Chapter 29 Yin Ye's Test

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       The two came to the Yin's Auction House again. This time, Xing Mo did not let Lin Luo wait alone below, but took him upstairs together.

  Yin Ye's office is located on the third floor of Yin's Auction House. It is full of low-key luxury. Lin Luo followed Xing Mo, looking around curiously as he walked.

       As soon as the two of them walked to Yin Ye's office door, the door opened automatically, and Yin Ye was sitting in the office waiting for them.

  For some reason, Lin Luo felt that Yin Ye himself looked so cold and sinister when there was no communication, but his aura as a superior was still very oppressive.

  "You're here." Yin Ye noticed Lin Luo behind Xing Mo and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is this your secret weapon?"

  For a person like Yin Ye, if he wants to cooperate with Xing Mo, he naturally needs to know something about his situation, including Lin Luo.

  In addition, Lin Luo had made quite a splash on Gambling Street a few days ago, so he couldn't help but notice it.

  Xing Mo knew that Yin Ye's seemingly teasing words were actually somewhat probing. He replied calmly, "Yes, Xiao Luo is very lucky, and he is also a descendant of the first generation of reformers, with beasts in his body." Human genes and five senses are stronger than those of ordinary people."

       Yin Ye stared at the two of them with scrutinizing eyes for a while, then nodded slightly, pointed to the sofa beside him and said, "Please sit down."

  According to the information he received, Lin Luo was originally a miner on the Kurta planet. He had an extremely serious visual gene defect. He was seriously injured in an accident caused by a meteorite rain. Not only did he not die, but he recovered his eyesight as a blessing in disguise. Later, he was hired by Xing Mo as a stone betting expert.

  And Lin Luo also proved his strength in the stone betting battle a few days ago.

  "Is your name Lin Luo?" After both of them sat down, Yin Ye looked at Lin Luo.

  "Yes..." Lin Luo was called out of surprise and replied awkwardly.

  "Today's piece of violet jade must have been yours through gambling, right?"

  "Yes." Lin Luo nodded hesitantly.

  Yin Ye opened the drawer and took out a fist-sized piece of black sand leather shell wool. Then he waved to Lin Luo, "What do you think of this piece of wool?"

  Lin Luo glanced at Xing Mo subconsciously. After Xing Mo nodded, he walked to Yin Ye, picked up the piece of wool and observed it carefully.

  This piece of black ebony leather shell wool is wrapped with a black wax shell. It is said that the black ebony sand fur material with this black wax shell is easy to swell. Not to mention that there is a very obvious green python belt on the leather shell, indicating that there should be jade inside and the color is better. Therefore, judging from the appearance alone, the performance of this piece of wool is very good and it is worth taking a gamble.

       But as soon as he got the wool, Lin Luo already knew that the situation inside the wool was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. He turned the wool over and over and carefully inspected it, and finally raised his head and said to Yin Ye, "Yin Ye Sir, I don’t think this piece of wool is suitable for gambling.”

  "Oh? What should I say?"

  "The wool material of this black sand leather shell looks very good at first glance. Whether it is the outer black wax shell or the bright green python belt, it is proved that there is jade inside, but ..." Lin Luo pointed at a split next to the python belt and said, "This split is called a dislocated lock. It is located on the edge of the python belt. You can only see a faint line, but if you look carefully, you can see it. You will find that the extension direction of this crack cuts the ribbon exactly, and I think it will have a great impact on the interior."

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