Chapter 36 Challenge-Part 2

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      Lin Luo began to untie his second piece of wool. This piece of black and gray leather-shelled wool was relatively average in appearance. It had neither pine flowers nor python belts, and even some small cracks. It was an average condition. Next, the kind of wool that few people choose.

  Compared with Lin Luo's wool, although Chen Zhigang's piece of wool has some black ringworm on the surface, it seems to be scattered more scattered, and there are green pine flowers around it, indicating that the black ringworm has not had much impact on the interior. , but it is more worth the gamble.

       Since the piece of wool that Lin Luo wanted to cut was relatively large and the shell was relatively thick, he did not use a polishing stone this time. He directly used a chrome knife to cut off the edges of the cracks. He knew that these locks The cracks are actually just embedded skin tufts, which are only formed on the surface of the leather shell and will not cause any harm to the jadeite inside.

  Sure enough, with this knife, he cut out a layer of white mist. White mist often represents the emerald underneath, so this knife actually cut out the emerald.

  When many people began to speculate whether the outcome of this game would be reversed, there was a burst of exclamation from Chen Zhigang's side. It turned out that the white mist layer had also been wiped out from his side.

  The situation is bullish on both sides, and now the outcome has become unpredictable again.

  However, the woolen shell on Chen Zhigang's side was relatively thin, and the white mist layer was quickly wiped away, revealing the crystal clear green underneath.

  "Ice type! It's ice type!"

  "Olive green, olive green!"

  "Win, win, it seems that Mr. Chen has won!"

  However, Lin Luo was not affected by the onlookers. He calmly put on the grinding wheel and started polishing the stone.

  No matter how well Chen Zhigang's piece of wool performs now, it is useless. After all, a slight increase does not count as an increase. We have to continue to analyze it to know the real situation inside this piece of wool.

  The white mist layer on Lin Luo's side was gradually wiped away, revealing a thick and slightly bluish green color. The water head was very high, and it turned out to be a rare blue-green color.

       This kind of blue-green jadeite is translucent and the jade quality is very delicate, indicating that the energy inside is pure and there are very few impurities. It is a very good quality jadeite.

  "The water is blue and the water is green! It's soaring!"

  The crowd suddenly became excited, and even the live broadcast channel of Star Network suddenly had a large influx of people.

  Generally, few people pay attention to a competition like this at the junior level. After all, most of the players in this level are amateurs. In such a short period of time, it is easier said than done to select two betting stones that can bet on the increase.

  But in today's game, both players performed at a superb level. Not only did both jadeite bets go up, but high-quality jadeites such as ice olive green and waxy blue aqua were also produced, which can be said to be very rare.

       Especially the value of the jadeite solved by the two players this time is very similar. Before they solve all the jadeite, it is difficult to judge who wins and who loses. This situation attracts more and more people's attention. .

  Lin Luo continued to rub the stone, and after slowly rubbing out the rough outline of the jadeite, he began to change the chrome knife to cut the stone. Chen Zhigang also followed similar steps.

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