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"I don't feel anything for her anymore" Louis complained to the boys as they drove to the next stadium they were playing at. Harry's eyes flickered up from his phone . He was texting his girlfriend that he too was losing feelings for.

"Why don't you break up with her then?" Niall asked as he watched the golf on the TV of their tour bus.

"You know management would slaughter me if I did, Ni" Louis sighed, looking over at Harry who was staring back at him intensely. The only thing distracting him being the buzz of his phone on his thigh.

~text you later babe. Got a emergency at work~ Bethany texted Harry.

You see, Beth is what the media class as Harry's 'normal girlfriend' as she wasn't a celebrity but a successful surgeon at a children's hospital.

~okay hun xx~ Harry replied and listened to his friends conversation.

"I'm just so sexually frustrated though because I hardly see Eleanor but whenever she visits she never wants to have sex" Louis groaned, making Harry's ears twitch up at the sound. A smirk formed on his lips as an idea came into his mind and Louis continued talking.

"It's not like I can bring some girl from a club back. Media would have a field day, Eleanor would go ape shit and management would sack me" Louis complained. Obviously he had thought this through.

"Why don't you leave me out of this convo?" Liam chuckled awkwardly. The rest of the boys snorted as Liam walked towards the bunks to talk to his girlfriend in peace.

"You get where I am coming from Harry? I'm right aren't I?" Louis said, raising his hand as a 'right?' gesture.

"I do. Beth can hardly get any time off and it's annoying as hell" Harry complained as Niall shushed both boys. His eyes glues to the tv screen.

"Respect the golf" was all Niall said. Harry and Louis rolled their eyes. "If you want to continue your sex chat, go to the back of the bus. I'm not having this talk" Niall said seriously as he moved himself closer to the TV.

Harry stood up and motioned Louis to follow. "Hush Nialler. Respect the golf" Harry said in a torment. Louis cackled as they walked past the bunks and into the back of the bus where the door could be closed to make it sound proof.

They used this room for songwriting if they ever got inspiration on the road.

"You know how you said you were frustrated?" Harry asked, leaning over to Louis on the sofa that pulled out to make a bed. Louis nodded and put his phone on the seat next to him. "We are both frustrated. I'm pansexual, your bisexual. . . You get me?" Harry smirked, making Louis chuckle lightly.

"Haz, are you suggesting we have a friends with benefits fling?" Louis asked, leaning closer to Harry.

"Why not? The crew don't need to know, management and the boys don't. The girls don't and besides, it's only if I or you need a quick fuck or something" Harry replied. Louis smiled widely before putting his hands on Harry's shoulders, pushing him down and straddling his hips.

"Right 'ere" Louis growled and then leant down to press his lips to Harry's plum, pink ones. The lips Louis dreamt of kissing for a while. Harry kissed back eagerly, the sound in the room being their lips smacking together and their laboured breathing as they snogged. "Right now" Louis completed.

"Hold on a second" Harry mumbled and went into the bunk part of the bus. "Li, Lou and I are gonna have a nap in here. Don't disrupt" Harry told him.

"Hazza, the bunks are right here" Liam chuckled from behind of his curtain.

"It's quieter. Tell Niall, yeah?" Harry added. Liam stuck his thumb up outside his curtain before Harry backed up and closed the door behind him. He turned around and saw Louis, who was only in his boxers that were a lot like speedos. Harry smirked and pulled one of the blinds of the windows down.

They quickly made the sofas into a bed and then proceeded to fall onto it and snog. Louis was straddling Harry again, the only difference being that they were both now in their boxers and Louis was grinding down on Harry's lap.

"Fuxk" Harry gasped. Louis bit at his lips as he rolled his hips downwards. Harry broke the kiss and leaned up to suck love bites into Louis' neck. He gasped and tilted his head so Harry had more room. Soon enough, Louis pulled away and went further down Harry's body.

He stood up from their makeshift bed and pulled down his boxers, making his dîck show proudly. "Beautiful, Lou" Harry muttered. Louis said nothing but leaned down and pulled Harry's boxers down, throwing them somewhere in the cramped room.

He got back onto the bed and engulfed Harrys length. Harry gasped and found his hands to Louis' soft hair. Louis sucked hard, wanting to have Harry cum down his throat so he was forced to swallow his load.

Louis lifted his hands so they were on Harry's thighs, gripping them tightly. He could feel bumps on Harry's skin, he didn't know why or what they were until Harry said he was about to cum.

"What are these?" Louis whispered. Harry bit his lip and looked down at Louis.

"When I was younger, I self-harmed. Can we talk about it another time?" Harry asked. Louis hesitated but then nodded, making Harry shiver. He then pulled away, moving his body to slam into Harry without warning. The stretch was almost unbearable but once he had gotten used to the feeling, he was writhing under Louis' touch.

Everything was perfect and when he hit his orgasm, Louis had silenced his moans with light kisses from his jawline to his lips, and God, never did Harry feel so loved.

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