Chapter 9

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Its 3 AM and Louis is still staring at the wall, still feeling numb and emotionless and unable to communicate with anyone else that could come into contact with him. A ding from his phone snaps him out of his gaze at the wall. He stares down at it and sees that its Liam with another message.

Its early as hell, I know but i just want to know if you are okay. Test results?

Louis ignored it and decided to strip from his clothes and go to sleep, knowing that if he doesn't than he will be really horrible in the morning.

Louis wakes up to Anne shaking his shoulders, looking down at him with a smile. "Louis, we have visitors for you and Harry" she said softly. He nodded and slowly sat up, remembering all that happened yesterday.

He felt like he should be crying but he feels to out of it, numb and tired to even let a tear fall. He pulled a pair of sweatpants up his legs after Anne had left, pulling his adidas sweater over his head, giving him huge sweater paws. He rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hands as he walked down the stairs, hearing deep voices from the living room.

"Louis! Good afternoon" George beamed. Louis pulled a face at his presence but sat on the sofa Harry was sitting on. Instead of sitting next to Harry like he normally would, he left a space between them, curling up on the cushion. "Okay then" George frowned. Louis looked over at Harry who mouthed 'you okay?' Louis just ignored it though.

"Well, you guys have been doing amazing with this PR stunt. We just have a couple more things we want you you do" George said.

"Okay, and that is?" Harry asked. George shuffled some of his papers and pushed his glasses up his nose.

"We want you to move in with Louis or you move in with Harry. When you have the three month break of course." George answered. Harry sat up straight and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You can't do that! Bethany is moving in with me and Louis hardly ever sees his family. I don't want him to live with me anyway!" Harry boomed. Louis flinched and pulled his sleeves over his hands. George and Harry argued back and forth, causing Louis not to hear his own thoughts.

The only things he was hearing was 'Bethany', 'Louis', 'LA', so on, so forth and Louis could feel himself at breaking point. Without a word, he stood up, slipped on his shoes and grabbed his phone as well as the keys to Harry's spare car.

He ran out the house and jumped into the car, George, Harry, Bethany, Robin and Anne all running out the front door to call him back but he couldn't hear them over the roar of the engines and the squeals from the tires on the floor as he sped down the drive.

An hour later, he found himself at Liam's hotel. He asked for Liam's room number which he received in less than five minutes. He ran up the stairs and banged on the door, feeling his eyes burning as he fidgeted. "Lou?" Liam gasped, pulling him into his room.

"P-positive, Liam. I cant h-have children because o-of the g-genetics in my family" Louis sobbed loudly as Liam helped him over to his hotel bed. Liam watched as Louis covered his face with his hands.

Seeing Louis cry was a rarity. He never cried and if he did it was a tear or two, like when he sniffled when Niall shouted at him and Harry. But that was a tear or two, now its like endless rainfall. Liam put his arms around Louis' shaking frame as he shouted through his tears.

"I miss Zayn! I miss my family! I can't have my family because of management, I can't have Harry because of Bethany, I can't have Zayn because he quit and moved to London, I have fucking ADHD and I can't have ch-children, Liam. Why is my life so shit?" Louis bawled. Liam held Louis to his chest, rubbing his hand up and down Louis' back.

"Shh, Lou. Your ADHD is minor and you have pills to stop it from getting worse. You not being able to have kids is not something you could of prevented. It was a rare gene in your family that caused this." Liam soothed.

"B-but what if H-Harry and I don't get together for real? What if I meet a girl and she wants kids, I can't give her that. . . fuck! What if Harry wants kids? I can't give him that!" Louis cried, his cries becoming hysterical.

"Louis! Breathe for me, breathe. I know life is difficult for you, I know you want children but you need to calm down. Please" Liam begged. Louis started to calm down, still taking deep breaths when Sophia, walked into the room with her bags in her hands.

She gasped and sped over to Liam who was holding a crying Louis. Louis looked up and saw Sophia who was sitting down on the bed next to him. "Louis" she whispered pitifully. He whimpered and watched as she opened her arms for him to fall into.

He pulled away from Liam and tucked his face into her shoulder, his breathing became softer as she hugged him, friendly pressing kisses into his hair as Liam called Niall who was awaiting Louis to tell him his results.

Louis had tests done before he went to Italy for the tour. He had been pushing it back for a couple of years until Jay forced him to go the the hospital for testing.

Louis' breathing had gotten heavier, telling both Liam and Sophia that he had fallen asleep. "What happened?" She asked Liam as she stood up. Liam sighed and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"He got tested for infertility, since it was a gene in his family. It came back as positive for infertility. I am so annoyed because he told me it was a one in a million possibility and he got that tiny little one" He sighed. Sophia looked up at Liam, tears shining in her eyes.

"Um, excuse me" she whispered and walked into the bathroom. Out of all band members, her and Louis were the closest, after Liam of course and finding out that one of her best friends can't have children upset her.

"Baby" Liam said from the other side of the door. She opened it quietly and let him in as she wiped her fallen tears with a tissue. Liam hugged her as she sniffled.

"He wanted children so badly. He would tell me about being able to see his child coming on tour if you were still famous. He told me when he was at our house that he could see a little Louis running around our garden." Sophia cried.

"I know, its sad. We just need to be his support system". Liam said sadly and kissed her hair. "we have to look after him" he finished.

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