Chapter 10

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Harry rang Louis' phone again, playing with the strings of his shirt. "He'll be fine, babe" Bethany said as it went straight to answer machine. Harry groaned and stood up, deciding to call Liam instead. George had left not long after Louis made his exit.

Before he could find Liam's name in his contacts, he was calling Harry. "Hello? Please tell me your with Louis" Harry whined.

"He's with Sophia and I. He's really upset but I can't tell you why, he'll tell you when he is ready" Liam whispered. Harry frowned and marched out of the room.

"What is he hiding from me that is so important that he can tell you and Niall but not me? Its fucking ridiculous!" Harry shouted.

"Haz, I am serious on this. He will tell you in his own time" Liam sighed. Harry could hear rustling on the other side of the line. "It's Harry, Lou. Do you want to to back to his house?" Liam asked.

"Harry, I've been called into the hospital. I'll talk to you later" Bethany said in a rush. Harry nodded as she ran out of the house.

"We are coming back to yours. See you in about an hour or so, Harry" Liam said. Harry let out a sigh of relief and said a quiet 'okay' back.

An hour later, Louis, Liam and Sophia were at the door. Anne had opened it for them all and led the, to where Harry was sitting. Harry looked over at his friends, Liam had his arm around Louis' tiny frame as Louis chewed on the sleeves of his sweater, his eyes red and glassy from where he had been crying.

"Lou!" Harry gasped and jumped up, pulling him from Liam's grip. Louis didn't make any effort to hug Harry back, he had gone back into his 'numb' stage of not doing or saying much.

"I need to tell you something," Louis croaked. Harry pulled away from Louis and looked down at him, a frown present.

"Okay, sit down. I'll get you something to eat, what do you want?" Harry asked.

"Ice cream" Louis whispered. He asked Sophia and Liam if they wanted something but they decided to get it themselves, giving Louis and Harry some privacy.

Harry came back with a bowl of ice cream, the flavours being chocolate, Vanilla and extra strawberry because he knew Louis loved it. He sat next to Louis on the sofa, handing him the food and watching as Louis scooped some into his mouth before speaking.

"Um, I-I haven't told you until now because I kn-knew you would be harder to tell" Louis said, fidgeting and not keeping still, part of his ADHD showing. Harry nodded and held his cup of tea in his hands.

"Okay" Harry whispered. Louis looked up at Harry, tears gathering in his eyes as he ate another bit of ice cream.

"Before we went to I-Italy, my mum forced me to see a therapist as well as a doctor, for two separate things. I saw the therapist to be analysed for a mental illness that I had been showing signs of." Louis sniffled. Harry sat with on hand now over the back of the sofa, the other placing his tea on the coffee table.

"It isn't depression is it?" Harry gawked.

"No, God no" Louis said quietly. "I have ADHD. I'm sure you know what it is. I have medicine for it to keep me 'under control' in the words of my mum and the therapist." Louis said, a couple of tears falling from his eyes. Harry didn't say anything. He just leaned forwards and brushed Louis' hair from his face then moving his hand down to Louis' clothed bicep, rubbing it supportively.

"It's okay, honey" Harry whispered. Louis shook his head and opened his mouth to continue.

"It's not, Hazza. I went to the hospital for a check, something I have been pushing further away for. . . God, years" Louis said, rolling his eyes at himself. "I got tested for a gene that has r-ran through my family, jumping generation after generation." Louis said, tears dripping down his face as he voice got higher and more strained. Harry shuffled closer to Louis, taking the spoon Louis was holding.

"Shh, Lou." Harry whispered, rubbing Louis' sweater.

"The gene is one out of one hundred, Harry, and I got the tiny number one." Louis said, staring into his bowl like he still didn't believe it.

"What Louis? What is it?" Harry mumbled. Louis looked up as Harry, a sob escaping his throat.

"I-I ca-can't have kids. I am in-infertile" Louis cried. Harry froze, surely this is some sick joke.

"No. Th-thats not true" Harry gasped.

"I-I wish this was a joke, Harry. There is a one in a million chance I can have my own biological baby but its rare" Louis sobbed, putting his melted bowl of ice cream on the table and bringing his knees to his chest and wrapping his arms around his legs, sobbing into his knees.

"Louis" Harry whispered and pulled Louis onto his lap, letting Louis cry loudly into his neck. Harry didn't say anything because what could he say to make this any better? He just held Louis as he cried, letting his cry until he started to calm down. "Look at me sweetheart" Harry whispered.

Louis sniffled and looked up at Harry who used his shirtsleeve to wipe away Louis' silent tears. "I am here, Lou. I am so, so sorry this happened to you" he whispered. "I spoke to George and we settled on looking for houses to buy, just me and you and we are going to sort ourselves out from then onwards" Harry said. Louis nodded and put his sweater pawed hand on Harry's cheek.

"I'm sorry I hid this from you" Louis whispered. Harry shook his head and put a slender finger to his lips.

"I fully understand, darling." Harry whispered. He watched as Louis tilted his face, looking up at Harry, looking incredibly innocent. Harry leaned forwards, feeling Louis' lips touch his.

He pressed their lips together harder, feeling Louis kiss back. this kiss felt identical to the one back at the airport, butterflies tickling their tummies and leaving them dizzy. They pulled away, Louis looking up at Harry, making him know the answer to what he had been asking himself the last few weeks.

"I'm going to break up with Bethany."

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