter and asked him "Do you know any dress shop nearby?"
The man directed Helen to a local dress store .
"Thank-you , here is your bill amount ."
Helen gave him two gold coins(60 silver)
The man was surprised to see such a large amount. He immediately rejected Helen's offer "No Miss , this is too much for a sandwich and buns. I cannot accept this . The bill amounts  up to only 8 silver coins."
Helen smiled and spoke in a warm voice
"It's okay , I like people being in debt to me . So accept this and I may ask you favors later."
The man was still reluctant to accept such a huge amount .
For a villager ,who lived selling bread and tea , two gold coin was a large sum that he could earn only after weeks of work .
As Helen insisted on giving  the money , the shopkeeper had no choice but to accept it .
Helen smiled and said goodbye to the man .
"Meet you in the capital , young man ."She said with a playful smile and walked out of the café.
She searched for the dress shop , The man had mentioned.
This time buying dress was not for anything special, but to disguise while taking her revenge.
The dress shop was at a corner on the right side of the market street.
There were many mannequins dressed in dresses filled with laces and stones behind the shop's display glass.
The dresses were designed as per the style of local nobles. It looked different from the capital nobles who preferred modesty and elegant dresses than Flashy and lace dresses.
Helen entered,  a lady in her Forties, holding a fan came to welcome her new customer (Helen). As Helen was dressed in pants and shirt , she looked like a commoner girl .
Seeing Helen (who looked like a commoner)
The owner frowned . She asked in a cold voice "What do you want ,I am not selling any free dress.  All the nobles here buy from me . So if you can't pay return right now "
Seeing the haughty behavior of the owner Helen got irritated . She spoke "whether I am rich enough to buy a dress or this whole shop is not something you can decide.
Show me a dress with pink laces " Helen ordered glaring at the shopkeeper.
Even though Helen was just eighteen year old she  looked intimidating.
The shopkeeper trembled under the intense  pressure from Helen .
She soon led Helen to the changing room and showed all the pink dresses with laces and stones.
Helen did not wish to waste much time ,as she had to leave for the capital once the revenge was taken .
Helen chose a light pink dress with flower embroidery on it .
Wearing the dress even the devil queen herself would look like a newborn baby angel.
The color could  bring the softness  hidden within any lady. Helen did not bother to wear it at the store .She asked the lady "What is the price for this , I will take it .Pack it for me ."
The shopkeeper spoke in a trembling voice still under the pressure of Helen's  cold aura.
"Young Lady.....Thi...This dress only cost 15 silver coins .This is the least expensive dress. No aristocrat buys this design. So I ...I would recommend you to buy a dress according to the trend."
"Its Okay ,I liked this one, and instead of following a trend I would prefer to make it and lead other ladies according to my trend ."
Saying this Helen paid the shopkeeper  One gold coin.
( 1 gold coin = 30 silver coins)

[# wow!!! that's  so cool , I too will be rich one day  :( #]

The Lady was shocked to receive one gold coin, that is double the original prize for the dress.
Seeing Helen pay gold coin , the shopkeeper  understood The customer (Helen) was not a ordinary person.

The Lady apologized to Helen for her rude manners and accepted the money bowing in gratitude .
Helen took the packed pink dress and walked to the inn. 
As Helen entered the inn , the old lady was sitting at her usual place .
Helen greeted the lady and went straight to her room.
Once she entered the room , she took out her bag she had hidden under the bed.
There was a hair dye , she brought with her to disguise if needed .
She Dyed her hair blonde.

As Helen used to traveled around the street , She had noticed the nobles of village either dyed their hair blonde or were blonde from birth .

It was a misconception in the village that , only rich nobles would have blonde hair.
Once Helen dyed her hair blonde , she looked brighter than the sun .

She wore her new pink dress ,and plated her hair to one side .

Helen looked delicate as a flower and shone brighter than the sunlight .
The blonde hair , softened Helen's  facial features . She looked like a fifteen year young noble lady who would cry even at the cry of a baby.
Helen , dolled up herself, and took the fan she had bought along with the dress.
The fan was light lime color.  It had delicate features, that helped the dress to stand out.
Now Helen was fully prepared for taking the last revenge.  She walked down the stairs in her pink dress ,covering her face with the fan .
The customers, present at the inn stared at her beauty.
The old lady smiled noticing  Helen walking down ...
"Child , you look gorgeous and cute , all dolled up."

Helen asked "Madame, how did you recognize me ? I changed my  hair color and instead of pants and shirt wore a dress . Do I still look like a commoner girl?"

Haaahaa, no no my child . I just recognized you immediately because your face is deeply engraved in my heart.  I don't think anyone would consider such a beauty to be a commoner girl."

Helen smiled and thanked the Lady for her compliment.
She said "Grandma , please wish me well . I am going for an important job."
Granny already knew,  Helen was planning to take revenge on  next two men .
She smiled and wished Helen to complete the task successfully .
Helen walked out of the old inn , holding a fan and wearing a beautiful dress.

The dress which was once considered old fashion by local nobles were on trend from next weeks . As Helen told , she was the one who started a new trend among the village local nobles.

Author's thought [# ---- #]

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