Chapter 3 Xing Mo

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        Lin Luo once again poured water on the cut surface where the broken jade had been wiped off. This time the exposed window was already very large, and the crystal clear green naked body was exposed. Come out and make people unable to take their eyes away.

  "Hibiscus species! It's hibiscus species!"

  Hibiscus jade has a fine texture. The energy contained in this jade is very evenly distributed, and it is easier to refine. It is a very popular one on the market, not to mention the color is very good. Pure Yang green.

  Seeing this, the consultants quickly stepped forward and took a closer look at the piece of wool with only a small half left. Although there was not much left, judging from the side that was first wiped away and showing green, it should still be possible to remove it. A lot of jadeite came out.

  "Old Li, work harder!" The old man patted Li Jun on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

  His previous judgment was indeed correct, this piece of wool can produce high-quality green! He made the right bet!

  Li Jun nodded. The outline of the jadeite had already appeared. Next, when Li Jun cut the knife, he seemed to be fast and accurate. With three or four cuts, he took out the entire jadeite inside, and then used the grinding wheel carefully. After polishing, I finally made this small piece all the emeralds the size of a child's fist were released.

  Li Jun's stone-breaking technology is very good. It can be said that this piece of jade was extracted without any waste. If you grow jade with good water and good color, even a small loss is a huge waste.

  When the beautiful green stone was carefully held in Li Jun's hand, huge cheers erupted from the surroundings, and almost everyone was discussing the priceless jadeite enthusiastically.

  There were only two people who were incompatible with this lively scene, and that was Lin Luo and the eye-catching tall man.

  That man was so eye-catching. He stood straight to the side, maintaining his usual silence, seemingly indifferent to what was happening around him. This made Lin Luo couldn't help but look at him curiously.

  It was because he couldn't distinguish the color. The beautiful green stone was just like ordinary sand and gravel on the ground. There was no difference. At most, it was more translucent than the sand and gravel. So no matter what other people praised that stone, he couldn't understand it.

  But what is the reason for this man?

  At this time, the man seemed to feel his probing gaze, and he immediately glanced over with a sharp gaze.

  Lin Luo was stunned for a moment when he faced those deep, unwavering eyes, and then showed a slightly apologetic and shy smile.

  The boy has a pair of brown cat eyes, which are round and large and look extremely clear. When his beautiful little face smiles, it is as bright as a bud blooming.

        That smile disappeared in an instant, and Xing Mo looked away with a sullen face.

  At this time, some hunchbacked old man had already taken the precious jade from Li Jun. After admiring it carefully for a while, he turned and walked towards Xing Mo.

  "Young Master Mo, this piece of hibiscus sun-green jade can at least extract 100 ml of elemental liquid and five liters of energy liquid." The old man handed the jade into Xing Mo's hands.

  Xing Mo nodded and said solemnly, "It's hard work, Mr. Gao."

  "I don't dare to take it, I don't dare to do it." Mr. Gao waved his hands repeatedly, but couldn't help but smile with joy on his face. He could get a compliment from Xing Mo, but It's not easy.

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