Chapter 40

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"Do you. . . never mind. I'll Instagram, tweet and snapchat" Louis said. Harry chuckled and looked at Tobias who had been swaddled and put in the hospital crib next to Harry's bed.

Harry was eating a salad sandwich since he wasn't allowed to eat since the day before because of the C-Section.

Louis took a picture of Tobias from above and went to Twitter first.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Tobias Elijah Tomlinson, seven pounds eight ounces. Welcome to the world, pumpkin.

And attached was a picture of Tobias, his little face all scrunched up in discomfort. "Is he okay?" Louis gasped but watched as his face went into his neutral, bored looking expression.

Harry then made Louis take another picture of him so he could put it to Instagram and then Louis snapchatted a small message of him saying thank you for all of the support which ended up with him speaking in ten seconds for three minutes.

He then went onto Twitter and saw that #tobiaselijah was trending. He smiled and picked up his son from the crib and walked over to the bed. Harry shuffled over, still feeling sore from the operation and let him sit on the bed with him. He looked over at the baby and stroked his forehead.

"He has your lips" he told Harry.

"And he has your hair colour" Harry pointed out and pulled the beanie that sat on his head up a bit so it was out of his eyes.

"He will have your heart" Louis mumbled. "Every Styles -slash- Twist have a huge heart. I just hope he has your patience" he chuckled.

Harry laughed. "I don't. I hope he has your bubbly personality. And your charisma." Harry mumbled and leaned his head on his arm.

"I hope he has my height. I don't want him to be taller than me." Louis frowned.

"He is a small baby. The nurse said he isn't very long so he might be a bit short" Harry mumbled and sipped from his drink. Anne and Robin had gone back to The Styles-Tomlinson household to prepare for when they bring Tobias home and Jay had gone to get the rest of the family to take back to their house.

"Now Tobias is born, we can think about the wedding. Well, we can wait until he is older." Harry said and looked down at his ring.

"Yeah, we will wait until he can crawl. Or walk. Which will most likely be a year, do you mind waiting that long?" He asked.

"Nope. Right now, all our focus has to be on Tobias." He agreed. He nodded and sighed heavily as Louis looked past Tobias and at Harry's long legs. God, it reminded him of how much he missed Harry. Yes, he is right next to him but he doesn't miss him in that way. Louis misses him in the more sensual and sexual way.

They haven't had sex for months.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked Loiis.

"I miss sex with you" Louis replied forwardly. Harry choked back a laugh and kissed his bicep as he held Tobias who was now fast asleep.

"My my Louis Tomlinson. That's by far the most romantic thing you have ever told me" he mocked. Louis rolled his eyes and put Tobias in the hospital crib.

"Please, can we just. . . snog?" Louis asked. He chuckled and tilted his head so their lips met. Louis moved so he was sitting up but not straddling him so he didn't hurt his stomach and threaded his hands through his hair and pulled lightly. He moaned into Louis' mouth and then felt his hands on his back.

He pulled away, the loud smack of each other's lips pulling apart echoed around the room. "When we get home and everything is settled, I'll give you a blow job." He told Louis who hummed and pressed his forehead to Harry's.

"Oh, God please" he whispered. They pulled away when the door swung open and Niall, Liam and Sophia poked their heads around the door.

"Happy birthday, Tobias!" They said quietly. Louis and Harry chuckled as they made their way over to the baby, cooing at the tiny form. Sophia came over to them and kissed their cheeks before going back to Tobias.

"What's he going to call you?" Sophia asked.

"I'm daddy and Haz is dada, right?" Louis asked him.

Harry nodded and yawned. Louis shuffled down so his head was on the pillow. "Go to sleep, babe" he mumbled. He nodded and rested his head on Louis' chest and shut his eyes as Liam picked Tobias up from the crib and walked to a chair and sat down. Harry fell asleep almost immediately and after an hour, the boys and Sophia left to go back to their house.

That left just Louis, Harry and Tobias. Harry was snoring on Louis' chest an Tobias was wiggling in his crib.

Everything was calm and quiet until Tobias let out a loud scream that turned into crying. "Shit" Louis gasped, carefully pushing Harry's head gently off his chest and onto his pillow.

He picked up Tobias who was still wailing. "Shh. What do you want? Are you smelly?" He asked and smelled his bum through his baby grow. "Yes. Very smelly" Louis said and walked over to the baby changing station where there were newborn babies and the hospital had given them.

He laid him down and unbuttoned the baby grow. Tobias was still crying as he took away the soiled diaper and put cream to sooth him. He put a fresh diaper on and put the baby grow back on and swaddled him.

He watched as Tobias' face relaxed and his eyes looked up at Louis. He smiled and kissed the baby's nose. "My special little man, my baby" he whispered as he picked him up and patted his back. When he turned around, he saw Harry smiling at him lazily.

"You are a great dad" he whispered and held his arms out for Tobias.

"You're going to be better." He replied and kissed his lips.

"Don't say that, sunshine" Harry mumbled.

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