Chapter 43

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A lot of things can happen in a month. For example, a bands music can sky rocket, Liam had proposed to Sophia, Niall had been in a steady relationship with a girl called Amber for four weeks which is a new record and Louis can also leave Harry on a whim.

He claimed that even though Tobias will be his only biological son, the stress of management, waking up at disgusting hours of the night to feed his baby and having to stay in a long term relationship got to him.

He fled back to Doncaster from Holmes Chapel, leaving only a note saying he needed time. He wasn't dumping him, just leaving him . . . For a while. But what's the difference?

When Harry saw the note, he fell to the floor with his head in his hands as Tobias cried in his crib. "It's okay, dada has you" he soothed as he cried which only caused Tobias to scream louder.

Since then, Harry hasn't been his normal self. He ignored his friends and family and it was just Tobias and him. The only time he left the house was to walk down the gravel gates to hand a guard his shopping list to get food and diapers for Tobias.

Since then, Harry would be in such deep thought about what he could have possibly done to scare off his fiancé. He blamed himself for Louis leaving. He looked at the ring that was still on his finger, he couldn't bare the thought of taking it off. He didn't change the bed sheets, he didn't clean Louis' tea cup on the side of the bed, he didn't take out the trash since Louis' used condom was in there. God, that only made him feel even more disgusting.

Did he leave because Harry hadn't lost the baby fat? Or just because he became too much of a house wife?

He looked up at the picture of the three of them on the wall and stood up, frowning at the photo and something snapped inside of him. He shouldn't be sat on the floor of the hallway, crying about Louis. He should be making himself happy by being with his baby and losing the baby fat. He put on his tracksuit and grabbed the baby carrier and Tobias' bag.

Toby was waking up from his nap, looking up at his dad who looked down at him fondly, swaying on his feet and walking to the sofa for a while. Tobias watched as Harry opened his mouth and began singing to him, smiling as he did so.

Tobias grabbed a handful of Harry's shirt and then, his whole, tiny face lit up as a toothless smile covered his cheeks. As bad as it sounds, Harry almost dropped him. "Oh, baby boy. That is s-so beautiful" he whispered, pulling him upwards and kissing his cheek and then his forehead as Tobias continued smiling.

He immediately pulled out his phone and snapped a picture, pulling silly faces at him so he would continue beaming. He went straight to twitter and tweeted the picture which went viral. Tobias' eyes were still blue which means that he most likely had blue eyes like his other father. Until Louis came back, he wouldn't know how to react.

He held Toby so they were face to face and played with him, throwing him up and catching him. Tobias could already hold his head up without help, but only for short times. "I am so proud of you, my little pumpkin" Harry cooed but then put Tobias on his legs as his phone rang.

"Hello?" He said.

"He smiled!" Jay squealed. Harry forced a laugh and hummed.

"Mhm. Isn't it beautiful?" He chuckled and cradled his head in his huge hand.

"Oh, Harry. It's beautiful" she smiled. "I'm going to take this moment to apologise for Louis' behaviour. He is going through a rough time at the moment. We all are" she said sadly. Harry frowned. Why couldn't he help Louis with that?

"Oh, well thats fine. I have to get going so. . . bye" he said and hung up immediately, trying to breath regularly as the baby on his lap kicked his feet and hands. "Lets get you to Grandma's" He said and put Toby into his car seat, hopping into the front seat and driving towards his mothers house as Tobias gurgled to himself which was one of his new talents as well as smiling. Louis was missing all this progression his son was making.

His mother didn't know that Louis had left him and to be honest, he didn't feel like explaining it and having to repeat himself when his mother asked him again just to be sure or if she didn't understand what he was talking about so instead, he said that he had gone to see some friends in Doncaster. She took Tobias with open arms and let Harry leave his car in her drive so he could go for his run.

He paced his steps evenly and ran back to her house, using the shower before he left. He was doing anything he could to get his mind away from Louis. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed when he could grab a handful, he stared longer, feeling his emotions get the better of him. From downstairs, he could hear Tobias wailing and his mother shouting for him. He could hear Gemma's music from down the hall and her singing along with it. Robin's football was on and he was shouting at the screen. All the sounds mixed to one, as well as his exhausted and hungry body was too much to handle so he clumsily threw on his clothes and ran downstairs, taking Tobias from his mother and the bag with him.

He couldn't handle it anymore and he needed a break. He couldn't stop the tears that fell and before he could register anything, he was driving up to Doncaster with a fussy and wailing baby in the back seat. He couldn't think, Tobias was fine. He was full of milk, he was clean and he didn't need his nappy changing. There was no valid reason as to why he was crying. He was healthy and no matter who he got held by in the Twist household, he would not stop fussing which only made Harry cry harder.

It was all becoming way too much.

He found himself outside Jay's house where he knew Louis was with Tobias in his hands, his bag on the floor and tears continuously streaming down his cheeks as he heaved with sobs. He rang the doorbell and waited until Louis swung open the door. He looked well rested and almost happier but it dropped when he saw Harry stood with tears that had soaked his cheeks and a baby that was crying too.

"P-please, take him for a while. I can't cope anymore. I-I will b-be back, just please take him for a day or two" he begged. Louis was more than shocked. This wasn't the Harry he had left. The Harry he had left wasn't the same man who was having a complete mental breakdown on his doorstep. Louis quickly too Tobias from him, picking the bag from the floor and kicking it behind him.

In the matter of moments, Tobias was relaxed and calm in his arms as Harry marched from the house and back into his car. He felt awful for dumping the baby on him but he couldn't cope, a minute or so later and he would have been taking himself to the hospital. All he needs is a long, long sleep.

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