Chapter 21- Trap

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The five girls arrived at Red Fountain and immediately started looking for Prince Sky. Ruby broke away from them to find the brunette prince by herself.

Suddenly she went against something and fell down. Ruby looked up, ready to shout at whoever went against her but, stopped before she could say anything seeing the boy looking down at her.

"Ruby." Sam said surprised. "I never thought I'd see you here." He bent down to grab her by her arms and help her stand up. "Hell, I never thought I would see you at all after the welcoming gift party."

"Yeah, um..." Ruby cleared her throat. "Yeah, sorry for going away like that. I didn't mean to be rude. I wasn't feeling well."

"You don't have to apologize." Sam sent her a charming smile which made Ruby smile back at him. "So, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?" He asked with a confident smirk and fixing his hair.

"Oh, uh... I'm sorry Sam but, I'm not interested in you." The wizard frowned. "It's not you, Sam. I could never be interested in you because I'm not interested in boys."

He looked at Ruby shocked and disgusted. He scoffeed making Ruby glare at him

"I should've figured that you were one of those. You were wearing a suit when we met." He said with venom in his voice. "I was hoping I was mistaken but, no..." He grabbed Ruby by the elbow and pulled her closer harshily. "'re one of those bitches that don't know their place. I will fix that."

Ruby's eyes shone blood red but, she didn't use her magic that time. She kicked him between his legs and when he bent down from the pain giving the fairy the right angle to elbow him in the face, making him fall to the ground.

"Even if I wasn't a lesbian, I would've been absolutely out of my mind to even consider going out with you, you pig." She crouched down to his level on the floor and grabbed his throat. "And you better change your atitude, douchebag because if you don't no girl will ever want to get close to you in any fucking way."

"Ruby." Someone called from behind her. Looking back, they saw Musa waving at her and calling her. Once the fairy of music saw what Ruby was doing her smile dropped immediately.

The redhead fairy stood up and walked towards her friend.

"Was that Sam?" Musa asked with a worried expression while they walked side by side towards the rest of the group.

"It was."

"Why were you doing that to him?" 

"He tried to ask me out so I told him I was a lesbian and well..." Ruby smiled angrily. "He didn't like it and tried to... fix me."

"Oh, Ruby, I'm so sorry. He's an absolute idiot."

"I know. He makes me like Riven." Musa giggled. "He's taken cared of now. Don't worry."

Musa smiled feeling relieved.

"Have you found Prince Sky?" Ruby asked when they approached the other girls, changing subject.

"We did and he told us that he hadn't sent Stella that letter." Flora answered.

"I knew it. He's a fuckboy. Fuckboys never send letters. Trust me, I know." Ruby told them.

"You should have a bit more respect for him. He's a prince afterall." Tecna said.

"I don't give a shit."

"Well, we were about to head to Magix, now." Bloom said.

"Alright. Let's do this then." 

The group of friends got into an aircraft that took them to a bus station where they caught a bus that drove them to Magix City. 

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