Chapter 48 Change of Situation

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        It wasn't until the next morning that Lin Luo, who had had enough rest, was finally able to change back. Xing Mo felt relieved and told him what happened in the hospital yesterday.

  "Han Xinyu is also a spiritual power user? Can he also use spiritual power when gambling on stones?" Lin Luo asked in surprise.

  "Yes, but his ability should not be as special as yours." After all, no one has ever been able to see the color of the energy inside the stone through the weathered layer outside the wool like Lin Luo. This may be God's gift to Lin Luo. Luo must compensate for living in a black and white world.

  At this time, neither of them knew what was going on on StarNet because of the exposure of Lin Luo and Han Xinyu's superpower identities, so they lay in bed chatting for a while before getting up and washing up. Since they had to take a long-distance shuttle back to Kipera this morning, time was tight. They didn't have much time to go out for breakfast, so they only took two nutrient solutions to deal with it, and then prepared to go downstairs to gather.

       At this time, downstairs of the hotel, Wang Xun gathered other members of the branch and told him with a serious face, "When Xiao Luo comes down in a while, don't mention what happened on the Star Network in front of him. The association has already An emergency meeting is being held on this matter, and there should be a result soon."

       Wang Xun didn't want those slanderous remarks on Xingwang to have any negative impact on Lin Luo. In this game, Lin Luo made the most contribution. During this period, he had two physical problems, both because of the game. He was really angry that such a good young man was being slandered like this. Due to his status, he could not come forward to explain anything to Lin Luo. He could only try to say as much as possible for him in the report submitted to the association headquarters. Good words. I hope that the final result given by the association headquarters will be in favor of Lin Luo. Such a good child cannot be ruined because of this incident!

  Everyone nodded solemnly. Under the deliberate guidance of thoughtful people, the matter about Lin Luo and Han Xinyu has become more and more intense on the Star Network. Jessica's fans are like crazy, grabbing Lin Luo and Han Xinyu. They believed that their use of mental power to assist stone betting in the competition was unfair to other contestants, and they even demanded that their qualifications be disqualified.

       It's a good thing that Lin Luo didn't open a personal social platform. Those people used Han Xinyu's personal social platform as a place to vent. There were a lot of negative comments and wanton abuse, which was scary to watch. Being attacked by millions of people, for a newcomer, you can imagine what kind of blow it will cause...

  "What the hell does that Jessica mean?! You're not as skilled as others, but you still dare to say that others are opportunistic! Fortunately, I once thought she was very good!" He Kun was really angered by the comments on Star Network. If it weren't for Jie With Xika’s update, things would not have escalated into what they are now. “Xiao Luo obviously has solid basic skills! He reads e-books related to stone gambling every day and writes some summaries! He doesn’t know how to do it at all. Opportunistic people!"

  "That's right! Lin Luo and Han Xinyu's mental power is their inherent ability. Is it wrong to use their own abilities? They didn't use their mental power to do anything bad!" Zhao Xiaolei couldn't stand it and spoke. .

  "If mental power is really so useful, then Han Xinyu and Xiao Luo can go directly to the Masters now!" Xu Jian said with a sneer.

  Anyone with any brains knows that it is not cheating at all, but these people have no brains!

      When Lin Luo and the others came downstairs, they were immediately spotted by the sharp-eyed He Kun. He immediately reminded everyone in a low voice, then turned around and put on a smile for a second, "Good morning, Xiao Luo, are you feeling well? Are you still feeling uncomfortable? ?”

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