Chapter 61- Beautiful and Murderous

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Running through the dark halls of Cloud Tower the witches kept on destroying the giants and running past them quickly before they could regenerate. 

"Where are we going?" Ruby asked. "We passed the exit ages ago."

"We're going to save your friends." Lucy said approaching the redhead. "We saw them heading straight to a trap."

"Since when do witches help fairies?" Ruby questioned as the group came to a stop.

"I've been asking that same question since we came to rescue you." Some other witch grumbled.

"Because we're at war, Haven." Griffing reminded her. "We all must be united to fight, even Fairies and Witches. There's no time for disputes."

The witches and Ruby nodded in agreement before walking forward slowly. An evil cackle echoed through the halls and Ruby immediately recognized Icy's cold tone. They approached a room where the fairies and Specialists stood in front of the Trix who were laughing at them. Griffin summoned a green energy orb in her hand and blasted the three witches in the back, sending them flying against a wall. Ruby walked forward, in hopes of helping them, but Lucy held her wrist and shook her head to stop her from going.

"Take that as a warning." Griffin said, walking into the room and passing through Bloom, who was shocked at seeing the woman. "You three deserve the worst kind of punishment for what you've done."

Ruby was suddenly engulfed in a hug and upon seeing red hair in front of her she frowned.

"Oh, Ruby, you're ok. I was so worried." Bloom said.

The youngest redhead pushed her away harshly leaving her doumbfounded and speechless. 

"Why did you do that, Ruby?" The blonde Specialist asked.

"Don't talk to me Brandon or Sky or whatever your stupid name is." Ruby growled, surprising everyone in the room. "I want nothing to do with you or her, ever."

"Bea, please..."

"No, Bloom. Stay the fuck away from me."

"Girls, enough arguing. Go." Griffin said, getting ready to do a spell as the others went away, Bloom with tears in her eyes. Ruby, on the other hand, stayed behind, devided between staying or going.

"What do you think you're doing?" Icy asked the Headmistress as she summoned a few magical barriers between herself and the witches.

"Lets hurry." Griffin said once she was done conjuring.

Ruby locked eyes with Icy's betrayed ones and she couldn't let herself go. She ran forward to the witches, however, someone grabebd her arm and yanked her back.

"Don't touch her." Darcy yelled out.

"I won't let you brainswash her any more than what she already is." Riven yelled back, dragging Ruby away.

"Let me go, Dumbass." Ruby shouted punching his arm.

"Hey, Sky a little help here? I know she's short but, fuck, she's strong." Riven said hissing in pain. "Stop that."

"Than let me  go." Ruby demanded.

"What's wrong with her?" Sky asked, grabbing Ruby's other arm to help his friend.

"I don't know. I think the witches put some kind of sick spell on her."

"So that's why she's acting the way she is. The witches hurt her." Bloom pointed out making her sister growl at her.

"Seriously, Bloom, just go fuck yourself." Ruby said, tears filling her eyes.

Suddenly Sky, Bloom and Riven were tackled to the ground and Ruby was free from their tight hold. 

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