Chapter 18

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"Last time I saw you was before the band began. Why on Earth do you need me now?" Louis spat. He had moved onto the balcony of Harry's house with his underpants clinging to his waist.

"Because I do" Sebastian whined. Louis turned to look back into his and Harry's room through the windows. "I miss you. Ive done everything to get my mind off of you. I've been to therapy, I've dated other people but, oh God. You are the only person I want and need" Sebastian moaned.

"No, Seb. I can't. I'm in LA right now anyway" he sighed, feeling himself give in. He heard Sebastian chuckle from the other line.

"I am too. Staying in the Garland, remember when we came here on a trip together" Sebastian said, using a tone of voice as if he were smiling. Louis smiled slightly too, looking out at the view of the balcony.

"Yeah, it was amazing. First time I got laid" Louis laughed, Sebastian chucking with him.

"And who was that by, Louis?" He asked cheekily. Louis snorted and looked back at the bedroom where Harry no longer was laying on the bed.

"By you, Seb" he giggled and played with the hem of his boxers. Their laughter died down after a while until they were left in silence.

"Tell me Louis, seriously" Sebastian began. "Do you miss me? Or am I just one of 'em people who come and go?" He asked, sounding serious.

"Seb, you meant the world to me. You know you did. You were my first love and I'm sorry that we had to break up the way we did but it was for the best" Louis said. "But I have met Harry and he is amazing. I've began to move on fully" Louis sighed.

"Can we at least meet up soon? Like, have some closure?" Sebastian asked. Louis smiled and nodded slightly.

"Of course we can" he whispered, biting his lower lip. After that, Louis told Sebastian that he would meet him at a club in downtown LA after being with Harry to buy furniture.

Louis came back from the balcony, grinning slightly before throwing his phone on the bed and looking up at Harry whose toothbrush was in his mouth, curls dripping wet and only in his boxers. "Had a shower without me?" Louis pouted. Harry blushed as he continued to brush his teeth.

Louis chuckled and leaned up to press a gentle kiss to his cheek. "I love you" he whispered and looked at Harry who was smiling around his toothbrush. Since he couldn't say anything, he hugged Louis and pulled him to his small frame.

"Uve, uo oo" He squealed before running into the bathroom, getting rid of his toothbrush and paste before running back to Louis and tackling him to the bed. "I love you, Louis Tomlinson!" he shouted and then pulled Louis onto his lap.

Louis was giggling as he wrapped his legs around Harry's waist so he was a tiny bit higher in Harry's lap. He tightened his grip around hugged him to his chest. "Let me have a shower, Haz" Louis smiled.

He felt Harry shake his head before hearing him take a deep breath in. "I don't want you to" he whispered as Louis pulled away and stood up. He sighed and fell back onto the bed, looking at Louis in pure adoration.

"See you in a few, babe" he chuckled and walked towards the bathroom.


"Harry, that is as ugly as your shirts" Louis huffed and pointed to the bed frame Harry was gushing over. Harry gasped, gaining a couple of people's attention as he ran his hand down his shirt.

"Don't insult. My. Shirts" he whined pitifully before walking over to the bed frame and rubbing the bright orange wood. "It's okay, bed. Don't let little grumpy arse make you feel insulted" he said and looked at the frame.

Louis shifted uncomfortably "People are watching you. Don't do that" he whisper screamed.

"I'm Harry Styles. I can do, wear, say anything I like, princess" Harry smirked before walking off to another bed, leaving Louis with a permanent frown on his face. A couple of seconds later, Harry ran back and pressed a kiss to Louis' temple. "Turn your frown upside down, my beautiful baby boy" Harry said seriously.

Louis looked at the floor in embarrassment. "Harry" Louis drawled out before feeling strong arms wrap around his torso. He smiled and hugged him back, not having a problem with showing any kind of public display of affection. He had the Harry Styles and he was going to show the world. "I love you, baby boy. With every single bit of my heart" he heard Harry say as he felt him rest his head on his head.

"I love you too." Louis said, grinning into Harry's shirt which was maybe a lot better looking than Louis originally thought. They hugged in the middle of the furniture shop, squeezing each other tight as if they were never going to see each other again.

Louis sighed happily before moving his head to Harry's shoulder, causing Harry to rest his head on the side of his boyfriends and sway them side to side as paparazzi stood outside the store, getting low quality pictures of them both.

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