Chapter 50

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to my beauty. Happy birthday to you" Harry sang as Louis woke up, Tobias was awake and in a onesie as he sat by Harry's pillow as Harry sat next to him with a cup of tea, a breakfast muffin with a candle in it and two pancakes on a tray as well as a balloon that had '80 years old, you are old' which made Louis laugh as he brushed the sleep from his eyes.

"Thank you, princess" Louis said as he sat up in bed, having the tray put on his lap and then he blew the candle out and then turned to Tobias who was giggling and playing with the bed sheets. He kissed Tobias' head and then leaned up to kiss Harry, putting his hand on his cheek and kissing him, biting his lip once.

"You're welcome. We got you some presents too" Harry said and stood up to grab something from the wardrobe. He brought back three presents. One was from Tobias where Harry had written a message and then had Tobias scribble all over it which brought tears to his eyes. He handed it to Tobias who pulled at the paper then proceeded to shove it into his mouth but Louis pulled it away from him. He looked down and saw a picture frame of Tobias' hand prints in clay and a picture of Harry and Tobias in the middle. He placed it on his lap and leaned up to Harry, wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing his jaw.

"I love it, thank you" He sniffled and pulled back, biting at his muffin and then reaching over for the second two. He saw Harry giving him a cheeky smile as he opened the box. He only saw the top of it but then covered it up with his hands, wide eyed and silent. "I, cannot believe. You. Got. This!" Louis almost shouted when he saw the picture of the a pink sparkly dildo.

"We can test it out tonight." He winked which made him burn red, hearing Tobias gurgle next to him. He just chuckled and then put the box on the floor before grabbing the last present.

"If this is just some other kinky sex toy then I am going to murder you" Louis scowled. Harry laughed and watched as he opened it. The gift was of a iPhone projector where a movie from a his phone can be projected on his screen. "Oh my God!" Louis said. "Harry! I have been wanting one of these for ages" Louis gasped.

"That's exactly why I got it" Harry laughed. "And, we have reservations at The Herb and Spice, the curry house further into town. My mum volunteered to have Toby for the day" Harry smiled and brushed some of Tobias' hair from his face.

"Thank you, I am so grateful for all this" He whispered.

"Don't be daft, sunshine. You deserve this" Harry added as Louis blushed while Tobias grabbed Harry's big hands from his head and played with his fingers, sucking on one of them. Harry grimaced and took it away which made Tobias cry, causing him to put it back in his mouth. "This is gross" He muttered as he chewed on his finger with his gums.

Louis chuckled and ate his breakfast and drank his tea before moving to take it downstairs. "Nope, stay with baby boy and I'll take this downstairs" Harry scolded. Louis chuckled and pulled Tobias to his side, making him giggle and then settle down.

Louis smiled and traced over Tobias' stomach which made him sigh happily. "Hi, baby. Are you okay?" He asked him.

"Nos, nos, nos Dahey" he told him and pointed to his nose. Louis smiled and kissed his nose.

"That is your nose, good job, darling" he smiled and tickled his belly which made him completely break out into loud cackles. "Clever, clever baby!" Louis cheered and blew raspberries onto his stomach.

Harry walked back in, laying on the bed with Louis, snapchatting the moment. "Gag, Dahey stop" He demanded. Louis pulled his hands away in shock and watched as Tobias rolled onto his belly and crawl over to Harry.

"Oh no, what have I done?!" Louis said dramatically as Harry and Tobias laughed.

They sat on the bed for the whole morning, playing about and being lazy until Louis' family came round.

"Happy Birthday!" The shouted as they walked in, making Tobias flinch in Harry's arms.

"It's okay Toby" he chuckled as he hid his face in his neck.

He opened all his presents on the sofa, he never got loads since his birthday was the day before Christmas but he didn't mind. He had his family and his fiancé and son with him in the same room.

While Tobias had his nap, they all sat on the floor and played some board games with music in the background before Tobias woke up and Anne took him back to their house after Louis' family had left.

"Ready, sunshine?" He asked Louis who was running down the stairs, tying his tie around his neck and grabbing his keys.

"Toby is going to be alright?" Louis pouted.

"Of course he will be. He is with my mum." Harry chuckled. Louis smiled and took Harry's hand in his, allowing him to walk him to the car.

Twenty minutes later, they were both sat in a booth of the Herb and Spice, ordering a curry for them both to share.

"I am so full and so happy and oh God" Louis groaned. "I'm so horny" he whispered. Harry laughed loudly and kicked his shin under the table.

"You can't just say that Lou!" He exclaimed and put his money on the table, having the waiter take it back.

They walked back to their car quickly, laughing as the paparazzi stood in front of their car, not letting them get in so instead that laughed and pressed their lips together in a hungry kiss. Harry pushed through the paparazzi and opened the back door for Louis since it would be almost impossible to get to the other side of the car.

"Let's go, go, go" he shouted drunkenly as Harry pressed down the peddle. Louis was drunk but Harry was mildly tipsy which made it okay for him to drive.

"I can't touch you" Louis whined. Harry chuckled as he drove down their drive, opening the door and  running upstairs with him in tow, throwing him on the bed and making hard, rough birthday sex to him.

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