Chapter 1 Interstellar Miner

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       With the advancement of technology and the expansion of influence, the population is also soaring. Environmental pollution and energy shortage are adding fuel to the fire, leading to the extinction of a large number of species one after another. The earth's environment has finally No longer suitable for human survival, humans turned their attention to the vast universe. Since then, humans have officially entered the interstellar age.

  But it is too difficult to find a planet as suitable for human survival as Earth in the vast expanse of space. And in the vast universe, there are many other types of alien races living, some of which are extremely malicious towards humans.

  In order to adapt to the harsh space environment and fight against the invasion of alien races, scientists have invented starships, mechas and various super offensive weapons after hundreds of years of research and repeated practice.

  In addition, scientists have also launched a genetic modification project to improve human beings' own strength. At the beginning, they integrated beast genes into human genes, allowing humans to transform into beasts. This was the first generation of transformed humans. But later it was discovered that the genes of mammals are too unstable, and the next generation is prone to malformations.

        After the failure of the first-generation genetic modification project, scientists began to think of ways to strengthen human genes. After thousands of failures, they finally successfully developed a method to strengthen human genes, allowing humans to finally stand firm in the interstellar world. He stood up and established an empire belonging to mankind.


  Year 1552 of the interstellar calendar.

  Kurta Star.

  This is a desolate planet, with loess soil everywhere, very strong winds and sand, and extremely cold temperatures. But this is actually a valuable resource star. Under this inconspicuous planet, there are valuable resources buried under it. The jade stone worth tens of billions of credits.

  In the dark mine, dozens of strong miners are sweating profusely while digging in the dark mine. If you look closely, you can see that there is a thin young man among them.

  The young man's name is Lin Luo. He is a descendant of the first generation of modified humans. He has beast genes in his body, which allows him to transform his body into beasts at will. At this moment, he has turned his hands into beast claws, and his movements of digging up earth and rocks are very neat. No less impressive than the miners around him. 

       The boy was very lucky. He soon dug out a jadeite the size of a fist. He carefully put the jadeite into a cart next to him. There were already more than a dozen pieces of jadeite piled inside. Each piece can be exchanged for one hundred credit points.

  Jadeite is a very special cosmic mineral. Under the hard weathered stone layer is a special crystal that contains huge amounts of energy. A small piece of it can sustain the operating energy of a mecha for nearly three days, so it is of little value. Fei. Nowadays, mechas, spaceships, weapons, and equipment are all inseparable from energy. Energy has gradually become the scarcest resource for humans. Even superpowers who awaken special powers after stimulating special genes cannot do without it. The energy liquid extracted from this energy crystal.

  Jadeite was originally called energy stone, but later people discovered that the characteristics of this energy stone are basically very similar to the jadeite from the ancient earth period, so people started to use jadeite to refer to this energy stone. Ore that has just been mined and has not been processed is called 'emerald stone' or 'wool material', while energy crystals wrapped in a hard stone layer are called jadeite.

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