Chapter 11

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"Y-you can't, you really like her" Louis gasped.

"I like you more" Harry whispered. Louis shut his mouth, staring wide eyed at Harry.

"No, n-no. Harry, you can't I-I got in the way. You are just pitying me" Louis argued. "You th-think you like me. Bethany is better than me, sh-she is clever a-and a doctor. H-Harry, she can give you ch-children" Louis said brokenly.

"Louis, please. I've thought about this for weeks, I have argued with myself for weeks about you and Bethany. A-and, even if we get to the part of where we want kids, we can always adopt or get someone to be a surrogate for us" Harry whispered, Louis still in Harry's lap. Louis sniffled and reached up, throwing his arms around Harry's neck and stuffing his face into he junction of where his neck meets his collar.

They stayed in that position for a while before Louis spoke up. "I don't think I'll be able to sing moments and little things tomorrow. They are slow and emotional a-and I-I-I" Louis rambled, his breathing getting quicker.

"I told you, I will sit next to you and hold your hand when you sing. I told you that I am here and I always will be" Harry whispered. He felt Louis nod and sigh heavily.

"Thank you," Louis whispered. Harry nodded and clutched him to his chest.


They all took their places on the stage to begin little things. Liam was chatting to the crowd of Manchester as Louis sat, bringing the bottle if water to his lips as his hand shook. Harry sat next to him, pressing a kiss to his temple.

The girls who saw the small interaction screamed and held their cameras up which got Niall's attention, he rose his microphone to his lips, interrupting Liam's speech. "God guys, stop flirting" He laughed.

The camera went to the pair, Louis smiled and hid his face in Harry's shoulder who put his arm around Louis' waist. "You can do this, honey" Harry whispered. Louis nodded and listened as Liam introduced Moments.

Liam's voice rang around the stadium as the song began. Louis looked at Harry who was rubbing his hip as he started singing. "If we could only have this life for one more day, if we could only turn back time" Harry sang, looking out at the stadium.

Louis thought he looked beautiful.

All four of the boys started singing, Louis was shaky but he had Harry by his side to guide him through the song. Niall's solo began and Louis was breathing deeply to fight away the ball of emotions he felt in his chest.

"Hands are silent, voice is numb, try to scream out my lungs. Makes this harder and the tears stream down my face" he sings, his voice cracked twice but Harry smiled and sang his solo, pulling Louis into his side harder, the crowd awed as Niall sang Zayn's solo.

"Well done, baby" Harry said, his microphone away from his lips. Louis smiles weakly up at Harry before they sang the chorus again. The song finished and all four of them started to stand up.

Louis tugged at Harry's shirt as they stood up. He looked at Louis who had put his microphone safely onto the floor, he then saw tears gathering in Louis' eyes and he quickly pulled him into a hug.

"Shh, Lou, you did amazing. Just focus on that and the fans around you" Harry said, rocking them forwards and back as Louis gripped onto his shirt, crying into his shoulder.

"Lou?" He heard Liam say into his microphone. The stadium had a moment of silence when they saw Niall and Liam run towards Harry and Louis. "Take him off to calm down. Niall and I will entertain the fans or something," Liam said.

Harry just nodded and started walking back up the stage with Louis tucked under his arm who was covering his face with his hands. They got off stage and the crew behind the scenes watched as Harry calmed Louis down.

"Darling, please, let me look at you" Harry whispered. Louis pulled his hands from his face, looking up at Harry's worried eyes.

"I'm sorry, I finished but Everything just dawned on me that the news isn't a nightmare" Louis whispered. Harry nodded and kissed Louis' cheek.

"I know, it's hard but the show must go on. when we get back to my house, we will watch TV together with popcorn, get your mind off it. Yeah?" Harry offered. A small smile crept onto Louis' face.

"Yeah. Thank you" he whispered. Harry nodded and pressed a kiss to Louis' lips. He waited as Lou cleaned him up and gave him a quick peck on his cheek and words of encouragement before they ran on stage, hand in hand.

The stadium cheered as they ran down the length of the stage and to Niall and Liam who were at the very end. Niall smiled at Louis who smiled back and pressed a sloppy kiss to his cheek but then realised his microphone was back where he left it.

Instead of picking it up right away, he jumped down from the stage and walked to the girls who had seen him cry close up. "Yeah, um. Sorry you had to see that girls" he said sheepishly. One girl spoke up.

"You're okay now though?" She asked. Louis smiled politely.

"Yeah, love. Just private stuff got in the way of my professional stuff" he chuckled lamely.

"Honey, we need you" Harry said into his mic, making the stadium aww and cheer. Louis blushed and gave the girls a quick group hug before having security help him onto the stage, he picked up his mic with a pout.

"I could have done that myself. Im not that small" Louis whined. "I'm not that small, am I guys?" He asked his bandmates.

"No, Louis. Just a bit little" Liam laughed.

"Ay, Niall is shorter than Louis" Harry spoke up.

"By an inch, you idiot" Niall defended himself. They all laughed along with their fans. smiling as they finished the show.

Afterwards, Louis and Harry were snuggled up on his bed. Since the stadium is in the city and Harry's parents house isn't that far from the city, they were staying there to travel to Birmingham on the bus.

Louis was scrolling through his twitter and seeing the large amount of support he had been given from the fans around the world since his episode on stage became worldwide news. He decided to fire out a quick tweet with thanks.

@Louis_Tomlinson: thanks for the incredible support ! Had a moment of weakness but had my lovely @Harry_Styles, to help. Love you all x

Harry retweeted it before skyping Bethany with Louis hiding behind him. "Hi Harry" Bethany chimed. Louis rolled his eyes as he hid behind Harry who was sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hi Bethany. Um, I want to keep this short to be honest" Harry began. He watched as Bethany frowned on the other end. "I need this relationship to end, I am so sorry but I lost feelings for you" he said. Louis bit his nails as he waited for Beth's reaction.

"I-If thats what you want." She said quietly. Harry nodded. "okay. Well, nice knowing you Harry" she snapped, hanging up right after. Harry sighed and put his laptop on the desk in the corner of his room.

"She's upset" Louis stated. Harry nodded and climbed into the bed next to Louis.

"But its well worth it. Loubear?" Harry smiled.

"Yeah?" He smiled.

"Be my boyfriend, for real?"

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