Chapter 2

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(A/N I'm sorry I you commented last chapter. My Wattpad lagged really badly so it caused them to delete when I tried replying. D,: I'm sorrryy)

The boys ran of stage, sweat was dripping down Liam's forehead as him and Niall ran towards the showers in the stadium. Harry and Louis walked in an awkward silence, their band noticed and started to walk slower so they weren't included in whatever Louis and Harry had going on right now.

"I'm blaming this on you" Harry muttered.

"No shit. Wait, you're the one who insinuated this whole thing" Louis gasped. They turned the corner and walked towards the showers.

"You didn't have to agree"

"You didn't give me much of a chance, Harold dear" Louis said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Ugh, fuck you, Louis" Harry groaned and ran ahead of Louis and into the showers. Louis rolled his eyes at him because of his childish behaviour and found the showers, going into his own shower cubicle, listening to Niall, Harry and Liam chatting about the show.


Louis sat in the back room again. The bed had been made into a lounge and he had his bandmates, George and Richard all crowded around the table.

"As the fans now believe Louis and Harry are in a relationship, we at modest

have decided on promoting you both as a couple. You can still be with your girlfriends in secret but you will both have to be seen in public doing the couply things like hugs, kisses and hand holding. Your family's and girlfriends are well aware of this" Richard said. Harry gasped and picked up his phone, punching in

Bethany's number. "Call her later" George snapped.

Harry slowly put his phone on the table in front of him, feeling everyones eyes on him. "We don't really have a say do we?" Harry mumbled.

"I'm sorry but no. We are going to announce your sexualities by tomorrow morning and then a week after that you will come out as a couple. Liam, Niall, you mustn't say anything to the media, family or girlfriends. . . Niall, for you I mean hook ups."

"What the fuck? I don't have hook ups" Niall gasped, looking absolutely disgusted. "you want to make me look like a slut" Niall accused.

"You are a slut Niall" Louis snapped, leading to Harry and Liam to bite their lips so they didn't snort or grin. Niall sighed and kept quiet after that.

"Thank you for your co-operation guys. Work hard and we will see you again soon." George said, all the boys watching as George and Richard left the bus.

Harry picked up his phone again and called Bethany, crawling into his bunk with the phone firmly to his ear.

"Hello" Bethany's sweet voice called.

"Hi, Beth." Harry sighed, playing with his shirtsleeve. "About Louis and I. . . Its not what it looks like" Harry mumbled.

"I know, your management told me what they are making you both do. They explained that on the bus, you were both tickling each other and it looked bad" she said. Harry let out a breath of relief, secretly thanking modest.

"Thanks for understanding, babe" Harry smiled. "Can you come out soon? I miss you so much" Harry whispered, his voice almost cracking from how much he had missed his girlfriend.

"I might be able for three days. I've been given a couple of days off at work" she told him. Harry cheered and hit his head off of the ceiling of his bunk. He grumbled and rubbed his forehead as he listened to Bethany giggle.

"I'll talk to you later, the boys need me for sound check." Harry said sadly and began slipping out off his bunk.

"Aw, okay. I love you"

"Love you too, sweetheart" Harry smiled and then hung up, leaving his phone on his bunk.


Sound check took longer than expected. Louis and Harry glared at each other, arguing into their microphones from other sides of the stage.

"Guys! Stop!" Niall shouted into his microphone, his guitar over his shoulder.

"Imagine what the fans will hear outside. Think about how if they hear what you are saying, record it and its the whole way around the world in seconds." Niall shouted, his microphone away from his mouth as he marched up the stage. "Imagine how much Zayn and Naughty Boy will be laughing at you both. You need to get a grip, both of you" Niall spat and put his guitar by the drums and walked off the stage.

Louis and Harry stared at the ground, probably looking like kicked puppies. They both looked up at each other but then looked somewhere else in the stadium to avoid one another's glares.

"He's right lads. Just try getting along" Liam asked desperately. "We don't want another member to leave" Liam said sadly and walked off the stage.

Louis sighed and sunk to the floor, burying his face in his hands. Just now he realised how much he misses Zayn. He heard Harry sigh and kneel down next to him.

"I'm sorry" Harry whispered, putting his arm around Louis' shoulders and holding him at his chest. "I'm so, so sorry. I know you miss him" Harry mumbled softly. Thats when Louis lost it, crying into his hands as Harry held him.

They stayed like that for a while, both unaware of Niall, Josh and Liam staring at them both from behind, hearing Harry mumble 'sorry' and 'Zayn' over and over, comforting words obviously between them.

The show went on as planned. Louis and Harry would glare at each other but when the other wasn't glaring back at, they would stare in admiration. Not fully understanding what they felt for each other and what would be happening in another twenty four hours later.

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