Chapter 29

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"That's what makes you beautiful" Harry sang, looking over at Louis who was waving to fans as he held his stomach protectively. He was in his second trimester now and he knew that he had to start taking it slow but there was thirty shows to do in the space of three months before the American leg was over.

Of course he felt awful for not being able to be at the British shows but his baby and his own health came before everything.

Since they had found out that Harry was pregnant in March, that meant the due date was estimated to be in November or December but baby Tobias was being born two weeks early.

It's May right now and Harry will be in his third trimester by September.

Harry sat down on one of the benches on the stage for through the dark. Arrangements had been made so that all the boys were sat down as they sang some of the songs so Harry wasn't put under too much pressure.

He looked out to the crowd and saw signs saying 'congratulations Larry' with a blue pacifier next to the words and 'what's the name?' To which Harry put one finger over his mouth and then blew a kiss to that one fan.

Three songs had passed and now 'best song ever' had begun. Harry danced around as much as he could and went to see all the fans around the stage.

"Thank you, you have been absolutely amazing and we love you, we hope to see you again soon" Harry shouted into his mic and jogged down the stage with his mic in one hand and his hand over his stomach.

They got off stage, Harry was gathering his breath as Liam and Louis continued to mess around. Niall was handing his guitar to one of the music tech's as Harry searched for somewhere to sit down. He shouldn't of ran up the stage.

"Harry? Are you okay?" He heard Liam ask. He looks up and nodded pointing to a bottle of water.

"Yeah, yeah. Just tired" He frowned. Louis sat next to him and rubbed his back sympathetically. "Can we go now?" He asked them since they were going back to the bus.

They all nodded, Liam and Louis helping him stand up and take him to the bus as Niall opened the doors for the three. They got to the bus and left Louis and Harry in the bunk be corridor so he could help Harry undress.

"Goodnight princess." Louis whispered and pecked his cheek before sitting in the lounge area with the band and Liam and Niall. "He is absolutely shattered" Louis said as he sat down next to Niall.

"Well it's to be expected if he is doing a show almost everyday whilst carrying. You would think management would give us some more time off" Liam replied, some of the band nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, well that's management." Niall sighed and went back to texting. Louis sighed and rested his head against Niall's shoulder but found it uncomfortable so he ended up lying with his head in his lap.

"Did you hear about that fan who punched another because of someone who took that water bottle Harry threw at them" Sandy laughed. Josh chuckled as he stood up and stretched.

"I'm tired. I'm going to bed" he said. Everyone nodded and said goodnight, the rest of them soon followed them out.

"Do you think Harry will be alright?" Louis asked Liam. He looked up from his phone and frowned.

"Why wouldn't he be?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'm just overthinking and I'm scared Liam. I'm terrified" he whispered.

Liam put his phone in his pocket and looked at him. "Why though. You are so lucky." Liam frowned.

"I just. . . this pregnancy was so unexpected and I don't think I'm going to be a great dad. It's happened way too early and at the wrong time" Louis whispered, his voice cracking as he spoke.

"Lou, it may not be the best timing but you are beyond lucky considering that you were classed infertile." He said seriously.

"I know, I'm sorry. I-I just am worried for his and pumpkins health. I-I don't want to seem ungrateful or anything" he sighed. "I'm not ready to be a dad though" he sniffled. Liam looked at him sympathetically and stood up.

"Louis. Don't ever doubt yourself. You will be a fantastic father, Harry will be fine and so will pumpkin. Go to sleep before your thoughts make you go mad" Liam chuckled and kissed Louis' head friendly.

"Thanks Liam. Love you" he mumbled.

"Love you too, Lou" Liam smiled and walked to the toilet, leaving Louis on his own.


Harry came out of the bunk corridor, wiping the drool on the side of his mouth away with his hand. "Harry!" He heard and saw Louis sat at the small table with toast and milk. Harry thought he looked adorable with his oversized jumper on and his hair all knotty and unkept. Louis stood up and went to hug him.

Harry hugged him back and kissed his forehead. "Morning sunshine" he smiled, his voice croaky.

"Hi" Louis squealed and peppered his face with kisses.

"You are incredibly happy this morning" Harry chuckled as he kissed his hair again and again. "I feel like you are the girl in our relationship" he said. Louis gasped and looked up at him.

"What are you saying? I am tough and manly and you are pregnant, I'm not" Louis sassed.

"I feel like I have to agree with Harry, Lou" Niall laughed.

"Why" he whined. Harry chuckled.

"Because I'm taller and treat you like a girl" Harry replied and pulled away to get himself breakfast.

"Yeah, you'll be saying that when I'm fucking you into the mattress, girlfriend"

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