Chapter 38

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"We have twenty pounds, Lou. I don't know what else we an get with that because I want to go to ikea for some other things" Harry frowned and looked at the cart they had been pushing around.

So far, they had decorations for the room as well a car seat that costed most of their voucher. "That is really going to test our relationship" Louis grumbled which made Harry cackle but then slam his hand over his mouth which gathered other people's attention.

"Yeah" Harry trailed off as he saw the baby clothes section. "And this is where we lose our twenty quid" Harry smiled.


"Harry," Louis winged as Harry walked around Ikea. They had already been spotted by dozens of paparazzi which added to Louis' worsening mood.

They had bought a crib, cabinet and baby changing station which came as a set. "Sit in a chair, Louis. I am not done." Harry ordered. Louis nodded and sat in a beige rocking chair that had dark wooden rockers. "That is what we have been missing!" Harry exclaimed and pointed at the chair. Louis groaned.

"Well are you going to get it or not because I'm tired, hungry and you are annoying me" Louis snapped. Harry rolled his eyes and walked away to find someone to buy the chair off. Louis stood up and walked over to Harry and the worker to buy the product.

"Let's just hope I build it right because with ikea shit, if you do one thing wrong then you have fucked everything else up" Louis said to Harry and mostly himself. He heard a low chuckle as he heaved the boxes of furniture into his car with Harry rubbing his belly. They drove home together, Louis buying a drive through McDonald's while Harry rolled his eyes but waved to the fans at the drive thru.

"Happy now?" Harry frowned, grimacing at the fatty food. Louis nodded gratefully and ate as he drove. As they pulled into the drive, they got met with four people watching them from the front door. "Is that Zayn and Perrie? Shouldn't she be doing work on the album?" Harry muttered. Louis just shrugged and parked up, pulling the keys from the ignition. Before they even got out, Zayn and Perrie as well as Liam and Sophia were opening the boot of the car and the car doors so they could get out.

Louis smiled politely and looks over at Harry who was pulling himself out of the car. Liam was already carrying the box with all of the crib parts into the house and Perrie had already grabbed the bag of baby clothes. "Bloody hell," Louis muttered.

He looked around and saw Sophia hugging Harry and Zayn pulling the boxes for the rocking chair and baby changing station from the car and propping the boxes against it.

"Hello" Zayn smiled shyly. Louis nodded and shook his hand.

"Hi" he replied and picked up the rocking chair box. "Help me carry this upstairs?" He asked Zayn. He nodded and carried it in, leaving Sophia and Harry to walk in after them.

"How are you all then?" She asked him. Harry giggled and patted his belly.

"We are all fine. We are just going to build his things and then prepare for the c-section I guess. Oh my God. Soph." Harry gasped.

"Woah, you look like you just had a revelation," she laughed.

"I have!" He chuckled as Liam passed to get the boxes for the baby station. "We are meeting Tobias next month!" He exclaimed which must've jostled the baby as he felt a sharp kick in his side. "Sorry, baby" he cooed and rubbed it.

"You aren't waiting the whole nine months. You're only seven now" she frowned. Harry shook his head and walked to the kitchen to get his craving food.

"It's too dangerous for both of us" Harry replied and ate his apple slices with peanut butter. Sophia just nodded and went to sit by Perrie who was looking through the baby clothes that they had bought. Harry joined them and sat opposite them in a chair by the fireplace. "Oh. Louis' choice?" Perrie guessed and held up a pair of grey and black joggers on with the Nike logo on it. He chuckled and laughed as he leaned forwards and picked up two baby grows.

"And this one. It had the Adidas logo on and this one" he said and pointed to it. The girls laughed when they saw 'my daddy is better than yours' written on it. Harry smiled and put down his food, beginning to feel a bit sick from the food.

Three hours later, Liam and Louis as well as Zayn all walked down the stairs. They looked pretty pleased with themselves but Liam looked a bit frustrated.

"Fuck ikea" he muttered and sat next to Sophia. Louis walked over to Harry and stood behind the chair he was sat in to lean forwards and wrap his arms around his shoulders and attach his lips to his jawline.

"Want to see Tobias' room?" He asked.

"Its done?" Harry gasped. Louis nodded with a proud smile and helped Harry stand up. "Thank you for all of your help today," Harry said before walking up the stairs, feeling Louis' hand on his lower back at all times.

When they got to the door, Harry reached up and traced the burgundy coloured words that read 'Tobias', which made him look at Louis with a wide grin. He pushed open the door and saw the rocking chair immediately. It was sat in the left right corner of the room and the crib was angled in the top right hand corner of the room to face the whole room. By the rocking chair, against the wall was the baby changing station and on the other side of the room was the dresser for his clothes.

Everything fit perfectly. The beige walls fit with the mahogany wood of the furniture. The toy box and the teddy bears as well as the teddy Louis had bought him that sat in the crib. "Oh, my God. Louis" Harry said with his hand over his mouth. He walked over to the crib and ran his hands over the wooden frame and staring down at the 'thing one' teddy bear and the delicate material of the tiny mattress. "Oh my God" he sniffled, tears gathering in his eyes as he turned and looked at Louis who was smiling proudly at him.

He walked over to him and put one arm around him and the other hand over Harry's as he turned his head to kiss Harry's jawline. "You are so perfect" Louis mumbled and put his hand on Harry's baby bump.

He let out a choked sob and put his face into Louis' neck. "It's so perfect, baby" He cried and then pulled away, pressing his lips to Louis' in a long lasting kiss. Their lips didn't move, they only touched as they smiled against each other's mouths.

"I love you" Louis whispered. Harry smiled as tears continued to fall, he kissed his forehead and pecked his forehead over and over again.

"I love you. I love you to neverland and back" Harry replied. Later that day, they bought four pizzas from Pizza Huts takeaway and ate. Liam and Sophia were the first to leave and Zayn and Perrie followed soon after.

"I'm going to make a public snap chat" Harry said as he typed at his phone. Louis just nodded and let Harry lean on his arm.

Five minutes later, Harry tweeted something that made most of the fandom lag his phone something crazy.

@Harry_Styles: snapchat is harryandlouiss because HarryStyles was taken :/

Louis laughed at the tweet and retweeted it. Not quite understanding what they were doing.

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