Chapter 60- Rule

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Ruby knocked on the door of Griffin's office, waiting to be let in but, there was no response from the other side of it. She opened it and looked inside seeing it was empty. The redhead decided to walk in and sit at Griffin's, now Icy's, throne-like chair, to wait for the three witches she's been living with for the past couple of days.

The girl sighed, bored, fiding it more interesting to go through Griffin's paper work than to just sit there without doing anything. 

"Hey, Mistress Ruby." 

The redhead yelped, turning around to see Greg sitting on the top of the chair, playing with his green collar.

"Jesus, Greg." Ruby said, a hand over her heart before turning forward again. She jumped slightly again when she saw Python and Garry sitting on top of the desk. "Why do you always have to appear like that?"

"Because it is fun to startle you, Mistress Ruby." Garry answered smiling.

"Glad you're having fun." Said Ruby sarcastically, leaning back on the chair comfortably. "Can I help you guys with anything or are you just here because you feel like it?"

"Both." Answered Python making Ruby roll her eyes.

"What do you want?"

"We're here to tell you that our highnesses are containing the army of darkness." Greg said, hopping to the arm of the chair.

"Containing? What do you mean?" Ruby question frowning.

"The army of darkness is very powerful and dangerous, our highnesses need to control them so they won't destroy everything." Greg explained.

"I thought that was what Stormy wanted."

"And it is but, they could destroy them as well and she doesn't want that." Greg replied.

"I wouldn't mind that." Python grumbled. "Those three are starting to annoy me. They're always ordering us around like we are just dumb pets."

"Shh, Python." Garry said leaning his arms on the crystal ball on the desk. "They could hear you."

"They don't understand what I say, you idiot." The mean ghoul shouted angrily.

"Oh, yeah. You're right." 

Ruby giggled at the bickering between the two little creatures who have been growing on her along with the third one who was shaking his head disapprovingly at his friends.

Out of nowhere, the crystal ball on the desk started released an awful screaching sound startling them all.

"What did you do?" Python asked Garry who had fallen on his butt with the scare.

"I-I don't know. I was just leaning on it." The yellow-collared ghoul answered standing up and picking up the ball to inspect it.

"No, give me that." Python said, snatching it from his friend's paws. "You'll only make it worse."

"Guys." Ruby called as the two ghouls played tug of war with the crystal ball.

"Give it back, I'm trying to fix it." Garry yelled so he could be heard over the noise the device was making.

"You won't fix it, you'll break it. You always break it." Pythin argued pulling the ball towards him.

"Now, that's enough." Ruby shouted taking it away from the two. She inspected it, trying to ignore the awful screaching noise it was making. "It has to have an off switch."

Out of a sudden, the noise stopped and the, once blank, ball showed Alfea and the war that was errupting there.

"That is not what I wanted you to do." Ruby growled, shaking the spying device. "Just turn off."

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