Chapter 37

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(A month a chapter. I want this baby asap😂)

Another month had passed and Harry was now in his third trimester. The American or of the tour was over and they were in England again. Well, they had just landed.

Paparazzi were already crowding Louis and Harry for when they had collected their luggage which did not suit either of them.

One pregnant man and another incredibly grumpy one, mixed in with about twenty paps was not a good mix. Louis pulled his suitcase an carried his and Harry's carry ons as Harry pulled his own.

They walked around the corner and instantly got hit by the blinding lights. Luckily, two bodyguards were already there to help them to their car safely.

"Lou" Harry shouted. Louis looked over and saw his fiancé looking very panicked. He reached out to Harry but they both got tugged away by the fans. "Lou!" Harry shouted again. He didn't have the chance to reply before they were both being shoved into the car.

Louis looked over at Harry who was hyperventilating with his hands in his hair whilst repeating "too much. Too much". Louis shuffled over to him and kissed his head, then rubbed his back as he took deep breaths.

"Did the fans upset you?" He asked. Harry just nodded and took a shaky breath. "Did you feel claustrophobic?" He asked.

"I-I got scared that I'd get hurt and then the baby would get hurt too" Harry whispered as they started to drive away. Louis sighed and pressed his forehead to the side of his head.

"Don't worry, princess" he whispered. "Don't worry" he repeated and rubbed his back.

They stayed like that until they had gotten to Anne's house. Harry was still a bit shaken up when he got through the front door, running to his mother and squeezing her until he felt better. Louis had walked in with the bags, almost tripping over all of them but got caught by Robin.

"Careful, mate" Robin chuckled and patted Louis' nicer before roughly but friendlily shoving him over to Anne who was rubbing Harry's stomach and cooing.

"Oh Harry. You're glowing" She sniffled. Harry blushed and looked at Louis.

"Louis!" She squealed ran over to him. She hugged him and kissed his cheek before gasping and pulling away. "I have a surprise for you in the living room" she smiled. Louis frowned and walked towards the living room, pushing the door open.

"Mum" he gasped and looked at his mother who was sat on the sofa with a small bag next to her.

"Baby" she sniffled and stood up, running over to him and hugging him. They hugged each other, clinging to one another for dear life. "I missed you so much" she sniffled.

"I missed you too, mummy" he mumbled. She pulled away from him and kissed his cheek.

"I have a present for you and the girls have gone out with Gemma" she told him. Louis nodded and followed her to the sofa.

She smiled and grabbed two presents out of her bag that was wrapped in blue paper. "Hazzy!" Louis shouted. A couple of seconds later, Anne, Harry and Robin walked in.

They looked at the presents and sat down. Harry rested his head on Louis' shoulder, looking over at it and watching as he unwrapped the paper. They both gasped as Louis pulled out the baby blue newborn onesie that was inside.

"Oh, my God" Harry whispered. Louis held it up and smiled at the tiny little outfit.

"Wow. It's weird to think that Toby will fit in this. He will be so tiny" Louis whispered fondly. Harry smiled and took it from him, managing to make the onesie look even smaller.

"Thank you" he told Jay.

"There is one more." Jay chuckled and handed Louis the present. He unwrapped it and pulled out the gift, finding a gift voucher to mothercare which made them both laugh.

"We actually really need this" Harry chuckled and looked down at it. "Buy a crib and paint and decorations" he said.

"We should do that later" Louis whispered and put it on the table before leaning over and pecking his mothers cheek.

"Wait, I want to buy all of that now" Harry gasped.

"We have to go home and unpack first, babe" Louis laughed. Harry groaned and lifted his head from his shoulder.

"Let's go now then" Harry demanded.


"Now!" He shouted and stood up, marching out of the room. Jay and Anne snickered as he withered on about not being able to put on his boots. "Louis! My belly is in the way" he shouted.

"You don't mind us going?" He asked Jay, Robin and Anne.

"You will have seen enough to of us in the next year to come. Go, text me when you are done so we can help build the crib and baby things" Anne laughed.

"Louis!" Harry shouted.

"Thanks. I'm coming, idiot. Hold your horses!" Louis shouted back, picking up the mothercare voucher and the tiny onesie.

Robin helped them with their bags since Harry couldn't carry heavy objects anymore since his stomach was getting in the way but also because it could harm him and the baby.

"Thanks Rob" Louis said as Harry did his seatbelt in the car. They drove home, Harry none stop talking the whole way about how excited he was for going to his first home and how much he had missed it.

"Open the door babe" Louis told Harry and passed him the keys. He watched as his fiancé walked up to his house with a huge smile on his face. He chuckled at the lad and got out to grab the cases and bags.

He walked in, leaving the bags by the door and looking around the foyer with a huge chandelier that hung upstairs but came to the ground floor. This was the house they would be bringing their baby home to. The house where they would raise him together for the entirety of his life. The house that was minutes away from Harry's family and the house that was actually in the same country as his own family.

The thought made him feel quite emotional. He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Harry shouting for him.

"Fuck" he gasped and ran upstairs, panic in his system as he raced to his future husband.

"Lou, oh my god" he whimpered as he looked around why used to be one of their spare rooms.

It was painted a delicate beige walls and had dark wooden floors and brown curtains hung at the windows. It was empty but it was obviously painted for Tobias. Louis slipped his hand into Harry's, stroking over his knuckles as they looked around the room.

"Who did this?" Harry sniffled and looked at Louis, biting his lip to hold back his smile.

"I don't know" Louis replied. "Let's go and buy his things. I have some good ideas" Louis squeaked. Of course it was manly...

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