Chapter 27

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"Harry! Wake up" Louis whispered, shaking his boyfriend as another clap of thunder echoed through the house. He felt awful for waking us his boyfriend who at twelve weeks pregnant was beginning to feel the pregnancy from being tired and having intense mood swings at every one.

Harry moaned and slowly woke up, flinching when he heard a thunder clap in the distance. His eyes flickered open when he remembered why Louis was so terrified of thunder storms which is one of the main reasons they were planning to go back to England for a year, they aren't as common back at home. He pulled Louis to his side and rubbed the quivering boys back as the storm continued.

When there was one loud bang as the storm passed over their house, Harry began singing softly to Louis to get his mind off of it. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine go away." he sang over and over until the storm got further away.

"Sorry for waking you up" Louis sniffled, wiping his face with his eyes. Harry just leaned up and pressed his lips to Louis' for a sweet peck.

"It's fine, I fully understand why you woke me up" He smiled sweetly and pushed down the sheets to reveal his bare legs that were perfectly shaven. Louis ran his hands up and down his thigh in the least sexual way possible. He frowned and thought back to when they had first began the friends with benefits fling.

"Babe?" he began, running his hand over Harry's knee. Harry looked at him and nodded. "Remember when we first had sex, like the very first time in the bus?" he asked. Harry sat up, placing a hand over his bump in a protective kind of motion. He looked at the outline of Louis in the dark.

"Why are you bringing this up? That was months ago" Harry replied in astonishment.

"Because I remember seeing those cuts on your legs and it's just you said that you would tell me about them but you never did" Louis replied. Harry tensed and leaned back against his pillow, flicking on the lamp by the side of his bed.

"It was way before I met you or the boys. I was fourteen but it carried on until I was sixteen, I got therapy when I was sixteen before I went onto the xfactor because I had finally realised I had a problem and I thought that no one would want to have a contestant when they could snap at any second" Louis frowned at Harry's words.

"You don't have to continue" Louis tried.

"But I want to, Louis." He snapped. "Sorry," he whispered. "Um, I was just realising my sexuality. But I was so confused because all I knew back then was being bisexual or Gay but I just knew that I wasn't Bi. but during this time was when my mum and dad were divorcing a-and I know that I shouldn't of taken it so badly but I did and I didn't want to. On top of that, I had boys bullying me for being too 'gay'" He said, his hormones making him sniffle. If he wasn't pregnant, he wouldn't of cried whilst telling this story.

"Shush," Louis whispered, stroking Harry's leg.

"Um, yeah. I was too gay for their liking which made me angry because I knew I wasn't gay but I also knew I wasn't bisexual. My grades were dropping and I tried so fucking hard to bring them up to please my mum who was still miserable from the divorce, to please Gemma who had broken up with her boyfriend of three years and to please my dad who was in the process of moving out. I just felt invisible and alone at that age so I resulted to... you know" Harry said. Louis nodded and kissed his forehead. "I just don't want Peanut going through that. I want he or she to know that I will always be there for him or her." Harry whispered.

"And we will be. Peanut will know that he or she can talk to us about anything, and I am so sorry I couldn't be there for you" Louis whispered sadly.

"You didn't know me back then" Harry said, wiping his hands over his face.

"I would have found you and held your tiny little self until you felt better" Louis whispered and lay on his back, pulling Harry to his chest and kissing his curls. "I'll be here for you even though its been 7 years" Louis said in the quiet, leaning over Harry to turn off the lamp Harry had left on.

"Thank you" Harry sniffled and kissed Louis' bare chest.


"So, last scan with me then" Angelina said sadly. Harry and Louis nodded sadly as her answer. "Well, it's been lovely scanning you and I am delighted to be able to tell you what gender your baby is" she smiled.

"Thank you for everything, Angelina. You have been amazing" Harry said softly. She blushed and waited for Harry to pull up his shirt as she got the gel out.

"It's been no problem. You have to tell me when baby is born and how you are for the whole pregnancy, both of you" she smiled and looked at both men.

"We will" Louis said kindly as she got the wand and ran over Harry's stomach with it.

"So, baby's organs will almost be fully formed and he or she is moving around. Don't worry about not being able to feel it because he or she has a lot of room to move around. As they grow, you will feel it more." She said as she looked at them.

"When do we get to know the gender?" Harry asked impatiently.

"Harry" Louis said in a warning tone. Angelina chuckled and moved the wand around Harry's torso again.

"If I can get the right angle then I will be able to tell, he or she is just a bit wiggly at the moment." She frowned and changed the angle. "There we go" she whispered, smiling at the screen. "Congratulations, it's a boy" she squealed.

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