Chapter 34

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"I can see you in the back!" Harry shouted, gaining cheers from the back of the stadium. He smiled and put his mic to his mouth again. "I can see you on this side, I can see you on this side!" He bellowed, getting more cheers. "And I can see you all over the floor" he said, spinning on his feet.

"Careful Hazza" Louis said into the microphone, making the fans coo and Harry roll his eyes. After Harry had finished talking to the fans, he introduced their song and walked over to meet Niall who was playing his guitar. Harry danced around him as best he could and then laughed when Niall pulled a face.

A couple of songs later and the boys were sitting in a line on the middle of the stage, singing little things. Louis had an arm around Harry's shoulder and Liam was poking and messing around with Louis. Niall was oblivious, playing his guitar and singing with Harry.

Once Niall had begun singing, Harry looked up at Louis, feeling Pumpkin move again. He grabbed Louis' hand and pressed it to his stomach. "He moved" He said, not knowing Louis' mouth was near enough for the fans to hear. It was quiet but some heard, making them scream loudly. He blushed and put his face into Louis' arm. Niall looked over at them, smiling widely as Liam offered a light smile.

Best song ever was the last one, the crowd singing along when Harry turned his microphone to them. "Oh, oh, oh!" Harry smiled, singing and swaying while his band mates danced around. His hand was protectively over his bump as he felt himself go dizzy, he shut his eyes and regained his balance before walking from the crowd and towards the band. He walked over to Liam and whispered into his ear, "I have to go backstage, I feel sick" He told him.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Harry just shrugged and walked off stage, making Louis look up from the end of the stage. Liam sang as he walked down the stage, waving around at the fans as the song came to an end. "He feel's sick" He mouthed. Louis nodded and waved around before the three boys ran down the stage again. When they all got off the stage, Louis dropped his mic and ran around, looking for Harry.

"Louis!" He heard Lou shout.He ran up to her and looked around still. "He fainted, he is on the way to the hospital" Lou told him. Panic ran through his body as he choked on his spit.

"Fuck, take me to him!" Louis shouted. Everyone was running around, panic running high as the fans left the stadium with adrenaline running through their veins. Louis looked over at Liam who was waving him over to where Niall stood along with Lou and five security guards. They rushed them to the car and off to the hospital. Louis was biting his nails and his knee was jumping up and down as he thought the worst. What if Harry had lost the baby?

Lou put her hand on his knee and rubbed it kindly. She was not only a friend but a mother like figure, even at her own young age. "He'll be okay, honey" She whispered. He didn't reply, he only looked out the window as he watched the palm trees of Orlando go by. In ten minutes, they were running out of the car and into the hospital where they got recognised immediately. A doctor came up to Louis and led him away from the rest of his friends and towards Harry's hospital room, not that he knew that yet.

Anxiety built up in his chest when the doctor wasn't saying anything. He pushed open the door and saw Harry looking up a monitor where Tobias' form on the ultrasound was being shown. His head snapped over to Louis, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. "Are you okay? Is Toby okay?" Louis asked as he ran over to him. The woman who was scanning his stomach tapped some buttons.

"We are fine" He croaked. "Wasn't moving that much but now he is really wriggly" He added. Louis sighed and kissed Harry's forehead, then looked at the screen.

"Harry's right. He will have to stay over night though so we can control his blood pressure as that is what he fainted for, it was very low and me and my colleagues think that you should have a week off at least" She smiled and wiped off Harry's belly for him.

"Thank you" he mumbled. She smiled and left them in the room alone. Harry looked at him and stroked his cheek and smiling at him. "I fainted because I hadn't eaten anything since lunch" He said. Louis sighed and pressed his forehead to his finances.

"I woke up here and everyone was running around, strapping things to me and bringing that machine in. I thought something bad had happened to him." Harry said, looking down at his belly. "His heart rate was slow but it picked up after I had eaten something and then you came in when they were checking again." Harry sniffled. "I really want peanut butter too, but they don't have any!" Harry sobbed. Louis cooed, releasing a slight chuckle.

"Awh" he whispered and put his hand on the back of Harry's head and bringing it to his neck. "I'll pop out and buy you some, darling" he whispered.

"Thanks, honey" he whispered. Louis nodded and kissed his curls and then his lips. "I love you" he whispered.

"Love you too, princess" he replied as he walked out of the room, letting everyone else walk into his room.

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