Chapter 14

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(A/N. Obviously written WAY WAY WAY before the Zerrie engagement was called off so don't tell me they broke up. Okay, enjoy this part)

Louis looked up at Harry as they walked off their bus and into the stadium. "Was I rude to her? I was rude, I didn't mean to be" he asked Harry.

Harry put his arm around Louis' shoulder, bringing him close to his side. "You were a little but you can't help it, we just forgot your meds" he said and pressed a kiss to the side of his head.

Louis sighed heavily and waved at the fans the four of them were walking past. They screamed and waved back. Niall and Louis stayed behind to take pictures with the fans as Harry and Liam walked towards the dressing room.

The pair joked but got cut off by Harry's phone ringing. He looked at the caller ID and almost choked on his own spit. "It's Zayn" he choked out. Liam's head snapped up and he ran to Harry's side.

"Put it on speaker" he told him. Harry nodded and answered the call.

"Um. . . hello" he said hesitantly. Liam elbowed Harry with a smirk. "Uhm, ello" he whispered, mocking Harry. Harry smirked as Zayn started speaking.

"Hi Harry. Um, I was wondering if, well, Pez and I are in Birmingham and we were wondering if we could, like, drop in to see you lads" Zayn said slowly. Harry sighed heavily and looked at Liam who just shrugged.

"Louis would go mental" Harry mumbled. Liam began speaking before Zayn interrupted him unintentionally.

"That's the main reason I was coming. I mean, fix things with him." He said hesitantly. Liam nodded slowly at Harry, telling him to say yes.

"Ugh, fine. But if shit hits the fan with Louis then it isn't my fault. Where are you now?" Harry asked as Niall walked into the dressing room.

"Where's Lou?" Liam asked him.

"Toilet" Niall replied, eyeing Harry's phone. "Zayn?" He gasped. They nodded.

"Ni? Niall." Zayn said from the speaker. Harry groaned.

"Tell me where you are so Louis doesn't come in with me on the phone to you" Harry snapped. Niall's eyebrows looked like they would fly off his forehead as Liam held back a cackle.

"I'm in the car park" he said. Harry stood up and went to walk out of the stadium to where Perrie and Zayn were waiting, hiding from the fans.

Fifteen minutes later, Harry was walking up to their car, looking like a man on a mission with his ray-bans over his eyes to shade the sun from getting into his eyes. Zayn and Perrie got out of the car, walking towards him.

"Niall and Liam aren't too bothered about you being here, Louis has no clue and security don't either. Are you staying for the show or...?" Harry said quickly, motioning them to follow him.

"Uh, I think we are" Perrie answered. Zayn nodded and rubbed his hand over his shaved head.

"Okay" Harry replied. They walked in silence until they got to the dressing room. "Wait here?" Harry told them as he walked into the changing room.

"Harry! Where were you?" Louis asked, running up to Harry and hugging him. Harry smiled and kissed his forehead.

"I had to meet some people. They are waiting outside and to be honest, I'm worried you might hate me afterwards." Harry said, biting his lip as Louis frowned, walking to the door.

Niall, Liam and Harry watched as he flung the door open, watching him freeze when he laid his eyes on Zayn and Perrie. "Hi" Zayn said quietly as Louis put his hands over his mouth. Perrie backed away to give them some room.

For everyone around them, the seconds went past like they were minutes. Everyone's eyes, including the boys' team, were on the two. No one was prepared for what happened next. Louis flung himself at Zayn, enveloping his arms around him and literally squeezing the younger lad.

Perrie's jaw had dropped, along with Liam and Niall's as well as some of the team. They were all expecting Louis to shout, scream and blame whoever he could but instead, he was clinging onto Zayn like a koala.

Harry watched with a proud stare as Louis and Zayn hugged in the doorway of the dressing room. Niall cheered loudly as he ran over to the pair and threw himself at the two, joining in on their hug.

Liam laughed as Harry joined in too, pressing his lips to Louis' head and putting his long arms around them so his hands were on Zayn and Niall's back as his front was pressed against Louis' back. Liam ended up joining in on the hug, causing them all to fall onto the floor in a heap.

"Ugh, I'm being squashed" Zayn cried from underneath them all. Harry chuckled and snuggled into them all, unaware of Perrie taking a picture of the reunion.

"This is going to instagram" she said as she tapped on her phone. Harry was the first to stand up, untangling himself from the pile of limbs.

"Come on, lads. Stand up" he ordered. A couple of moans came from the pile as Niall stood up. Louis was the next one to stand up, looking around for Harry and then walking up to him and leaning into his chest.

"So proud of you, sunshine" Harry whispered. Louis tucked his head further into Harry's chest.

"Thank you" he whispered back. Putting his arms around Harry's waist.

"It is real then?" Perrie gasped as Louis leaned up and kissed Harry's jaw line.

"Disgustingly so" Liam replied, rolling his eyes as he helped Zayn Stand up from the floor. Zayn and Perrie laughed, telling the band that they were going to their seats.

They sat around for a while, waiting for the opening acts to finish. In the mean time, Harry was on Twitter, looking at the damage Perrie had done by uploading that picture. Fans were demanding an explanation, getting #directionerswantexplanation trending where others assumed Zayn was back in the band.

Harry rolled his eyes as he composed a tweet.

@Harry_Styles: came for a visit

And thats all he wrote, sadly disappointing the fans and giving them an explanation in the most cryptic way he could. Louis ran to where Harry was sitting, jumping on to Harry's lap to face him. Harry sat forwards a bit so Louis could hook his ankles around his back.

"Kiss me" Louis demanded, causing Harry to smash his lips against Louis' sucking on his bottom lip as they broke the kiss but then joined again. A moan escaped Louis' lips as Harry nibbled at his lip, slipping his tongue into Louis' mouth.

"God, you are" Harry said, kissing him before finishing his sentence "so irresistible". Louis pulled away, his eyes slightly glassy and his lips bright red and shiny from saliva.

"You're so beautiful, I'm so lucky" Louis whispered, brushing some of Harry's hair away from his face. He blushed and looked down, focusing on Louis' collarbones instead of his eyes.

"I'm actually grateful that management made us date. The one good thing they have done for us" Harry whispered. Louis smiled and pecked Harrys lips just as Liam walked in.

"Showtime, bo- fuck! No, not sex. Niall!" Liam whined, walking away as Niall walked in, huffing.

"Liam, that is not sex. They are fully clothed. you have had sex, you should know the difference from one sitting on a lap from one being shagged into the carpet" Niall said in a posh accent. Louis laughed as he stood up from Harry, walking to Niall and slinging an arm around him.

"Why thank you, Nialler. And yeah, Lima bean. Get your facts right" Louis joked. Liam turned red as Harry took his microphone from the box.

"Don't worry, Li. We will put a sign on the door when we decide to fuck" Harry laughed, making Liam and Niall snort as Louis turned red.

They all laughed as they stood on the platform to rise them up to the stage, the music booming around the stadium and the screams erupting from the fans throats as the doors opened, making Harry begin singing with Zayn and Perrie watching from the VIP box.

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