Chapter 39

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"Nine seconds! Go, go, go!" Louis shouted as he held his phone up to Harry's face.

"We are meeting our baby today!" Harry shouted as he looked through his overnight bag.

Louis giggled as he watched the snapchat over. They decided their first snapchats would be of the day Tobias was going to be brought into the world. Louis added it to their story and he logged out of the snapchat since it would lag his phone.

"Do you have everything?" Louis asked.

"Um. Yeah. I have my toothbrush and paste and face wash. I have clothes and also Pumpkins clothes too." I told him. Louis nodded and kissed the baby bump.

"Aw. I'm going to miss this" Louis whispered and pulled his oversized shirt that Harry had taken so it exposed his belly. He ran his hands over the stretched skin. He had a couple of stretch marks but he liked them. It would leave a nice reminder that he did carry a baby. He carried his son.

Louis smiled at the sight and rubbed it again. Admiring the way of how the butterfly covered part of the bump and looked as if it was protecting it. "I've got to take a picture of this" he said. Harry let out a laugh through his nose and watched as Louis pulled out his phone and took a picture of the bump and then put his hand over the side where pumpkin usually kicked and rubbed the skin and pressed his hand in a tiny bit. A couple of seconds later, he felt a nudge against his hand which made him instantly duck down and kiss the spot there. "Let's meet our baby boy" Louis smiled and picked up their bags and linked his hand with Harry's as they walked down the stairs to the car.

The journey to the hospital was short and quick. The baby carrier was in the back seat and Jay, Anne and Robin were already at the door and waiting for them.

Anne ran to Harry's door and opened it for him as Jay met Louis and Robin got the baby carrier and bag from the car.

"I'm going to be a grandma" Jay gasped. Louis chucked and kissed her cheek before grabbing the bag from Robin and swinging it over his shoulder as Harry walked over to him and linked their fingers.

They checked in and got to their room comfortably as a midwife hooked him up to machines. The door opened again and a woman with blonde hair and a nice tan walked in. "Angelina!" Harry said and opened his arms.

"Harry!" She laughed and leaned forwards to hug him. She turned around and hugged Louis before introducing herself to the rest of the family.

"I looked after Harry in LA when he found out he was pregnant" she told them which made them talk on and on as the nurses asked when Harry last had something to drink or eat.

"Okay. Well, its half past three now and we will be ready in an hour so baby will be with you in the next three hours" she said excitedly. Louis had found out that her name was Gabriella, Gabby for short. Harry looked at him and held out his hand.

"I'm nervous" he whispered. Louis moved his seat closer to his bed and kissed his knuckles.

"Me too" he mumbled. "We will be fine." He whispered.


"Okay. My colleague will take you to get your own scrubs and then bring you down to Harry in the surgery room." Gabby said. Louis nodded and looked at the rest of his family which at the moment was only Anne, Robin and Jay. They gave him quick hugs and supportive words before Rachel led him to the room full of the scrubs.

He felt sick with worry and faint with anxiety. He didn't know how on Earth he was going to be able to sit next to Harry and support him when he needed it too.

He pulled on the scrubs and followed Rachel to the surgery room. He looked around the room and saw a sheet that was covering the view of Harry's belly as well as two big lights and a table of utensils. He looked at Harry who was playing with part of his hospital gown and then looked over at the tiny bassinet that had been put in place for Tobias.

He walked over to Harry and sat in the seat next to him and began stroking his hair. "Louis," Harry said weakly, his face obviously showing his fear.

"I know, princess. I'm scared too" Louis whispered and kissed his forehead.

"Can you feel that, Harry?" One of the doctors asked from behind the sheet.

"No. Just pressure" he frowned.

"That's perfectly normal. I think we are ready guys" he heard them say. Louis' breath hitched and Harry was reaching for the hand that Louis wasn't using to brush his hair back with.

Then, without warning, the doctors were shouting medical terms to each other and Harry was frowning. "What's wrong? Why are you frowning?" He asked.

"I can feel pressure. It's one of the weirdest feelings ever" he replied. Louis smiled fondly and rubbed his hand as he heard the doctor say 'suction'.

A couple of minutes later, Harry felt incredible pressure all at once and then it was gone. "Cut the cord" the doctor said to one of the other nurses. Louis gasped and peaked around the sheet and saw a bloody mess on Harry's upper stomach.

It was then being whisked away to the bassinet before either man could register anything. Harry was being sewn up as they stayed in silence, waiting to hear that first cry but there wasn't one.

"W-what's happening? Is he okay?" Harry asked. Louis looked over to his baby and saw three nurses and a doctor crowded round him.

Panic filled his system as he watched their arms moving rapidly. He looked at Harry who had tears running down his cheeks. "Louis, please. Is-is he okay? Is our baby okay?" He sobbed.

"I-I don't know" Louis cried. Staring over at the crib as he stroked Harry's hair.

"Ay, we have life!" The doctor cheered as Tobias' screeches and cries filled the room. Harry pulled his hand from Louis' and put them over his face as he cried into them.

Louis was crying and looking over at the crib where the nurses were swaddling him. He then looked at Harry an pried his hands from his face.

"I am so proud of you. I am so, so proud of you, baby. I love you so much" he whispered and pressed a quick kiss to Harry's lips because they got separated by a nurse handing them their baby.

"Tobias Tomlinson. Seven pounds, eight ounces. Born on the first of November, six thirty three." She said proudly as Harry's large hands supported the tiny body. He wasn't crying anymore, just staring down at his pride and joy with heart eyes but Louis on the other hand was in absolute hysterics.

The world wouldn't have expected him to be crying his eyes out. No, they expected that to be Harry. "Louis, do you want to go back to the room? We are bringing Harry and Tobias back now." Rachel said.

Louis nodded and kissed Harry's forehead and then Tobias' tiny little one before standing up and following Gabby back to the room. He walked in and went straight to his mum.

"He is so perfect, mum" he blubbered as she hugged him back. "H-he is so beautiful a-and he didn't cry for ages b-but then he did and it felt amazing" he cried.

"Aw Louis, darling. I'm so proud and so happy for you" Jay whispered. He then felt two other pairs of arms wrap around his body and it turned out to be Anne and Angelina. Seconds later, Harry was being pushed into the room with Tobias still on his chest. Louis walked over to him with Jay, Robin, Anne and Angelina behind him.

"Hold him?" Harry asked. Louis just nodded and slowly took the baby from his arms and sat in the chair next to the bed. Tobias whined slightly as his eyes opened again, revealing blue diamonds but he knew that they are blue for the first three months before they go to the colour it'll stay for the rest of his life, unless he has his eyes.

"Hi, baby boy" Louis whispered. "Daddy's got you, baby" he cooed while Anne and Robin hugged Harry. Jay had gone to get some food for them all and Angelina had to leave. Tobias' unfocused eyes looked up at him and darted around Louis' face as he rocked him.

He let out a tired yawn, his tiny mouth making a perfect 'o' shape. "You can sleep, Toby. We won't mind" Louis smiled, rocking the child in his arms.

"I love you, Harry and Toby" Louis whispered.

"We love you too, Louis." Harry mumbled from his bed.

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