Chapter 20

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1 week later.

"Moving day" Louis smiled as Harry turned to face him in their bed. "You okay? You look pale" Louis frowned. His boyfriend nodded before pulling a face and running to their bathroom and throwing up in the toilet. Louis decided on staying in the bed since he didn't have the strongest stomach and he was more than likely going to throw up in the toilet along with Harry.

"Sorry" Harry whispered as he came back and crawled into the bed after brushing his teeth. Louis smiled and brushed his hair back.

"You okay though. You've seemed kind of off this past week and you have thrown up two times before as well" Louis frowned. Harry tensed and sighed.

"I have really big news. You might not believe me" Harry croaked. Louis sat up as Harry wiped his hands over his face.

"What is it?" Louis frowned. Harry looked up at him and then bit his lip. He stood from the bed and walked to their walk in wardrobe before coming back out with something. He passed it to Louis and stood with his hands in front of his stomach.

Louis looked at the stick, disbelief and shock on his face. "No. I-I. . . that's impossible. Di-did you cheat? Th-that not possible. This is fake, you are pulling my leg aren't you?" Louis cried as he looked down at the positive pregnancy test.

Harry too was crying. "No! Never have I cheated on you and I would never dream of doing that!" Harry cried. "You have you believe me" He sobbed. Louis looked up from the test and to Harry.

"It's impossible Harry. Y-you have to have cheated on me. There is that one in a million chance but that is One in a fucking million Harry! I am infertile, I can't have kids. This is just some sick joke isn't it?" Louis boomed. Harry flinched as he continued crying, his tears dropping from his face and onto his bare chest.

"I'm positive it's yours, Louis" Harry said pathetically.

"When it's born, I demand a DNA test." Louis said before throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie that read 'Amsterdam' on it. He grabbed his phone and stormed out of the house, running to Harry's car and driving away.

Harry watched with the test in his hand and the other on his stomach. He snivelled and sobbed as he watched Louis drive away. "He'll be back, he will be back" he muttered repeatedly to himself. "He'll come home. He will come home" he cried.

Suddenly his phone began ringing, he ran to it and picked it up. "Hello?" He said hoarsely.

"Harry! I'm in LA with Amy" Niall cheered but stopped when he heard Harry let out a dry sob. "Harry? What's wrong?" He gasped.

"I-I'm" Harry began, not able to say a word since he was so hysterical.

"We are coming round. We'll let ourselves in" Niall said and hung up, leaving Harry gripping his phone to his ear as he slid down the window pane and curled himself into a ball on the floor by the large open window.

Ten minutes later, the door swung open. Harry jolted into the sitting position and listened as footsteps ran up the stairs. "Haz?" Niall gasped at his friend whose phone was by his side.

Amy knelt next to Harry and rubbed his shoulder as he cried. "What's the matter?" Niall asked, rubbing at Harry's knee.

"Didn't believe me? It is his, no one else's he wants a DNA test" Harry sobbed. Amy looked at Niall in confusion as Niall did the same.

It took a good half an hour for both of them to calm Harry down so he could form proper sentences. He was now sat on the sofa with a mug of hot chocolate in his hands. Amy and Niall held their own as they snuggled up on the chair opposite. "I had signs" Harry murmured.

"What signs?" Niall frowned. Amy pressed her finger to his lips to make him be quiet so he could speak.

"Pregnancy signs. Throwing up in the morning, feeling tired and irritated and emotional all the same time. I hid it though." he whispered. "Last week, Louis went out with a friend so as he got ready, I took the test."

Niall and Amy's jaws had dropped. Niall had told her the band secrets of Louis being infertile and Harry being able to conceive. "Came back positive. I didn't believe it first. I even thought I could have slept with someone in my sleep" he chuckled sadly. "I knew that if I couldn't believe it then Louis wouldn't either." Harry said quietly, his voice shaking.

"So I told him this morning since my appointment is tomorrow to check on he or she" he said, resting his hand on his stomach, rubbing it before putting his hand back on his mug. "But I told him and h-he said I had cheated on him and that he wants a DNA test when our baby is born" he sniffled. "he doesn't believe that the baby inside of me is his. He or she is our one in a million baby" he whispered and placed his hand on his stomach, rubbing it and keeping it there this time.

"Oh, sweetheart" Amy whispered, handing her cup to Niall and standing up to sit next to Harry. He looked at her before she enveloped him in a hug.

"He will come around, he sort of has too since its going to be nine months until you meet him or her. But right now, you need people around you who you can trust" she whispered. "And I know we have only met today but I swear on my life that I'm here for you, Niall is here for you and so are your family once you have told them" she said softly.

Harry sniffled at her words and put his cup in the coffee table before hugging her back. At that moment, the unlocking of the front door echoed through the house. Harry pulled away from Amy and looked towards the hallway, frozen in his place.

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