Chapter 26 The Most Advanced Elemental Liquid

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       Xing Mo took one of the water element liquids, opened the bottle cap, and drank it.

  But the strange thing is that after this 100 ml water element liquid entered his body, it was quickly absorbed by him, but the energy in it that he could mobilize was very little. Did Lin Luo even give him yesterday? That 5 ml of elemental liquid contains more energy.

  He doesn't quite understand what's going on?

  He rummaged through the box containing the elemental liquid and found a test certificate with the seal of the Energy Administration. He found that it was an intermediate water elemental liquid extracted by an intermediate energy engineer named Qi. It contained water The elemental energy purity has reached 55%, which is considered to be of above-average quality.

  Xing Mo has been taking fire elemental liquid for these years, but since he is a multi-power user and cannot mobilize a single energy, he does not know how much elemental energy can be converted into his own power after the elemental liquid enters the body. , so you can't judge based on your own feelings whether it's the elemental liquid's problem, his problem, or some other reason.

       He thought for a while, turned on the optical brain and sent a communication to his father, but no one answered, so he could only end the communication.

  At this time, he suddenly remembered that in his space button, there was a small half-tube of wood elemental liquid that Lin Luo extracted from a small piece of high-ice spinach green jade last time.

  Could it it related to Lin Luo's special ability?

  But guessing is obviously useless. He still needs to confirm it through testing. The first thing he has to do is to go to the Energy Administration website to order a multi-functional detector. This detector can not only detect the purity of the elemental liquid, but also It can also detect the energy contained in the energy liquid. Usually large families will have such a detector.

  The Xing family originally had one, but now Xing Shang has taken away this valuable detector based on his identity as an energy engineer.

  This multi-functional detector is connected to the main brain of the Energy Administration. After testing by the detector, you can get a test certificate stamped by the Energy Administration.

       Just like the Stone Gambling Association oversees all matters related to stone gambling, the Energy Administration is also responsible for supervising all energy-related matters, such as elemental liquids, energy liquids, and the qualification certification of energy engineers, etc.

  On the black market, there will be some cheap elemental liquids and energy liquids for sale, but they contain a lot of impurities, which will cause certain damage to the body or mechanical equipment. Therefore, for safety reasons, most people will only buy products with test certificates. of elemental fluids and energy fluids. Since energy is vital to the entire empire, the Energy Administration is very strict in managing all energy-related matters, so a test certificate stamped by the Energy Administration is more authoritative.

  Since Lin Luo has such ability and will become a real energy engineer sooner or later, it is necessary to purchase a multi-function detector.

  Therefore, even though the price of this multi-function detector was as high as 4.5 million credits, Xing Mo still gritted his teeth and bought it.

       After filling in the delivery address and paying, a transport ship will deliver the goods to your door soon. After all, the Energy Management Bureau is larger than the Stone Gambling Association. There are branches on all major planets, and the nearest branch will deliver the goods.

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