Training spot

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After freeing herself from her arduous chores, Jannat might attempt to reclaim her former authority and poison my life once more. It was imperative to alert Lily, whom I had come to trust somewhat, about Jannat's suspicious behavior. However, the present location wasn't suitable for such discussions; even the walls seemed to have ears.

"Once night falls," I instructed Lily firmly, "you must come to my room. Urgent matters demand our attention." Lily, with a respectful demeanor, replied, "Yes, my lady, I will be there."

Despite my resolve, Lily's expressions betrayed her doubts regarding my recent hostility towards Jannat. However, there was no time to dwell on that now. After a satisfying repast and leisurely tea time, the noon hour had passed, and I dismissed all the servants, including Lily, who had been attending to me.

Dressed for the occasion, I ventured forth to my secluded training spot, nestled far from the main manor amidst mountainous terrain. This sanctuary was known only to me, providing the perfect refuge for my daily regimen of swordplay, agility exercises, and honing my elemental skills.

Choosing a spot where prying eyes would never intrude, I immersed myself in practice. The area boasted lush greenery, a babbling stream through wildflowers and tall grasses, and a breathtaking view that never failed to stir my excitement. Each day spent here felt like a precious secret, shared only with nature itself.

 The cheerful symphony of birds chirping, water flowing in the stream, and the occasional rustle of small animals filled the air as I commenced my training. Well-versed in the ways of the wind element, I knew there was much to improve upon in mastering the fire element. With caution, I directed my fiery energy in a specific direction, mindful of not causing harm to the surrounding nature. But it was time to push myself further, to unleash the full potential of my fire elemental power.

Realizing the need for a safer space to practice my fire skills without endangering the environment, I made a mental note to seek out a more suitable location. Lost in concentration, I lost track of time; the sky darkened with the moon rising above, painting the heavens in hues of orange and purple. The birds had retreated to their nests, leaving behind only the soothing sounds of flowing water and rustling leaves, accompanied by a cool, chilling breeze.

As dusk settled in, I reluctantly concluded my training and made my way back to where my horse patiently awaited me. Speaking of my horse, she was a beauty, possessing both speed and strength. With a white mane that I had personally selected and named, she had an undeniable allure. From the moment we met, she displayed remarkable docility, endearing herself to me instantly. While her silver-white mane was indeed breathtaking, it was the soulful gaze in her blue eyes that truly captivated me. It felt as though, in that moment of connection, she was choosing me as much as I was choosing her. Hence, I bestowed upon her the name Lunel, a homage to her silver mane and our special bond—a silver-maned horse for the silver-haired master.

Returning to the manor, I proceeded directly to my room. After freshening up, I opted to dine in the comfort of my own chambers, dismissing the maids but instructing Lily to remain. With the weight of Jannat's schemes heavy on my mind, it was time to strategize.

Though I harbored lingering doubts about Lily's trustworthiness, I chose caution, opting not to reveal all my secrets to her. Seated at my desk, I beckoned Lily to stand nearby as I broached the topic.

"You must have observed Jannat today," I began, fixing her with a scrutinizing gaze. "What did you glean from your observations?"

Without hesitation, Lily spoke up, her voice firm and resolute. "My lady, Jannat, despite being just a maid, displayed no remorse for her actions. She showed little respect toward you and even dared to wear a disrespectful expression upon seeing you engrossed in a book on etiquette. Considering Jannat's humble origins and her long tenure in this manor since her youth, it begs the question of how she acquired the ability to read and write. In summary, I sense a palpable air of suspicion and a glaring lack of loyalty from maid Jannat."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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