Chapter 5

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Harry helped Louis off the gondola and kept his arm securely wrapped around Louis' small frame. They walked into shops that sold the masks that Louis found fascinating but made Harry feel uncomfortable.

"Um. Lets follow everyone else and see if it takes us to the big square, whats it called. St Marco square or something like that." Louis told Harry as Harry took his hand from Louis' waist and threaded his fingers through Louis' instead.

Louis smiled as they walked up steps after steps until they found the square that was very busy. "Stay with me all the time, Lou" Harry whispered as he pulled them towards a cart that sold useless nick nacks that Louis calls 'dust collectors'.

Harry handed his money over for a selfie stick that he knew Louis would never stop taking the piss out of him for getting. Harry slotted his phone into it and held it out, putting it on the camera app. "What are we posing as for this?" Louis looked up at Harry who was already pressing down the shutter as he leaned down and pressed his lips to Louis' holding them there as Louis raised his hand and rested it under Harry's chin, moving his lips against Harry's.

Harry pulled away and pressed one lasting kiss to Louis' lips. Harry pulled his phone from the selfie stick and put it into his bag as Louis stood still, in a daze from the kiss. "Woah" he whispered and raised his hand to touch his lips. He smiled as Harry looked through all the pictures he had taken of him leaning into Louis for the kiss, searching for the perfect one for instagram.

"I think we should start heading back to the train station. I think we can get the water bus to take us there." Harry told Louis who was still smiling and swaying on his feet.

"O-okay" Louis smiled, following Harry who hadn't reached for Louis' hand again. He looked down at his phone and saw that it had given him an alert to show Harry had posted a picture.

He waited until they had gotten onto the boat to follow, like and comment. Harry watched over his shoulder as Louis typed in the emoji with heart eyes and a kissy face. "Why did you do that?" Harry frowned. Louis looked up at him and pressed the sleep button on his phone.

Louis was going to say 'because I wanted to' but instead he played it safe and said "Management and the fans would thrive off of it" Harry nodded in agreement. They sat on the boat until they got off at the train station and seeing that they had a while left, they decided to have a meal in a restaurant by the grand canal.

They ordered their meals and sat in a somewhat uncomfortable silence while they waited for their food. Louis cleared his throat and looked out at the canal as he spoke. "Did you enjoy today?" Louis asked and took a sip of his 1 litre glass full of beer. His hands were tiny looking compared to the massive glass and Harry found it adorable but he didn't say so.

"I guess. Just wish it was Bethany and I, you know?" Harry said. Louis nodded and frowned, feeling empty and small. "You?"

"Yeah, it was. . . yeah, I had fun" Louis mumbled. Not saying that he had an amazing time. Harry nodded and looked past Louis and at the food that a waiter was carrying towards them.

"Margarita Pizza?" He said, his Italian accent thick. Louis smiled and watched as the waiter put his plate down gently, staring wide eyed at the huge pizza that sat in front of him. 'Carbs' Louis thought.

"Lasagne, sir" He then said and put in front of Harry. "Buon Appetito" he said and sauntered off to other customers.

"I'm not going to be able to eat all this, Harry" Louis said, still staring down at his food.

"Well you are going to have to" Harry said, again, his tone was so cold it sent chills down Louis' back. He sighed and forced himself to eat all the food.

When they were both done, Louis wanted nothing to lay down on the floor and wait for all his food to digest and to lose the bloated feeling he was experiencing.

Instead Harry dragged Louis back to the station so they could look for the right platform to go to. Their train was already at the platform so they got onto it and since it was a two floored train, they sat at the top.

Louis groaned when he sat down, opposite Harry yet again. "Louis, that pizza was nothing" Harry grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest that made him look completely unapproachable. Louis rolled his eyes and went to lay down along the two small seats, holding onto his grumbling stomach.

"I have a small stomach. You know that Harry" Louis said and put his ear phones into his ears and shut his eyes, listening to James Bay as he drifted off to sleep.


When he woke up, he felt a pain in his ears from where Harry had ripped out his ear phones. He groaned and held his stomach as he sat up. He felt less bloated but just a bit sick now. "We are here, hurry up or else we will miss the stop" Harry ordered. Louis stood up too quick, stumbling into Harry as the train came to a stop.

"Sorry, head rush" Louis complained and blinked away the dizzy feeling. Harry held Louis steady as he sleepily walked out of the train and onto the platform. Harry and Louis managed to get back to the car in one piece even though Louis was grumbling about his tummy ache.

"Man up, Louis. Its just a stomach ache" Harry snapped. Louis ignored it as he buckled his seatbelt and rested into the chair.

Ten minutes later, Harry was pulling up into the small car park where the bus was for two nights. Louis stumbled onto the bus and went straight to his bunk, lazily slipping out of his jeans and jumper, leaving them in the main corridor of the bunks. He climbed into his bunk and snuggled under the sheets, thinking about how he had a great day but it would have been ten times better if Harry had been nicer and they were actually together.

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