Chapter 26

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"Money, money, money. Must be funny. In a rich mans world" Harry sang as Mama Mia played on the TV. Louis had gone out an hour ago clubbing with his friends so this was how Harry was spending his night.

Gemma was on Skype an was watching Mama Mia with him but on her own TV. They had pressed play at the same time so they were watching the same thing and the same time.

Gemma had her popcorn and Harry had his tub of peanut butter and apple slices. "Gem. I think I'm getting fat" Harry said, interrupting the song as he looked down at his thighs.

"It's part of your pregnancy, Hazza. Don't worry about it" she said and took a drink of her pink lemonade. He nodded and bit his lip as he ate his apple.

"Okay" he whispered. He nodded and continued to watch the movie before his phone started ringing.

"Hello Liam" he said.

"Hey Harry. How you doing?" He said.

"Fine. Louis went out with some friends so Gemma and I are watching mama Mia through skype" Harry explained happily, wiggling his toes as he did so.

"Oh good. How's the baby?" he asked. Harry placed his hand over his stomach and rubbed it fondly.

"Perfect" he smiled. He heard Liam chuckle from the other side of the line.

"Good. Well, Richard called and said he brought the tour dates forwards. The fans who had tickets for the American legs of the tour will get in with those tickets even though the dates are wrong." Liam explained.

"Wait? Why would he do that?" Harry frowned, placing his almost empty peanut butter tub on the table.

"So the fans near the end of the tour will be able to see you up until your third trimester or whatever that is. This is what Richard told me to say." Liam replied.

Harry groaned and looked at his computer. "You alright Harry?" Gemma asked.

"Give me a minute Gem" he replied and stood up, his phone to his ear and his tub of peanut butter under his arm.

"Richard also said that when the baby is born that we will all have a year off" Liam added. Harry smiled and looked at the ultrasound they had pinned to their fridge.

"Okay. Li, if you don't mind. I'm going to say goodbye to Gem and head to bed. I'm exhausted" he whined.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot its night where you are" He gasped. Harry just chuckled, saying his goodbyes to both Gemma and Liam, shut off the TV and then ran a bath for himself.

He sunk into the water, releasing a happy sigh and rested his head against the bath tub. Both hands resting on his belly as he rubbed the forming bump while singing to himself and the bump softly.

"You're just a small bump unborn. In eight months you're brought to life. You might be left with my hair but you'll have your fathers eyes." He sang.

He skipped a couple lines of the verse and pre-chorus. "You are my one and only, you can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight. Oh, you are my one and only. You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight. And you'll be alright" he sang, tears gathering in his eyes. He stopped singing and put his hands over his face.

"You are going to be so beautiful, pumpkin. I love you so much." he whispered happily. "And daddy loves you too" he said for Louis. "He just isn't here at the moment but he will be soon"


Harry retched over the toilet as Louis walked to kneel besides him, holding his hair back for him. When he was done, Louis flushed the toilet and rubbed his back.

"Ugh" he gagged again from the taste but didn't bring anything else up.

"I know, it's horrible but it will be worth it" he said sadly at his pale boyfriend.

"I know" he whispered hoarsely. Louis sighed, hating seeing the one he love most suffering from morning sickness. "I'll make you breakfast if you want. Cereal? Or eggs and bacon"

"Anything but baked beans" he groaned but then heaved over the sink, throwing up into it. Louis rushed over to him, worry on his face. "I shouldn't think of them" Harry muttered as he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. Louis grimaced and went to turn the shower on.

"I'm going to make you breakfast but have a shower while I do" he said.

"I don't want food Louis" Harry sniffled. Louis sighed and walked over to him.

"You have to eat, Harry. For both of you. If not for you then for little Apple slice, okay?" Louis compromised. Harry smiled and nodded. He kissed his cheek and then left him in privacy.

He poured some milk into a bowl and then the cereal, putting it on the table for himself and did the same for Harry, knowing he wouldn't want a fry up.

He brewed them a cup of tea each and sat at the table, texting his mum about the tour. Their 12 week appointment was in a week ad after that, the boys go on tour again.

His head snapped up when he saw Harry walking in, his pair of black jeans on his legs and a jumper over his torso. They had to go out and buy bigger clothes for him since he had gained some weight.

"I read that when you hit twelve weeks, morning sickness won't be as bad" he told him.

"Thank fuck" Harry muttered, slapping his hand over his mouth. Louis started laughing, his laughter escalating to hysterical.

"Louis! You put my milk in first. That's not how it works!" Harry huffed and mixed the cereal around his bowl.

"Sorry, princess" Louis smirked. Harry shot him a glare but ate his food anyway. "I think Niall and this new girl he has been talking to is coming around later" Louis added.

"What's she called?" Harry asked. Louis just shrugged and finished his cereal before putting a disney movie on for him and Harry to watch.

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