A new world before me

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I could hear the gentle flow of water from a distance, reminiscent of a soothing fountain. As the blinding light gradually dimmed, I was prompted to open my eyes. "You may now slowly open your eyes, Master," a child's voice spoke.

"Are we there, Custard?" I inquired, a smile spreading across my face. I knew that I was about to embark on a new and unfamiliar journey once again.

"Yes, Master," Custard replied obediently.

As I opened my eyes, I was met with a sight beyond belief. Before me lay a fountain, its water sparkling like a clear blue sky adorned with stars. Surrounding it was a meticulously manicured lawn of vibrant green grass, while fruit trees lined the banks of a gently flowing river. Daffodils danced along the river's edge, completing the scene of exquisite beauty.

Words failed me as I tried to capture the perfection before me. "Custard, how can I describe this unparalleled beauty?" I asked, my voice filled with awe.

"This space is currently at level one, Master. It will evolve and upgrade as you gain knowledge by reading the books I will present to you," Custard replied in a serious tone, albeit with his endearing childlike voice.

"What do you mean by upgrade?" I inquired, playfully mimicking his adorable tone.

"Master, please don't tease me," he pouted, his cuteness shining through.

"Oh, so adorable. Fine, I won't tease you, my divine creature with an angelic voice," I chuckled. It was amusing to see him blush and feel embarrassed, and I couldn't bear the thought of crushing something so endearing with my fingers. No, I was not that cruel. Or was I?

I couldn't afford to be sentimental, especially not towards children. In my line of work as an assassin, weaknesses were akin to inviting death. Competitors, enemies, and even allies were always on the lookout for a chance to pounce and annihilate me. I had never allowed myself to develop those useless emotions. After all, no human remained pure beyond the age of fifteen, or perhaps even thirteen.

However, despite Custard's childlike voice, an inexplicable connection stirred within me, dissuading me from harming him. Perhaps it was this connection that rendered me incapable of killing him.

"Hmph, if you refrain from teasing me, it will be to your advantage, Master," Custard retorted, interrupting my train of thought.

"Oh, so be it, my loyal Custard," I responded, still captivated by his innocent charm. I contemplated within myself, "How can I ever harm such a delicate being?"

Returning to the subject at hand, I repeated my question about the upgrade. Custard gracefully took flight once again, landing on a large rock beside the enchanting waters. "This world is currently at level one, as I previously mentioned. It can provide you with knowledge about any event or written work from the past three hundred years. Additionally, you can access forbidden books within this realm. The time you spend here is condensed, with ten hours in this world equivalent to five hours in reality."

My excitement grew as I considered the possibilities. "So, if I train my elemental powers here, will I have more time to practice?"

"Yes, Master, practicing your elemental powers will grant you more time within this space. However, please note that you can only stay here for a total of five real-world hours since this realm is still at level one," Custard clarified, nodding sagely.

"Ah, so time in the real world is doubled for every hour spent here," I mused, seeking confirmation.

"Yes, Master," Custard confirmed, taking flight once more. Time seemed to stand still as Custard approached the fountain. With delicate precision, he retrieved a bottle from his seemingly invisible pouch and filled it with the shimmering water. "Master, this fountain unlocks various special skills as the world evolves. In its current state, drinking this water will reveal the upgraded skill," he explained, extending the bottle to me. Without hesitation, I accepted his offering and consumed the liquid, eager to discover the power it held.

A sensation of lightness washed over me, accompanied by a newfound clarity of vision. Custard's voice filled the air, brimming with excitement. "Congratulations, Master! You have unlocked the skill of light body arts and perfect vision."

Perplexed, I sought clarification. "Are you suggesting that I will possess a lighter physique from now on?"

"Yes, Master," Custard affirmed, his voice filled with certainty. "Your body will become lighter, enabling swifter movement, and your vision will become flawless. You will be able to perceive distant objects with enhanced magnification."

The significance of this superlative skill dawned upon me, realizing the immense impact it could have on my daily life. Overwhelmed with joy and gratitude, I exclaimed, "Oh, my God! How can I ever express my gratitude, Custard?"

His pout remained, and he responded with a playful tone, "Hmph, just refrain from teasing me." His cuteness remained utterly captivating.

"Next, I shall guide you to the library. Please follow me," Custard beckoned, leading me closer to the fountain. As he landed atop the structure, the water ceased its flow, and the fountain disappeared, making way for a doorway to materialize before us.

Instructing me to proceed, Custard ushered me through the door. Once again, my eyes beheld a sight beyond belief. Countless shelves lined the vast expanse, each adorned with thousands of neatly arranged books. Custard spoke with anticipation, "You may explore now, Master."

Before delving into the literary treasures surrounding me, curiosity compelled me to seek answers. "Why did you land on top of the fountain?" I inquired, eager to comprehend the significance of his actions.

Custard provided the explanation, "The weight of knowledge I bear is necessary to unlock the door to this library. Landing on the fountain helps facilitate the process."

Ah, so Custard was an entity who had already assimilated and acquired all the knowledge within this world. My next question arose naturally. "Why did you stress the importance of trusting you completely when we first entered?"

He patiently elucidated, "It is because without trusting in wisdom and knowledge, there is no purpose in entering this library. You must be open to accepting new facts and willing to rectify your mistakes. It was another test presented by this space, intended for its new owner."

The realization dawned upon me—I was now the owner of this boundless sea of knowledge. I could not bear to waste a single moment. My excitement propelled me forward as I began exploring the diverse sections of the library. While numerous languages eluded my understanding, within this sanctuary of knowledge, I could comprehend them all with the ease of reading English.

Truly, this miraculous gift bestowed upon me was akin to a cheat key, a privilege reserved for main characters in stories. I had resolved to become the protagonist of my own narrative, even though my role was that of a villainous character.

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