old lady's daughter !

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As I stepped out of the store with my newly acquired treasures, the streets began to quieten as children scampered home and shopkeepers prepared to close up for the day. The setting sun painted the sky in hues of yellow-orange, casting a warm glow over the bustling town.

Returning to the inn, I noticed the absence of the old lady at her usual spot. The cool breeze that wafted through the windows welcomed me back as I ascended the stairs to my room. Closing the door behind me, I deposited my purchases onto the side table before changing into a comfortable white robe.

Collapsing onto the plush bed, I sighed in contentment, relishing the sensation of sinking into its soft embrace. "Ah, finally, now I feel truly at ease," I murmured to myself, allowing myself to roll lazily across the bed's expanse. In my careless sprawl, I inadvertently nudged against the nearby table, drawing my attention to the recently acquired set of six poison daggers.

With a sense of anticipation, I reached out and retrieved the daggers from their packaging, each blade gleaming in the fading light of the setting sun. Running my fingers along the intricate designs etched into the handles, I marveled at the craftsmanship before carefully placing them back on the table, eager to explore their potential in the days to come.

The daggers exuded a menacing sharpness, their blades honed to a deadly edge. I noted the cleverly concealed hollow compartments within their holders, designed to store various poisons for added potency. Etched into each dagger were the words "Dú shī," translating to "poison master" in Mandarin. A smirk played across my lips as I considered the possibilities. "Hmmm... these would make a fitting gift for my dear Lusav," I mused, envisioning him wielding the daggers with deadly precision against those who dared to betray him.

Returning the daggers to their packaging, my attention turned to the ring. Carefully opening the box, I examined its unassuming appearance. Unlike before, there were no special lights or engravings to be found. The ring no longer emitted its mysterious glow, but the shimmering blue jewel still held a captivating allure.

Frowning in confusion, I muttered to myself, "What could be the use for this ring? Why did it emit light that time? Was I scammed?" Despite my uncertainty, there was something undeniably entrancing about the ring, leaving me determined to uncover its secrets and discover its true purpose.


Setting aside the ring for the moment, I reached for the book I had purchased. Covered in a thick layer of dust and bearing the marks of age, it exuded an air of mystery and antiquity. With a sense of anticipation, I opened its weathered pages, my fingers tracing over the unfamiliar script adorning the first page.

Frustration tinged with curiosity washed over me as I realized I couldn't decipher the language. However, my spirits lifted as I turned to the second page, where the words were written in a common tongue, easily comprehensible to me. Here, amidst the yellowed pages, lay a wealth of knowledge on elemental powers and techniques for cultivation, promising rapid progress for those who sought mastery.

Driven by my desire to enhance my fire element skills, I eagerly flipped through the pages until I reached the section devoted to fire elemental cultivation. Ten distinct methods awaited my exploration, each offering its own unique approach to harnessing the power of fire. Immersed in the text, I absorbed the details of the first method, my mind aflame with newfound possibilities.

Just as I delved into the intricacies of fire manipulation, a knock at the door interrupted my focus. Reluctantly tearing my gaze away from the pages, I closed the book and set it aside, anticipation lingering in the air as I prepared to address the unexpected visitor.

(the book was not completely closed it was turned to the first page with that unknown language). 

I rose from my bed, drawn by the unexpected knock at the door. With a curious glance, I opened it to find the old lady standing there, a tightly secured cloth pouch clutched in her hands. "What happened, Madame?" I inquired, puzzled by her sudden visit.

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