Chapter 17

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The boys had completed the second leg of the tour and had yet another three month break. Liam was with Sophia in Surrey, Niall was with his new friend that the media thought was his girlfriend and by the way things were going; she could possibly be. Making the other boys shocked that she wasn't just some random hook up again.

Louis and Harry were both in LA. They had decided to look for houses there in demand of Modest. They were both guarded by two men to protect them from the paparazzi and fans who could be lingering around. "I don't understand why I couldn't have just moved in with you" Louis said as he put his jacket over his shoulder.

Harry shrugged. "I don't know, I just want you to be in England. Don't get me wrong, I love having you here, it's just that your family is there." Harry pouted as they walked up the drive of a house Modest had given them the keys too to look around.

"Your family is in England, baby" Louis laughed through his nose. Harry shrugged again and pushed the key into the lock, turning it and then letting the door swing open. They both gasped at the space they saw. The foyer went along the width of the house, showing two french doors with windows on each side show the pool.

"Wow" Harry gasped and walked further into the house. He looked up at the high ceiling and the stairs that swooped round to the upstairs while Louis pushed two glass doors that opened to the kitchen and dining room.

"Aw, Harry. This is amazing" he shouted from the kitchen. Harry walked in and saw Louis stood at the stove, running his hands across the electronic grill. "I have gotten better at cooking, you know? I'm getting good at it" he smiled as Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and then went to rest his chin on his shoulder, looking out the window that showed the front garden and the gates that guarded them in.

"I know you are, love" he said sarcastically. Louis slapped his hand playfully.

"Ay, don't use that tone with me. I am still older than you" Louis said in a threatening tone as Harry took his hands around his waist to look around.

"Yeah well I'm bigger than you. I can literally pick you up and throw you over my shoulder" Harry smirked. Louis pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. Harry just smiled fondly at him before stalking around the rest of the house with Louis not far behind him, telling him why he should "respect his elders" and saying that he wants Harry to "prove that you can throw me over your shoulder" so thats what Harry did.

He carried Louis around the house as the looked around until his arms got tired. Louis isn't overweight or heavy, he just couldn't carry him around for too long before his arms ached and his back hurt.


Three houses later, they had both decided that they liked the first house the best that was hidden away on a quite road with ridiculously huge and priced houses along it.

"Yeah, yes George. The first one" Harry huffed as Louis cooked some pasta in Harry's house he decided to not put up for sale.

"Are you sure?" George said for the third time.

"For Gods sake George. Yes, I am positive" Harry groaned. Louis left the pot of pasta on the stove to cook as he began to make the sauce.

"Well, by tomorrow morning it will be all yours. Make sure you go furniture shopping too" He told him. Harry rolled his eyes, making Louis giggle.

"Okay. Have a good day" Harry said almost sarcastically. "Goodbye" he snapped and hung up, taking a deep breath.

"You okay, sunshine?" Louis asked him. Harry put his phone on the table and nodded hesitantly.

"Yeah. I just feel like a pile of rocks has just been crushed on my chest and I can't breath" Harry sighed and sat down at the island. Louis left his sauce and walked over to Harry, caressing his cheek and jaw.

"I'll help you relax after dinner" Louis said sympathetically. Harry's face lit up.

"More sex?!" He cheered. Louis frowned with a smile and took his hand away.

"I was thinking just a back massage but if you really want to" Louis chuckled. Harry nodded quickly and then dished out the pasta as Louis poured the sauce onto it. They ate quickly and quietly before washing up and letting their food settle in their stomachs before running to Harry's bedroom. "Take your shirt off, I'll be back in a second. Actually, take everything off" Louis frowned. Harry chuckled and pulled off his clothes before laying stomach down on the bed, the thin bed sheets being thrown over his bare bottom by Louis who has returned with some moisturiser.

"Ooh, rich and creamy moisturiser that will fill your senses with honey and warmth. A cuddle in a bottle, bringing you comfort when needed most" Louis read overly enthusiastically to Harry who was smiling into his pillow. "Jesus, Haz. Where do you get these things?"

"Lush and stuff." He said tiredly, looking at Louis awkwardly. Louis smiled and positioned himself to sit on Harry's butt cheeks, squeezing the moisturiser on his hands and rubbing them together before starting on Harry's shoulder muscles.

He kneaded his thumbs into the flesh, relieving the kinks and tenseness of Harry's built up stress. He moaned quietly as Louis worked the moisturiser into his skin, moving his hands down lower and lower until they were kneading into his lower back where Harry complained it hurt the most.

"This okay?" Louis asked, leaning forward to press his lips to Harry's sticky back. Harry hummed his answer before small snores escaped his lips minutes later.

Louis smiled fondly before going to wash the remainder of the moisturiser from his skin and climbing into the bed next to Harry and putting his small hand on the large of his back before falling asleep with his feet pressed against the side of Harry's calves.


Louis woke up with Harry on his chest. He looked down and brushed away some of his hair so he could see him better, his heart shape lips puffy and pale pink. He let out a happy sigh, rubbing his hand up and down m the younger mans arm before reaching to the bed side table and checking his phone.

Modest: furniture shopping today! Starbucks, eat out for the afternoon. Paps are aware

Louis huffed and watched Harry again. Watching how his head would slowly move up and down as his chest raised every time he took a breath. He put his hand that had been wrapped around Harry's back to on his shoulder, rubbing it softly as he began to wake up.

Harry blinked a couple of times to get used to the light in the room. He lifted his head up and looked at Louis, smiling instantly, putting his head back on Louis' chest and using his arm that had been draped over Louis' stomach to squeeze him while a high squeal escaped his throat as his legs stretched under the sheets.

Louis chuckled and continued to rub his hand up and down Harry's shoulder and back. "Morning, sunshine" he whispered hoarsely, pulling a face at his morning voice.

"Hi" Harry rasped out, moving his head off of Louis' lap and resting his own on his pillow. Louis tilted his head to look at Harry just as his phone rang.

He groaned and picked it up, staring at the screen before answering it.

"Sebastian? Why are you calling me?" He frowned and sat up, letting the sheets drop down his torso and into his lap. Harry smiled and rubbed at his lower back, running his fingertips over the dimples there.

Louis huffed and pushed his hand away as he listened to Sebastian. "I need you Lou, so much."

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