Chapter 48

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"This one Lou Lou" Harry said as he pointed to a tree that was about his height. Louis pushed the stroller over the gravel that Tobias was in who was making gurgling noises that were effected by the gravel.

"Babe. That won't fit in the house" Louis said as he pulled a box of chopped bananas out, handing two pieces to Tobias.

"Louis, it will. It's my height" Harry huffed. Louis shook his head.

"No, it's taller than you" Louis replied, standing up to block Tobias from the paparazzi that were taking pictures not too far away.

Harry looked at the tree and sighed in defeat when he realised that Louis was right. They walked over to more trees, finally deciding on a Christmas tree that was perfect for their house.

They got it delivered to their house as Harry paid for the tree and Louis got Tobias in the car with banana all over his mouth.

"Let's go fam!" Harry shouted. Louis paused and looked at Harry, beginning to cackle at his fiancé' weird quirks. "What?"

"Please, Haz. I beg you, don't say that again" Louis laughed as they got in the car.

"What? You don't want a f-boy fiancé?" Harry asked. Louis smile at him, noticing that he had censored himself when he got in the car.

"No because f-boys are literally the chavs and idiots who think they can play with their partners and get away with it. You, darling, are not one of them" Louis replied. Harry started the car and thought it over, nodding when he realised that Louis was right. They drove home, listening to Christmas songs on the radio and hearing Tobias talking to himself in the back.

"My phone is ringing, can you answer it?" Harry asked.

"Hello, Louis Tomlinson" Louis said, making Harry snort.

"It's Zayn" Zayn said.

"Oh. How are you doing mate?" Louis asked, turning the radio down.

"Better. I'm doing better, started chemo and Perrie is with me." Zayn sighed. Louis frowned and leaned back into his seat. Zayn had told his friends and family about his cancer so everyone knew accept the fans.

"Well, we are all praying for you. Well, I know Harry is" Louis said and rested his hand on Harry's thigh, knowing he had taken the news of Zayn's cancer harder than everyone else.

"Yeah, well thank you bro. I just called to say that the cancer hasn't spread and that the doctor thinks I'm getting better. Nothing to be sure of since its so early." He sighed.

"That's good, man. It's good." Louis replied, turning to see what Tobias was screaming at.

"Is that my little monster?" Zayn laughed. Louis chuckled and reached over to put his teddy back in his car seat with him.

"That is. Do you want to come over with Perrie? We bought a tree and I want you to decorate with us." Louis said.

"Yeah, we'd love too. We will see you in a bit" Zayn replied.

"Great" Louis replied and hung up as Harry pulled down the drive. The men had already dropped the tree off and the guards had taken it into the house, they didn't need the guards anymore but management insisted until they went on tour.

Harry grabbed Tobias from the back of the car and waited for Louis to open the door. When they got in, they put Tobias in his high chair and Louis sat next to him, feeding him baby food as Harry chewed on an apple with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Baby?" Harry asked. Both Louis and Tobias looked over at him. He chuckled and adjusted Tobias' hearing aid which made him whinge and bat his hands at Harry.

"What babe?" Louis smiled as he fed Tobias.

"I had a dream last night about Natalia again. You know the girl we adopted from my other dream ages ago?" Harry asked. Louis looked up at him and nodded.

"What about her?" Louis asked and wiped Tobias' mouth.

"Dahey!" He exclaimed angrily.

"Ah ah, Tobias Elijah." Louis said sternly.

"I want to adopt a Natalia" Harry replied. Louis looked up at him in shock.

"Harry, we both want more children but now is probably the worst time. We only just got time to fit in the wedding, we aren't even having a honeymoon since we are going back on tour the day after. We had the tour and then, when the tour is over and One Direction is . . . over too, then we will adopt a baby girl. Yeah?" Louis reasoned.

"Yeah" Harry sighed, putting his unfinished apple on the counter, pausing before walking out of the kitchen.


"I'm getting the decorations" Harry shouted back. Louis sighed and continued feeding Tobias until he was done, picking him up and putting him in his walker in his playroom that separated from the living room but had glass doors where they could see that he was safe.

"Red and gold baubles." Harry mumbled to himself. Louis walked over to Tobias as Harry got the rest of the decorations out and sat in front of his walker.

"Hello" Tobias said, opening and closing his hand as he waved.

"Hello Tobias" he smiled and poked his nose. "What's this?" He asked and pointe to his nose.

"Uhh nos" he asked. Louis chuckled and nodded. "Nos, nos, nos" he crowed.

"Well done, Toby" Louis laughed and kissed his head. He stood up, leaving the babbling baby as he ran towards the door to let Zayn and Perrie in.

Perrie wasn't wearing any make up and Zayn looked very pale and gaunt. Louis tried not to show his grimace as they walked in, smiling at them forcefully.

"Toby, darling" he heard Perrie say and Zayn cheer from his playroom. Harry was carrying the last of the decorations downstairs and then welcomed them both with a hug.

They started to decorate the tree, talking and laughing with Tobias' voice in the background, repeating the only words he knew like a mantra which at the moment was only Dahey, dada, kank koo and nos. Zayn would coo when he blew bubbles with his mouth as he crawled over to them but Harry or Louis quickly carried him away so he didn't cut himself on any glass baubles he could break.

"I'm going to just have a sit down" Zayn said after a while. They looked at him sympathetically and nodded as he picked up Tobias and sat down on the sofa to play with him.

"He is getting weaker. I don't know if he will survive long after Christmas" Perrie said quietly as Zayn blew raspberries on Tobias' tummy.

She hid behind the tree and played with the branches of it to distract herself from crying until Harry came behind the tree and hugged her.

"Perrie, he will. He is strong and a fighter and he has shown that over the years." Harry soothed. She nodded and put her hands around his waist as he hugged her. "Doctors said he's getting better. This is just the side affects of the chemo most likely."

Louis gave them a quick glance, not wanting to be jealous but he couldn't help it.

When she had calmed down, she began putting the ornaments on the tree from where she hid as Harry and Louis hung the mistletoe above the doorway of the living room.

"Now, every time you walk under it, you have to kiss me" Harry told Louis who laughed and leaned up to kiss his lips.

"Okay" he chuckled and sat down next to Zayn who was holding Tobias on his chest as he was knocked out. "Sleepy baby" Louis cooed and picked him up slowly, carrying him upstairs to his bedroom for his afternoon nap.

When he came back down, Perrie was hiding her face in Zayn's chest as Zayn rubbed her back while speaking soothing words to her.

Harry cocked his head to Louis to make him follow him. "He might be dying" Harry whispered. Louis held out his arms and let him sink into his arms.

"Sweetheart. He is going to be fine" Louis frowned, not truly believing his own words. "He is going to be fine" he repeated, feeling Harry cry against his neck.

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